Open ~/.zshrc in VS Code? - visual-studio-code

Before, I read some articles saying that using command palette and typing ~/.zshrc somehow can open and edit the file in VS code with highlighting and convenient shortcuts. But now I forget the exact command, and such command seems not working any more. Any thoughts? I don't want to just look at my black terminal and search words line by line.
I've tried looking up this questions but seems no related answers. Change ownership is not the case I want.

Open your home folder and hidden file .zshrc would be listed in.


Disable VSCode file editor re-use

In VSCode if I press Ctrl+P, I can type a filename and open it.
Since some recent update, these files open in the same editor, so it isn't possible to open multiple files one after the other.
I remember there being a setting somewhere but I can't find it. What's the name of it? And/or, how do I change this behavior?
As #Mark pointed out, the key word here is "preview".
Under Workbench -> Editor, there is Enable Preview from Quick Open.
Hopefully this helps someone else out who also doesn't know what the feature is called, and who is annoyed about VS Code constantly resetting their config when it feels like it. :-)

how to uncomment code in matlab online script

I just ran into this weird issue, that I cannot uncomment my code in a script file online on matlab.
I can do command + '/' to comment my code, but I cannot do the inverse to uncomment it.
I've tried to use command + T, which opens a new tab, command + / again, which keeps commenting my code, and command + R, which restarts the kernel.
The uncomment command conflicts with the open new tab command. The latter is prioritised because MATLAB online runs in the browser.
Moreover, shortcut customisation is not available in MATLAB Online.
So your only chance to make the uncomment shortcut work is to change the open new tab shortcut in the browser.
EDIT: For an alternative solution that does not involve shortcuts, please check the answer by Harshal.
I also faced this issue but then I selected the multiple lines of code and used mouse (right click) to comment and uncomment the selected code.

urxvt: Open graphical file explorer in the current folder

While the command line is very useful for most of the tasks, I sometimes resort to a graphical file explorer (like Nautilus, Thunar, PCmanFM). I would like a keyboard shortcut or a context-menu entry to open such a graphical file explorer _in the current directory. I know the converse is possible with nautilus-open-terminal. Is there currently a way to do that?
It may require writing a perl-extension, but I do not know enough of perl and urxvt to find how to capture the current PWD.
Assuming you're using Bash as your shell, here's an alias you could add to your .bashrc:
alias nh="nautilus file://$(pwd)"
I called it nh for "Nautilus here". So from the comman-line you would simply type:
for a nautilus window in the shell's current directory.
I have no idea what's involved in adding something to the urxvt context menu - sorry.
Well, I quickly hacked a small extension to do this:
The opening of the file browser can be triggered with the right-click menu or a keyboard shortcut. The selection can be a directory, but also a filename, which will then be opened by the application associated with it in the file browser.

How to get VSCode to "open as new file" from Go To File dialog

I have recently switched to VSCode, and am loving it, except for one specific thing that drives me nuts.
My "goto" command is {Command+P}, the easy search-and-open-file bar. If I type the name of a file into this bar and it does not exist, I want to be able to hit ENTER and have it open a tab editing that file as a new file. This is the behavior I would get in old-school Windows Notepad, or in mvim :e <filename>, but I can't figure out how to do it in VSCode.
Is there a toggle or a plugin I can use to get this behavior straight out of the Go To File dialog?
Answering my own question:
No, there's no way to do this using {Command+P}. This is strictly a file finder and I've yet to see any plugin that changes the behavior.
If you're using the VsCodeVim plugin, an almost-as-good approach is just :e <file> - immediately open a new buffer editing the given file. There's no tab autocomplete this way, but you just have to live with that.

Does VS Code has any shortcut like ctrl+q in eclipse?

Does VS Code (I currently use v1.8.1) has any shortcut like ctrl+q in eclipse?
It returns your cursor to the place where you stopped writing code(very useful for fast code browsing)
and it is different to alt+left which navigate backward
EDIT: I have found that this extension should do that you're asking. I suggest trying it out.
Out of the box in VS Code, this command does not exist. The list of default shortcuts can be found here, or you can open the keybindings settings in VS Code (ctrl+k, ctrl+s on Windows) and see which commands are available.
If you'd like to suggest this as a feature, you can open a new issue on GitHub or consider creating an extension.
If I understand correctly, you want a command that will move the cursor to where the last edit in a document was made.
This should be possible using an extension that listens to document change events and records the position of the cursor. Then, when the command is issued, it sets the editors cursor to that saved position.
You can also try "Eclipse Keymap" from Alphabot Security, has a lot of eclipse bindings.
I don't believe there is a built-in way to do this, but you could work around it by using an extension such as .