Unity Advertisment with Meditation not Showing Test Ads - unity3d

I just upgrade advertisement package to Advertisement with Meditation package. I used sample project scripts. In unity editor everything is OK but when i build on physical android test device i'm getting this log:
"Initialization Failed: Unknown:Some services couldn't be initialized. Look at inner exceptions to get more information."
and test ads are not showing on android device.
I couldn't figure out what it means. I did a google search but couldn't find any results.
I've already enabled test mode in editor: Services->Ads->Test mode enable
My unity version: 2019.4.16f1
Adversitement with Meditation verison:


Unity ads initialization failed: internal_error - unity ads sdk failed to initialize due to environment check failed

I'm having an error only when running on Android in unity.
This is the error:
Unity ads initialization failed: internal_error - unity ads sdk failed to initialize due to environment check failed
I used the correct keys to initialize my ads on android.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
This error is most likely due to an outdated version of the unity ads package.
Please try removing the current version you have and installing the latest through the unity package manager. Chances are you will need to update some code as there have been some breaking changes in the past.

This app includes the following 32-bit only (armeabi-v7a) libraries: Oculus Dev Hub Submission Fail

Trying to upload a .apk to the Oculus App Lab and my Upload Failed with this error:
ERROR: Validation identified the following errors:
This app includes the following 32-bit only (armeabi-v7a) libraries: libOVRLipSync.so, libmemalign16.so, libovravatarloader.so, libmain.so, libmemalign16_cpp.so, libMonoPosixHelper.so, libovrplatformloader.so, libmono-native.so, libopenxr_loader.so, libmonobdwgc-2.0.so, libunity.so, libOVRPlugin.so, libOculusXRPlugin.so
I got around this by specifically targeting the x64 architecture. In Unity I did this by Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Configuration
Change Scripting Backend to IL2CPP (Otherwise the next step is disabled)
Select ARM64 in Target Architectures

Flutter_Unity_Widget: Failure to initialize, Your hardware does not support this application

I'm trying to develop an entire screen in a flutter project using unity with Flutter_Unity_Widget.
I've followed the package installation instructions at pub.dev "https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_unity_widget"
but when I run the applications it pops up a window with some errors:
screenshot for emulator after running
E/Unity ( 5165): Failed to load 'libmain.so'
E/Unity ( 5165):
E/Unity ( 5165): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/lib/x86, /data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/base.apk!/lib/x86, /system/lib]]] couldn't find "libmain.so"
E/Unity ( 5165): Your hardware does not support this application.
and I can't handle this error.
unity: 2021.1.4f1
flutter_unity_widget: ^4.1.0
enulator: Nexus 6 API 28 android pie 9
Unity with emulator is usually painful way to develop. Try to find a real device. Because you have to export your unity as library correctly. First install to your device, then export as library. Do you have same errors with real device? Even you successfully install to your device, there is a warning with the widget you use.
Note: Supports only Unity 2019.4.3 or later. UnityFramework does not support emulator.

Inmobi Unity SDK is crashing

I am facing an issue with the Inmobi unity package with GDPR 811.
The app that I have built using the above package crashes when I try to open it. So I tried running the stack traces on the Android profiler and found that it is not able to find some UnityPlayerPro xyActivity Class. I have tried removing this class from the Android manifest but it gives build errors.
I used Unity 2019.2.0f1 version with the player settings for the Android platform as; Build Version equal to 0.1 and minimum API level as 16
I have attached a detailed bug report, which can give you more information.
Please help me out in this regard. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Bug Name: Application crashed on opening the app.
Area Path: click
Unity Version: Unity 2019.2.0f1
Build Version: 0.1
Minimum API Level
Android: 16
Environment: Android phone (Samsung Galaxy A10)
Description: Application crash on taping on the game Icon while opening it
Steps To Reproduce:
Import the Inmobi unity package with GDPR 811 into an empty project.
Add the InmobiAdsDemoUnity scene in the Build settings.
Build and run to the Android device.
Install the apk on the device.
Open the apk by tapping on it.
Main Errors caught in the stack traces.
10-30 16:24:52.769: E/AndroidRuntime(7118): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity
xyActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
USpZf9YlQynoJUyJE_N1Kg==/base.apk!/l`enter code here`ib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib]]
The exception that you are getting is due to the main unity player activity name changes in the latest versions of Unity (from 2018).
To resolve this, you would need to find the AndroidManifest.xml file in your Unity Project and replace the activity name from com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity to com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
android:name="com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity" // changes in this line
After this, you should be able to run it successfully.

BlackBerry Android Runtime ADB failed

I try to Packaging project with Android Runtime For BlackBerry I done every thing
-Simulator, ADT- for eclipse .. when i test the app i got this error :
[2013-04-13 13:16:04 - BlackBerryTest] Packaging project BlackBerryTest
[2013-04-13 13:16:11 - BlackBerryTest] Launching BlackBerry Android Runtime...
[2013-04-13 13:16:20 - BlackBerryTest] Connecting to ADB...
[2013-04-13 13:17:23 - BlackBerryTest] Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=4 Connecting to ADB failed! null children=[Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=0 Please check if the Android player was fully started when you got this error. If not, you can either increase the Android player launch timeout on the BlackBerry->BlackBerry Android Development Tools preference page or wait until the Android player is fully started and try again. null]
in the Simulator there is splash screen contain blackberry 10 logo start about 2 sec and then close and eclipse still Connecting to ADB... about a minute then I got error to connect.
Now I got this message
04-25 12:01:15.539: I/navigatorshell(17789061): no app URI, just launch AP and exit
Any Idea ?
This is usually caused by the Android Runtime taking a very long time to load, and in some cases, never actually loading.
The root cause is that the simulator is running very slowly. If you haven't already, enable virtualisation in your BIOS, this makes a massive difference to simulator performance and solved this issue for me.
There's a video about this here: http://devblog.blackberry.com/2012/08/performance-increase-blackberry-10-simulator/