Is there any way that automate the localizations translations of my app's .arb file - flutter

I have an app_en.arb file which contains my localization translation for the English language.
I want to generate other languages's localization files based on this one, and I want to know if there are some software/services that might accelerate this process such as auto-translation, listing those translations for editing them...


Is it possible to build a LibreOffice document from code similar to the way a web page is built from HTML and CSS?

Is it possible to build a LibreOffice document from code similar to the way a web page is built from HTML and CSS? Can one write an ODF file in which the content and styling are separate, and then/view open in LibreOffice? If so, can one write the code in a text editor as done for HTML/CSS?
There area two reasons I now ask. 1) When I need to make a style change in LibreOffice I have to manually make the same adjustments in a hundred places, such as changing the style of block quotes. 2) I'd like to build documents from a database of text.
I found a question on this in relation to databases but it was about eight years old.
Thank you for any direction you may be able to provide.
Unzip an .odt file that contains styles. You will see two files, content.xml and styles.xml. Edit these files using a text editor and then zip the folder back up to get a modified .odt file.
Be aware that there are two types of styles in the XML files. Named styles are what most people think of as styles, whereas automatic styles are custom formatting, like when you select some text and change the font directly.
The link from tohuwawohu describes utilities to work programmatically with the file. Also as mentioned in the link, it's not too hard to write code yourself. For example in python, import the built-in libraries zipfile and xml.etree.

one Xcode with two targets - but different selection of Localizable.string files

Is it possible to somehow associate different localizable.strings files to different targets of the same project.
For example:
target1 has English and French while target 2 has English and German ?
For "normal" files like the *.m or *.h one can set the Target Membership - but I did not find something for the different language specific Localizable.strings files.
I guess if this is not possible I really have to manually configure the Localizable.strings files before I create the ipa for submission - which is surely not the best thinkable approach.
Many thanks!
Please check the section es expanded, you should see the Target Membership section like you used to for other files:

iPhone support Multiple Languages

In my project, I need to support the Korean language. How is it possible - can anyone explain briefly with example, whether it is possible or not?
It's certainly possible.
You just tell Xcode to add a Korean localization to any of your application's localizable resources that need to change for that language. (Localizable resources include strings files, xib files, and potentially any images containing text.) Xcode will create a copy of your existing English resource, which you can modify and replace with a Korean-language equivalent.
Then when your application is run on a device with Korean set as its preferred language, iOS will automatically use the Korean resources intead of the English ones to present the application's user interface. If you have used good localization code practices (such as using NSLocalizedString to reference strings you present in the user interface) you shouldn't have to change any of your code to support different languages.
Check this guide on how to localize your apps for iPhone:

iphone localization: retrieving a different file

i have an app that i have to localize. I am already localizing the nibs and some texts, i just have a doubt.
I need to pull a plist from the bundle which contains some texts, for the other languages i would have other plists. How can i accomplish the loading of them in a nice simple way.
My initial though is to have a text.plist , text-sp.plist , text-fr.plist and retrieving the current language then if language == english grab the text.plist, if language == spanish grab text-sp.plist and so on.
Is there a better way to do this?
I'd rather somehow make the .plist localizable and do something similar to what i do with texts using NSLocalizedString, but i am not sure how to use it in this case.
Sorry, just found the solution.
Just right click the .plist file and add new localizations like any other file. Then the OS handles which one to load according to the current locale settings.
I had to clean my targets in order for the changes to take effect, thats why i initially thought this was not working.

how to creating localizable.strings file by code in iPhone

I am working on one multilanguage project which will download string from server depend on language selected by user. I would like to save this downloaded string into localizable.string file. So how could I do that? I know how genstrings works but I would like to generated *.strings file by code and save it. My code will read this *.strings file for localizable. Anybody know which api i have to use?
thanks in advance
Typically, localization depends on strings files that are within the app bundle. Since you can not modify the app bundle at run time, you will have to put the strings files you downlaod elsewhere and you will have to modify the usual localization methods to find and use those strings files.
Look at Apple's iPhone samples to see how they do localization and fetching of the strings, and see if you can replace all the local accesses of the localization resources with resources in another directory.