Laravel Backpack - Impersonate Operation - laravel-backpack

Im trying to create an impersonate operation within my user controller, I have been following this guide..
impersonate for backpack
The setupImpersonateDefaults function gets called ok but i get a 404 error, after some testing i figured out the setupImpersonateRoutes is not getting triggered
Any ideas on why?
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Operations;
use Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\CrudPanel\CrudPanelFacade as CRUD;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Session;
use Alert;
trait ImpersonateOperation
* Define which routes are needed for this operation.
* #param string $segment Name of the current entity (singular). Used as first URL segment.
* #param string $routeName Prefix of the route name.
* #param string $controller Name of the current CrudController.
protected function setupImpersonateRoutes($segment, $routeName, $controller)
Route::get($segment.'/{id}/impersonate', [
'as' => $routeName.'.impersonate',
'uses' => $controller.'#impersonate',
'operation' => 'impersonate',
* Add the default settings, buttons, etc that this operation needs.
protected function setupImpersonateDefaults()
CRUD::operation('impersonate', function () {
CRUD::operation('list', function () {
// CRUD::addButton('top', 'impersonate', 'view', 'crud::buttons.impersonate');
CRUD::addButton('line', 'impersonate', 'view', 'crud::buttons.impersonate');
* Show the view for performing the operation.
* #return Response
public function impersonate()
// prepare the fields you need to show
$this->data['crud'] = $this->crud;
$this->data['title'] = CRUD::getTitle() ?? 'Impersonate '.$this->crud->entity_name;
$entry = $this->crud->getCurrentEntry();
Alert::success('Impersonating '.$entry->name.' (id '.$entry->id.').')->flash();
// load the view
return redirect('dashboard');
// load the view
//return view('crud::operations.impersonate', $this->data);
Have tried following the guides and the routes are not getting added.

for anyone else looking at this, you need to call the route from the \routes\backpack\custom.php file, if its not called from this file it wont trigger the setupXXXRoute function

One of the official Backpack team members has created an add-on for impersonating users. You can use his add-on or get inspiration from it:


Unable to pass a specific form in the view

I have created a CRUD with Symfony 3 that allows me to create different missions with a few specificities. I want to to create a function that allows someone with a specific role to change a mission's status just by clicking a button, that would be shown in the view like this
{{form_start(missionInProgress) }}
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
{{form_end(missionInProgress) }}
Since I'm a real newbie and I can't find concrete example on Google, I tried a lot of things, but none worked so far. I tried to create a public function that would modify the mission's status when someone clicks on the input button
public function that updates the mission's status:
* #Route("/{id}/encours", name="mission_encours")
* #Security has_role('ROLE_RECRUTEUR')
* #Method("POST")
public function enCoursAction(Request $request, Mission $mission){
$form = $this->missionInProgress($mission);
if($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()){
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$mission->setStatut("En cours");
And I also tried to create a private function like the one that allows a mission to be deleted from anywhere.
**Private function that calls the public function: **
* #param Mission $mission
* #Security has_role('ROLE_RECRUTEUR')
* #return \Symfony\Component\Form\Form The form
private function missionInProgress(Mission $mission){
->setAction($this->generateUrl('mission_encours', array('id' => $mission->getId())))
Following the "createDeleteForm" example, I implemented it in the showAction as follow:
* Finds and displays a Mission entity.
* #Route("/{id}", name="mission_show")
* #Method("GET")
public function showAction(Mission $mission)
$deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($mission);
$enCours = $this->missionInProgress($mission); /* There */
return $this->render('mission/show.html.twig', array(
'mission' => $mission,
'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(),
'missionInProgress' => $enCours->createView(), /* And there */
But when I try to see the result, I get the following error:
Error: Call to a member function createView() on null
Obviously nothing gets inside missionInProgress(), but I can't figure why and how to make this damn thing work. I also don't think that everything I did was necessary, but I thought that if I do this, I might increase my success chances...
Anyone has an idea ?
Thank you in advance
Try to add returnin your missionInProgress() method

