I have an IonModal that slides up from the bottom of the display and has input fields. When fields are selected to be edited, keyboard shows but the modal does not animate.
Modal shows with animation, but when keyboard shows, modal does not animate but jumps up immediately.
When hiding the modal, animates the down with the keyboard and disappears from the screen instead of sliding down the display.
Anything that I am missing or is this default behavior?
As a side note, I have to leave some space in the modal otherwise the modal contents gets hidden behind the keyboard - which is also annoying.
Here is the video:
Here is the code in case relevant:
breakpoints={[0, 0.4]}
<IonButtons slot="start">
<IonButton onClick={handleClickCancel}>{isDirty ? "Cancel" : "Close"}</IonButton>
<IonTitle>{isNew ? "New" : "Edit"} Person</IonTitle>
<IonButtons slot="end">
<IonButton disabled={!isValidForm} onClick={handleClickSave}>
<EditPerson editPerson={editPerson} onChange={(editPersonScoped) => setEditPerson(editPersonScoped)} />
I have an app that has multiple textfields and a button that analyze the data entered.
When I fill the textfields, the keyboard pops up and hide the button.
I want the app to slide up completely away from the keyboard.
FYI: resizeToAvoidBottomInset is set to true, and the main column is wrapped in singlechildview.
Button shown
Button hidden by keyboard
Just add this Property in SinglechildScrollview:
reverse: true
It will solve your problem.
Am new to Titanium studio Alloy i have two questions,
1, I created 2 view tag within window on xml file. while am executing last view only visible among the both view my code is
<Window class="container>
<View class="View1">
#content of view1
<View class="View2">
#content of view2
In this code only last view(view2) is visible i want to visible both view.
2.In my ScrollView tag i have some content to visible. but scrollview content was osculating everywhere in the screen.
i want to be fix with in the screen.
can anyone help me
advance thanks...
You need to set the layout property on your window they are being drawn on top of each other
I have a modal with scrollable content that works fine using overflow-y: scroll;
Problem is, when using the mouse wheel to scroll inside the modal and you reach the end of the content, the main page then scrolls. My client has asked me to prevent this from happening. Is this possible?
To achieve this I used the "show" and "hide" events of the modal. I'm using Twitter Bootstrap modal so they have these events, but I guess any good modal plugin will have them. For the "show" event, I binded a function that removes scrolling on the body. For the "hide" event, I binded a function that reenables it. Here's how I did it:
modal = $('#myModal');
modal.on('show', function () {
// disable background scrolling
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
modal.on('hide', function () {
// enable background scrolling
$('body').css('overflow', 'auto');
You can of course disable/enable scrolling on the container of your choice. Hope this helps.
While adding a contact, when the on-screen keyboard is displayed the panel containing the 'Done' and 'Revert' buttons scrolls up above the on-screen keyboard.
How is this achieved?
You can force the screen to scroll up by modifying the manifest file. See this link.
I have a view with a bottom toolbar and a UIWebview that is loading an HTML page with some textboxes. Is there anyway when the user clicks on a textbox, the keyboard appears above the toolbar, that way it doesn't hide its buttons?
You shouldn't try to change the keyboard's location, even if you could. That would be a usability disaster.
Instead, try to move the toolbar above the keyboard if you want to keep it visible.