BlackBerry Android Runtime ADB failed - blackberry-10

I try to Packaging project with Android Runtime For BlackBerry I done every thing
-Simulator, ADT- for eclipse .. when i test the app i got this error :
[2013-04-13 13:16:04 - BlackBerryTest] Packaging project BlackBerryTest
[2013-04-13 13:16:11 - BlackBerryTest] Launching BlackBerry Android Runtime...
[2013-04-13 13:16:20 - BlackBerryTest] Connecting to ADB...
[2013-04-13 13:17:23 - BlackBerryTest] Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=4 Connecting to ADB failed! null children=[Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=0 Please check if the Android player was fully started when you got this error. If not, you can either increase the Android player launch timeout on the BlackBerry->BlackBerry Android Development Tools preference page or wait until the Android player is fully started and try again. null]
in the Simulator there is splash screen contain blackberry 10 logo start about 2 sec and then close and eclipse still Connecting to ADB... about a minute then I got error to connect.
Now I got this message
04-25 12:01:15.539: I/navigatorshell(17789061): no app URI, just launch AP and exit
Any Idea ?

This is usually caused by the Android Runtime taking a very long time to load, and in some cases, never actually loading.
The root cause is that the simulator is running very slowly. If you haven't already, enable virtualisation in your BIOS, this makes a massive difference to simulator performance and solved this issue for me.
There's a video about this here:


what is the slution to this problem Failed to launch Pixel 2 API 30: Error: Emulator didn't connect within 60 seconds

I have a problem with the emulator; however, I have tried everything to fix it, but nothing has worked.
I created an emulator, and I did wipe its data and restart Android Studio, and HAXM is also installed.
and I'm using Flutter paltform in VS code BTW!
I did try this: adb kill-server, and VT-X is enabled and every SDK tool is installed!
and shows the following error message: Failed to launch Pixel 2 API 30: Error: Emulator didn't connect within 60 seconds

Flutter project debugging is not Run in my vivo phone

I am facing a difficult problem now. Right now I can't do a flutter debug on my real Vivo-v2020 phone device. I've tried everything possible, but I still get this error and can't debug. However, the installed app works properly.
In my device everything is okay, Developer Mode ON, USB Debugging mode also ON
Any solution to this? Please help me... This is very important for me.
Launching lib\main.dart on V2022 in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Parameter format not correct -
√ Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
Installing build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk...
I/flutter ( 4243): Observatory listening on ************************************
Actullay i faced this issue in my realme mobiles and vivo mobiles
The way i found to get out of it is.Uninstalling the debugging application using adb command-it remove application from all users and it works fine again
command: adb uninstall com.example.packagename
replace it with our package name
update to android 12 there must be resolved
I also had this problem with my vivo-v2025. But I solved the issue by following a simple step.
First, you just run the app on your phone using debug mode as usual.
Then you will see an error as shown below:
" Launching lib/main.dart on V2025 in debug mode...
✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk.
I/flutter (22675): Observatory listening on***************** "
After this, you just TERMINATE the program and start a fresh new run. The app will open. It worked in my case.
Posting an output image here .
vivo now runs flutter, update to the latest may 1st 2022 patch. You need to upgrade your device by accepting the latest update.

Flutter_Unity_Widget: Failure to initialize, Your hardware does not support this application

I'm trying to develop an entire screen in a flutter project using unity with Flutter_Unity_Widget.
I've followed the package installation instructions at ""
but when I run the applications it pops up a window with some errors:
screenshot for emulator after running
E/Unity ( 5165): Failed to load ''
E/Unity ( 5165):
E/Unity ( 5165): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/lib/x86, /data/app/com.example.flutter_unity_app-H-CtYDrgxEULJH5uT-8PqQ==/base.apk!/lib/x86, /system/lib]]] couldn't find ""
E/Unity ( 5165): Your hardware does not support this application.
and I can't handle this error.
unity: 2021.1.4f1
flutter_unity_widget: ^4.1.0
enulator: Nexus 6 API 28 android pie 9
Unity with emulator is usually painful way to develop. Try to find a real device. Because you have to export your unity as library correctly. First install to your device, then export as library. Do you have same errors with real device? Even you successfully install to your device, there is a warning with the widget you use.
Note: Supports only Unity 2019.4.3 or later. UnityFramework does not support emulator.

Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS. Failed to boot device iPhone Xs

I am getting an Error on the top of my interface builder in Xcode 10.3 and while clicking on report bug and checking the log.txt file I found out that fails to open simulator. However I am not starting any simulator.
Here is the Error found in Log.txt
Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS. (Failure reason: IBAgent-iOS failed to launch): Failed to boot device iPhone Xs (0B8270CC-2BFB-4BB6-90A5-6BA61468A1AD, iOS 12.4, Shutdown) for context <IBCocoaTouchToolLaunchContext: 0x7fe80e754ad0> toolName = IBAgent-iOS, description = <IBCocoaTouchPlatformToolDescription: 0x7fe80e2a0290> System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ElevenAndLater <IBSimulatorDeviceTypeDescription: 0x7fe80fab2f90> (Failure reason: Failed to boot iPhone Xs (0B8270CC-2BFB-4BB6-90A5-6BA61468A1AD, iOS 12.4, Shutdown)): Unable to boot the Simulator. (Failure reason: launchd failed to respond.)
Error Code=-1 "Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=IBAgent-iOS failed to launch, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe80ae44440 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to boot iPhone Xs (0B8270CC-2BFB-4BB6-90A5-6BA61468A1AD, iOS 12.4, Shutdown), NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to boot device iPhone Xs (0B8270CC-2BFB-4BB6-90A5-6BA61468A1AD, iOS 12.4, Shutdown) for context <IBCocoaTouchToolLaunchContext: 0x7fe80e754ad0> toolName = IBAgent-iOS, description = <IBCocoaTouchPlatformToolDescription: 0x7fe80e2a0290> System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ElevenAndLater <IBSimulatorDeviceTypeDescription: 0x7fe80fab2f90>, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe80bd300f0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=launchd failed to respond., NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to boot the Simulator.}}}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Please check for crash reports for "IBAgent-iOS" for further information., NSLocalizedDescription=Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS.}
If anyone still looking for an answer to this after Xcode 13 update, I have tried everything they mentioned on the internet and nothing worked except one. The only thing that worked is the complete re-installation of Xcode. Completely uninstall/delete Xcode first and restart the mac and reinstall Xcode then all should be good.
Delete Xcode from Applications Folder and Empty Trash.
Go to ~/Library/Developer and Delete CoreSimulator, Xcode, XCTestDevices Folder. Empty trash
Goto ~/Library/Caches and delete everything starting with, Empty trash
Then Restart your Mac and reinstall Xcode. I used my downloaded Xcode app, AppStore installation will also work, I guess.
Now it all working.
Before that, I have changed the storyboard file using Open as Source Code mode (coz I couldn't open it in Interface Builder - Xcode just hang)
I changed the storyboard design device to iPhone 13 instead of the older device version it had.
<device id="retina6_7" orientation="portrait" appearance="light"/>
I change the existing line with this line. It kinda solve another issue of Xcode hanging, when trying to open with Interface Builder, but it didn't solve Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS issue when trying to install the app. That issue only got solved when I completely reinstalled the Xcode.
I have managed to fix it just by changing preview device on interface builder
In my case it helped:
clean project
remove derived data
close Xcode
restart Mac
I used DevCleaner XC helper app:
removed everything, and after that restarted mac. No XC reinstall needed.
This problem caused because, I deleted all directories under "Library/Developer/Xcode" for a purpose. But, I realised I also deleted wrong directories in same time. Then I put back directories from the Bin. It is solved for me.
If you have or have had multiple versions of Xcode open, you may need to reboot or completely re-install the CoreSimulatorService, an evil, globally installed background service that somehow remains online and available to many versions of Xcode despite it being compatible with only one version.
See more here:
Other symptoms of this issue: Simulators not showing up in the Window > Devices and Simulators listing and simctl throwing errors and being unable to find base iOS SDKs similar to the following:
$ xcrun simctl list
-- Unavailable: --
iPhone 8 (55A90310-8202-4A0D-968B-00F440D42210) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
See also:
Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code
Xcode device Unavailable, runtime profile not found
In my case, I just had to set team in
Project > Targets > Signing & Capabilities > Team > Personal Team

Xamarin.iOS: Deploying to device fails with "failed to acquire command execution log"

My iOS app built in Visual Studio with a Xamarin Mac build host runs on the iOS simulator but does not deploy to the device. The Mac server log shows this:
[2013-07-30 13:28:45.7] Handling with command: [Build: CommmandUrl=Build] (20)
[2013-07-30 13:28:45.7] Attempting to acquire command execution lock, timeout set to 00:10:00
[2013-07-30 13:30:56.4] Error: Failed to acquire command execution log, the request timed out
[2013-07-30 13:30:56.4] Command [Build: CommmandUrl=Build] finished (17)
Incidentally, is that a typo in line 3 - shouldn't it read "lock" not "log"?
We are using Xamarin Studio 4.0.10 (build 7), Xamarin.iOS (Business Edition), XCode 4.6.2 (2067.2) Build 4H1003.
What is the cause of this error, and how can we get past it?
After talking with Xamarin folks I was told that a fix was included in the Beta for Xamarin.iOS 6.4.1. I switched my Xamarin Studio to the Beta Channel (via the update dialog) and am now able to deploy as before.