Extbase property mapping for deleted record

I would like to build a preview page for a create form. I set "deleted" property of the record to "1" when in previewAction because in the BE the list module is used to approve the inserted records - so if the record was never finally saved its deleted anyway.
Problem: I can create the record (deleted=1) - I can jump back to the form (no history back for I have to keep the created object). But if I submit again the property mapping tells me
Object of type MyModel with identity "3" not found.
Of course that's because its deleted. The settings in the Repository to ignore deleted are not taking action here.
Yes I could bypass the Extbase magic by filling up everything manually, but this is not what I want.
Here is the action to get an idea what I'm trying
* action preview
* #param MyModel
* #return void
public function previewAction(MyModel $newModel)
//check if model was already saved
$uid = $this->request->hasArgument('uid') ? this->request->getArgument('uid') : 0;
$newModel = $this->myRepository->findDeletedByUid($uid);
$this->view->assign('ad', $newModel);
$uid = $this->persistenceManager->getIdentifierByObject($newModel);
$this->view->assign('uid', $uid);
Any ideas?
The Extbase default query settings suppress deleted objects.
Since you've already stated the custom query findDeletedByUid() in your repository, you just need to set it to include deleted records. It is important, however, that if you want to call your controller action using the object, you'll have to retrieve it before calling the action. Use an initialization action for that. The initializaton will be called automatically before the action.
If you want to set wether the object is deleted, you'll also going to need to define a property, getter and setter in your Domain Model and a proper definition in your tca to enable the data mapper to access the column.
In the repository:
public function findDeletedByUid($uid) {
$query = $this->createQuery();
return $query->execute();
In your Controller class:
* initialize action previewAction
* Overrides the default initializeAction with one that can retrieve deleted objects
public function initializePreviewAction(){
if( $this->request->hasArgument('mymodel') ){
$uid = $this->request->getArgument('mymodel');
if( $mymodel = $this->mymodelRepository->findDeletedByUid($uid) ){
} else {
// handle non retrievable object here
} else {
// handle missing argument here
In your Domain Model:
* #var bool
protected $deleted;
* #return bool
public function getDeleted() {
return $this->deleted;
* #param bool $deleted
public function setDeleted($deleted) {
$this->deleted = $deleted;
In your tca.php
'deleted' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.xlf:LGL.deleted',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
Instead of doing any magic with deleted, you should use the hidden field to allow editors to preview documents.
You can tell your query to include hidden records inside the repository.
Your findDeletedByUid($uid) function caught my eye. If it's not a custom function, should it use something like findByDeleted(TRUE) or findByDeleted(1) in combination with ->getFirst() or ->findByUid()? You can find discussions in the Extbase manual reference and the Repository __call() function API sections.
Thanks for all hints.
I think depending to the answers its not possible without bypass extbase property-mapping magic. So I think in general its not a good idea to do it like that.
So I put now my own flag "stored" to the model.
In BE List-Module the not "stored" objects are still visible, but using an own BE Module or deleting the not "stored" object by a cron-job should do the job.
If anyone has a bedder idea feel free to share it :-)

How to dynamically control the validation of a form?

