Move button panel above on-screen keyboard - basic4android

While adding a contact, when the on-screen keyboard is displayed the panel containing the 'Done' and 'Revert' buttons scrolls up above the on-screen keyboard.
How is this achieved?

You can force the screen to scroll up by modifying the manifest file. See this link.


How to make the button not hidden by keyboard in Flutter

I have an app that has multiple textfields and a button that analyze the data entered.
When I fill the textfields, the keyboard pops up and hide the button.
I want the app to slide up completely away from the keyboard.
FYI: resizeToAvoidBottomInset is set to true, and the main column is wrapped in singlechildview.
Button shown
Button hidden by keyboard
Just add this Property in SinglechildScrollview:
reverse: true
It will solve your problem.

How to add keyboard in action sheet

Is it possible add keyboard in action sheet?
If yes, how can I do? ... I would like to disable the background.
Thanks, Luigi.
I think UIKeyBoard can not be added in ActionSheet but you achieve your goal but handling keyboard notifications...add the Keyboard will appear and will disappear notifications in your controller...
on keyboard will appear add a subview of frame same as the parent view frame..and set its alpha will look like An ActionSheet is appearing and the background will automatically be disabled and on keyboard disappear remove that view from can add tap Gesture in the view you are adding..Hope so it will be answer of your question.
You can add different controls to action sheets, like pickers and text views. However, as mentioned you can't add a keyboard.
If you want to customize what is shown when the keyboard is shown, you can slide controls with the keyboard, to make it look like they are part of the keyboard.
Alternatively you could create your own keyboard using buttons etc.

iPhone Keyboard Adjust In View

I've been searching, but haven't quite found a complete answer, and the Apple docs aren't much help.
I have an application with a UIView that has a lot of text fields on it, ranging from the top of the view to the bottom. When the user clicks the first UITextField the keyboard pops up. The keyboard has three buttons above it, previous, next, and done on a toolbar InputAccessoryView.
Basically, let's say there are 6 UITextField boxes that space from the top of the view to the bottom. When the user gets past the third text field, the keyboard blocks the bottom three. How do I have the view adjust up when putting text in the bottom three text fields?
You need to place your textfields into a UIScrollView, and either translate the view above the keyboard when it is active and away when it is down, or another solution such as always having the keyboard up on that page, which'll save you the setFrame calls on your UIView/UIScrollView depending on what the keyboard is doing.
This will further help:
How to adjust the view position when the keyboard opens in iPhone?

How to put a small custom toolbar above the Keyboard that moves up and down with it?

How to put a small custom toolbar above the Keyboard that moves up and down with it?
Use a Keyboard Accessory View. Here is a sample project

Display keyboard above toolbar?

I have a view with a bottom toolbar and a UIWebview that is loading an HTML page with some textboxes. Is there anyway when the user clicks on a textbox, the keyboard appears above the toolbar, that way it doesn't hide its buttons?
You shouldn't try to change the keyboard's location, even if you could. That would be a usability disaster.
Instead, try to move the toolbar above the keyboard if you want to keep it visible.