Getting a "Missing token: ASSIGN" error when running OpenModelica script through a batch file - modelica

I am trying to run an OpenModelica script using a DOS .bat file. But facing some issues.
The batch file runmodelica.bat has
%OPENMODELICAHOME%\bin\omc testscript.mos
The file testscript.mos is
If I run the commands in the testscript.mos file from an OM Shell by changing to that directory, everything works fine. But If I run the batch file from the DOS prompt, I get the following error
Error processing file: testscript.mos
[C:/Users/blahblah/testscript.mos:2:1-2:1:writable] Error: Missing token: ASSIGN
# Error encountered! Exiting...
# Please check the error message and the flags.
Execution failed!
The file comes with the standard installation and I haven't modified it
class HelloWorld
Real x(start = 1);
parameter Real a = 1;
der(x) = - a * x;
end HelloWorld;
I am new to OpenModelica and searched online but couldn't find a solution. Any help is appreciated.
All the commands run in the OM Shell but not when invoked from the bat file.

The script code needs to be valid Modelica, so you need ; after each command.


How do I fix bugs while executing matlab standalone applications?

Hello stackoverflow community,
I am currently trying to create a Matlab application as a standalone application. In Matlab, the program runs fine via the GUI, however, as soon as I install the application on my desktop and run it, I get the following error messages output to the command window:
Error using dicom_getFileDetails (line 14)
Unable to load file "RE.#_STR_IMG.REGISTRATION.dcm".
Error in dicominfo (line 55)
Error in Apply_Registration/ApplyRegistrationButtonPushed (line 64)
Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/tryCallback (line 333)
Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>#(source,event)tryCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 35)
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 335)
Error while evaluating button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.
% Button pushed function: OpenRegistrationFileButton
function OpenRegistrationFileButtonPushed(app, event)
% Open registration file
app.File_registrationFile = uigetfile;
reginfo = dicominfo(app.File_registrationFile);
What is the problem when running as a standalone application?
The Matlab Runtime Compiler matches my Matlab version. Unfortunately, I lack the expertise to move forward here.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
You are currently only outputting the file name from uigetfile (docs), so subsequent usage of that file assume it's in the same folder as the executing app. This is likely not the case, hence the error that the file can't be loaded (because it doesn't exist).
You just need to be more explicit, get the path too and refer to the full file path instead of just the name
[file,path] = uigetfile;
app.File_registrationFile = fullfile( path, file );

Execute external powershell script in jenkins pipleline

I was trying to execute powershell script in a remote machine via jenkins script location ex: $server_vm_name\d$\scripts\testscript.ps1 . and I need to pass parameter to the testscript.ps1 as parameter name -clientpath. for the client path u have used this external path ex:
\${client_vm_name}\d$\Client\Application . I have used the network paths for both script location and parameter
I have write the following code snippet to get the work done. but its not working. anyone have idea what i have done in wrong way?.
error msg :
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 885: unexpected char: '\' # line 885, column 49.
rshell script: "\\$db_vm_name\d$\script
stage('Installation') {
powershell script: "\\$server_vm_name\d$\scripts\testscript.ps1 -clientPath \\${client_vm_name}\d$\Client\Application"

Postgresql 11.1: "Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error with configuration or permissions."

I checked the log file and I think this is the part that caused the problem:
Setting up database
[15:30:54] Configuring pg11 to point to existing data dir D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11
Setting PostgreSQL port
= 5432
Executing C:\Installed Software\Developer Software\PostgreSQLv11.1/pgc config pg11 --datadir "D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11"
Script exit code: 1
Script output: ################################################
# FATAL SQL Error in check_release
# SQL Message = near "s": syntax error
# SQL Statement = SELECT r.component FROM releases r, versions v
WHERE r.component = v.component
AND r.component LIKE '%D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11%' AND v.is_current = 1
Script stderr: Program ended with an error exit code
Error with configuration or permissions. Please see log file for more information.
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
Error with configuration or permissions. Please see log file for more information.
I think the problem is the apostrophe in "John's". Does anyone know if that's right? Is there a fix to this problem? I don't want to rename my directory because Postgresql can't handle apostrophes.

perl pdftk functionality not working , getting error

I was testing the functionality of PDF::Tk by installing in cpan module and installed the pdftk binary file and the path to variable and tried running source code.
source code:
use PDF::Tk;
my $doc = PDF::Tk->new( pdftk => '/apps/free/pdftk/' );
$doc->call_pdftk( 'input.pdf', 'outPDF.pdf', 'cat', '1-14' );
getting error as below:
pdftk input.pdf cat 1-14 releasenote.pdf failed: -1 at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/PDF/ line 73.
please guide me in resolving it.
Seems you are passing the wrong argument to the constructor of PDF::Tk. Have a look here.
You're supposed to pass a hash, with the key pdftk, and this should be the path of the executable, not a directory. As you can see here, this will be executed via system, so of course, executing a directory does not work.
To clarify, you should be using:
my $doc=PDF::Tk->new(pdftk => '/path/to/pdftk/executable');
If your pdftk executable is /usr/bin/pdftk, then you do not have to pass it at all as this is the default.
for testing the encryption function (by default 128 bit encryption) , i created a pdf file 'apps.pdf' with password protected 'abcd' as password.
source code 1:
use PDF::Tk;
my $doc=PDF::Tk->new(pdftk=>'/apps/free/pdftk/1.44/bin/pdftk');
$doc->call_pdftk('apps.pdf', '1.128.pdf', 'owner_pw', 'abcd');
getting error:
Error: Unexpected command-line data:
where we were expecting an input PDF filename,
operation (e.g. "cat") or "input_pw". Exiting.
Errors encountered. No output created.
Done. Input errors, so no output created.
pdftk apps.pdf owner_pw abcd 1.128.pdf failed: 256 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/PDF/ line 73.
note: created a new pdf 'apps.pdf' with Document Open Password as 'abcd' and permission Password as 'abcd123'.
Please let me know how to resolve it.

Model Error: It appears that build process was unable to locate some Utility(e.g. make,compiler,linker, etc.)

I am new to S-Functions and Real TIme WorkShop. The S-Function has been created using an Embedded Matlab Function. The S-Function Works fine, but when i try to build the same, i get the following error report:
It appears that the build process was unable to locate some utility (e.g. make, compiler, linker, etc.). Please verify your path and tool environment variables are correct. You should be able to execute the make command: .\Radius_S_func2.bat at an MS DOS Command Prompt in the directory: C:\Users\skaushik\Desktop\Matlab Models\WIP\TESTs\Sfunc_2\Radius_S_func2_Source Currently, this generates the following error:
C:\Users\skaushik\Desktop\Matlab Models\WIP\TESTs\Sfunc_2\Radius_S_func2_Source>set MATLAB=C:\MATLAB\R2010b
PLease guide me how to understand the error, so i can take care of it myself.
Thank you!!
Solution: The build target was not specified therefore matlab gave the above mentioned error. To resolve this one should specify the build environment for a specific target.