I've got some issues with Symfony's form validation handling. I'd like to validate a form bound to an entity based on its data. There are quite a bunch of information how to dynamically modify the form fields using FormEvents. What I'm missing on this topic is how to control/modify the validation.
My simplified use case is:
A user can add an event to a calendar.
The validation checks if there's already an event.
If there's a collision, the validation will throw an error.
The user should now be able to ignore this error/warning.
The validation is implemented as a Validator with Constraint::CLASS_CONSTRAINT as the target (as it's taking some more stuff into account).
I tried to:
Hack around the validation groups, but couldn't find access to the entity wide validators.
Hack around the FormEvents and add an extra field like "Ignore date warning".
Hack around the submit button to change it to something like "Force submit".
... but never found a working solution. Even simpler hacks with a single property based validator didn't work out. :(
Is there a Symfony way to dynamically control the validation?
Edit: My code looks like this:
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Acme\Bundle\Validator\Constraints as AcmeAssert;
* Appointment
* #ORM\Entity
* #AcmeAssert\DateIsValid
class Appointment
* #ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255)
* #var string
protected $title;
* #ORM\Column(name="date", type="date")
* #var \DateTime
protected $date;
The validator used as a service:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
* Validates the date of an appointment.
class DateIsValidValidator extends ConstraintValidator
* {#inheritdoc}
public function validate($appointment, Constraint $constraint)
if (null === $date = $appointment->getDate()) {
/* Do some magic to validate date */
if (!$valid) {
$this->context->addViolationAt('date', $constraint->message);
The corresponding Constraint class is set to target the entity class.
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
* #Annotation
class DateIsValid extends Constraint
public $message = 'The date is not valid!';
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getTargets()
return self::CLASS_CONSTRAINT;
* {#inheritdoc}
public function validatedBy()
return '';
Edit 2: Try with FormEvents... I also tried all the different events.
$form = $formFactory->createBuilder()
->add('title', 'text')
->add('date', 'date')
->addEventListener(FormEvents::WHICHONE?, function(FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
$form->getErrors(); // Is always empty as all events run before validation?
// I need something like
if (!$dateIsValid) {
Edit 3: Constraint are correctly declared. That's not the issue:
class: AcmeBundle\Validator\Constraints\DateValidator
arguments: ["#acme.other_service"]
- { name: validator.constraint_validator, alias: }
Validation is done on the entity, all Forms does is execute the Object's validations.
You can choose groups based on submitted data
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'validation_groups' => function(FormInterface $form) {
$data = $form->getData();
if (Entity\Client::TYPE_PERSON == $data->getType()) {
return array('person');
} else {
return array('company');
I have had issues when using this approach on embedded forms && cascade-validation
Edit: using flash to determine if validation must take place.
// service definition
<service id="app.form.type.callendar" class="%app.form.type.callendar.class%">
<argument type="service" id="session" />
<tag name="form.type" alias="my_callendar" />
// some controller
public function somAvtion()
$form = $this->get('app.form.type.callendar');
// In the form
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'validation_groups' => function(FormInterface $form) {
$session = $form->getSession();
if ($session->getFlashBag()->get('callendar_warning', false)) {
return array(false);
} else {
return array('Validate_callendar');
How does your user interact with the application to tell it to ignore the warning? Is there some kind of additional button?
In that case you could simply check the button used for submitting the form or add some kind of hidden field (ignore_validation) etc.
Wherever you end up getting that user input from (flash and dependency injection, based on submitted data etc.), I would then use validation groups and a closure to determine what to validate (just like juanmf explained in his answer).
RE your second approach (Form Events), you can add a priority to event listeners: As you can see in Symfony's Form Validation Event Listener, they use FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT for starting the validation process. So if you just add an event listener, it gets called before the validation listener and so no validation has happened yet.
If you add a negative priority to your listener, you should be able to also access the form validation errors:
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, function(){...}, -900);
Old question but...
I would first add a field (acceptCollision) in the form as suggested by you and other answers above.
Then you validator can do something like:
public function validate($appointment, Constraint $constraint)
if (null === $date = $appointment->getDate()) {
if ($appointment->getAcceptCollision()) {
$valid = true;
} elseif (
// Check Unicity of the date (no collision)
) {
$valid = true;
} else {
$valid = false;
if (!$valid) {
$this->context->addViolationAt('date', $constraint->message);
I think you run into a problem because you are using the wrong concept. The decision which validation should be running belongs to the controller, not the validator.
So I would simply check in the controller which submit button is pressed (or weither there is a checkbox checked) and switch validation groups. However the form should be visually different, so I would probably create 2 forms for both states (both extend a base one or one form type that use options).

An error occurred while trying to call Controller->createAction()

I am trying to create something with extbase, but the error-message I get is not very helpful. I took the blog_example extension as a guide. A (maybe) important difference is: I don't have a database table because I want to write a custom domain repository that connects to an external servive through REST.
The actual error message (displayed above the plugin, not as an exception message):
An error occurred while trying to call Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController->createAction()
Stripped down to the important parts.
class Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController
* #var Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository
protected $subscriberRepository;
* #return void
public function initializeAction()
$this->subscriberRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository');
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #dontvalidate $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function newAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber = null)
$this->view->assign('subscriber', $subscriber);
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function createAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber)
{ }
class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity
* #var string
* #dontvalidate
protected $email = '';
* #param string $email
* #return void
public function setEmail($email)
$this->email = $email;
* #return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
<f:form action="create" controller="Subscription" objectName="Subscriber" object="{subscriber}" method="post">
<f:form.textfield property="email"></f:form.textfield>
<f:form.submit value="submit"></f:form.submit>
Adding $subscriber = null removes the message. But $subscriber is null then
A var_dump($this->request->getArguments()); displays the form's fields
There is an index action, and it is also the first action defined in ext_localconf.php
The hints and solutions I found aren't working for me, so I hope someone can guide me into the right direction.
I've got the same bug.
If you pass an Model as argument to an method, it will also validate the model fields.
I've had this annotation on my model property:
* #var \string
* #validate NotEmpty
It validates the "#validate" annotation.
The field in the database was empty so i got the error message
An error occurred while trying to call ...
It would be good if there was a better error message.
You need to customize the validation annotation or verify that the property is not empty in the database
Hope it helps somebody
In addtion: check any Validations in your Model and your TCA. If a field is marked as #validate NotEmpty in your Model and is not marked appropriately in the TCA, a record can be saved ignoring the #validate settings in the Model. This can happen if you change the Model and/or TCA after creating records.
An example:
Field 'textfield' is set to not validate, both in the TCA and the Model. You create a new record and save it without filling in the field 'textfield' (you can, it is not set to validate). You then change the Model setting 'textfield' to #validate NotEmpty and then try to show the record on the FE, you will get the error.
The solution for that example:
Simply remove the validation in your Model OR check validations in the TCA and Model so that they work together.
A German blog post covers this solution:
just override the template method getErrorFlashMessage in yout controller to provide a custom error message...
* A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to
* display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize
* the flash message in your action controller.
* #return string|boolean The flash message or FALSE if no flash message should be set
* #api
protected function getErrorFlashMessage() {
return 'An error occurred while trying to call ' . get_class($this) . '->' . $this->actionMethodName . '()';
classic case of "start over from scratch and it works, and if you compare it you have the same code, though".
I updated the code in the question, maybe it helps someone.

Akeneo 2.1.4 : How can I change a products' parent (used product model)

I have the requirement where upon importing I need to be able to change to products' product model. I tried to do this by changing the parent in the CSV file I'm importing, but this will show the following message:
parent: Property "parent" cannot be modified, "new_parent_code" given.
What is the proper way to make this work? I tried 'hacking' the database by manually assigning a different parent to the product by editing the parent directly in the pim_catalog_product-table, and this seemed to work, but when editing the product unexpected results occur.
Could anyone point me in the right direction how I can change a product parent upon importing?
I now came up with the following solution:
In my own bundle, I added Resources/config/updaters.yml (using DependencyInjecten Extension) with the following:
# Rewrite parent field setter so we can allow the importer to update the parent:
pim_catalog.updater.setter.parent_field.class: Vendor\Bundle\InstallerBundle\Updater\Setter\ParentFieldSetter
And my custom ParentFieldSetter.php:
namespace Vendor\Bundle\InstallerBundle\Updater\Setter;
use Akeneo\Component\StorageUtils\Exception\ImmutablePropertyException;
use Akeneo\Component\StorageUtils\Repository\IdentifiableObjectRepositoryInterface;
* Class ParentFieldSetter
class ParentFieldSetter extends \Pim\Component\Catalog\Updater\Setter\ParentFieldSetter
* #var IdentifiableObjectRepositoryInterface
private $productModelRepository;
* ParentFieldSetter constructor.
* #param IdentifiableObjectRepositoryInterface $productModelRepository
* #param array $supportedFields
public function __construct(
IdentifiableObjectRepositoryInterface $productModelRepository,
array $supportedFields
) {
$this->productModelRepository = $productModelRepository;
parent::__construct($productModelRepository, $supportedFields);
* #param \Pim\Component\Catalog\Model\ProductInterface|\Pim\Component\Catalog\Model\ProductModelInterface $product
* #param string $field
* #param mixed $data
* #param array $options
public function setFieldData($product, $field, $data, array $options = []): void
try {
parent::setFieldData($product, $field, $data, $options);
} catch (ImmutablePropertyException $exception) {
if ($exception->getPropertyName() === 'parent') {
// Allow us to change the product parent:
if ($parent = $this->productModelRepository->findOneByIdentifier($data)) {
$familyVariant = $parent->getFamilyVariant();
if (null === $product->getFamily()) {
} else {
throw $exception;
This works. Now, upon importing the parent gets saved properly. I'm only wondering if:
a). This implementation is correct.
b). I'm not causing some other major issues by changing the parent.
I also noted the following TODO-statement in the original Akeneo-code above the code that throws the error when attempting to change the parent:
// TODO: This is to be removed in PIM-6350.
Anyone from Akeneo care to shed some light on this?