urxvt: Open graphical file explorer in the current folder - perl

While the command line is very useful for most of the tasks, I sometimes resort to a graphical file explorer (like Nautilus, Thunar, PCmanFM). I would like a keyboard shortcut or a context-menu entry to open such a graphical file explorer _in the current directory. I know the converse is possible with nautilus-open-terminal. Is there currently a way to do that?
It may require writing a perl-extension, but I do not know enough of perl and urxvt to find how to capture the current PWD.

Assuming you're using Bash as your shell, here's an alias you could add to your .bashrc:
alias nh="nautilus file://$(pwd)"
I called it nh for "Nautilus here". So from the comman-line you would simply type:
for a nautilus window in the shell's current directory.
I have no idea what's involved in adding something to the urxvt context menu - sorry.

Well, I quickly hacked a small extension to do this: https://github.com/raphaelfournier/urxvt-perl.
The opening of the file browser can be triggered with the right-click menu or a keyboard shortcut. The selection can be a directory, but also a filename, which will then be opened by the application associated with it in the file browser.


Fast way to find Javascript source file in debugger?

RStudio uses Chrome Devtools for debugging support in its Viewer pane. (It is labelled as "RStudio Devtools", but I'm not sure to what extent it is customized besides that). You can open its window using Right-click "Inspect Element".
When developing a display that uses Javascript, the source pane in Devtools is very useful for setting breakpoints, single stepping, etc.
One thing that is fairly inconvenient is finding the line where I want to set a breakpoint. Once I have the source file open searching it is easy, but getting to the right source file is hard. Typically after I go to the source pane, I see something like this:
I know the name of the file I want to debug, but it's buried several levels below index.html in the list of files on the left. Is there a way to quickly search this hierarchy of files for a filename, so that I don't need to open all the levels down to the file I want? For example, I might want to debug htmlwidgets.js:
You'll note in the "sources" pane that, if you have no open files, you'll see a message in the middle that indicates you can type Command + P (or Ctrl + P on Windows/Linux) to open a file. When clicked, this will open a text box that will fuzzy search across the names of all source files. Type the filename there and it should be in the first results. You can navigate to it with the keyboard and select it with <Enter>/<return>, or simply clicked with the mouse.

VSCode: Can I open individual files instead of workspaces?

Opening whole directories (each one requiring a new window) doesn’t play well with editing lots of little scripts/config files scattered in different folders.
Yes, you can! Here are three ways:
Either by running code {yourfilename here} in a terminal.
Dragging the file from a file explorer onto the open VSCode window.
Use the menu item "File/Open file... (Ctrl + O)", see image.
You don't have to open a folder in VSCode!
In VSCode create a New Window (instance) and open all the files you're interested in from anywhere on your disk.
If you want to keep this selection for later, you can Save Workspace As .. for later usage.

Alternative way of creating new file in VS Code?

When creating new file in VS Code, it just opens a blank empty file right away.
Is there a way to create a specific type of new file, like in Notepad++ you can choose the language for the file. In VS Code you get to choose the file extension only when saving the file for the first time.
It'd be a bit faster to create a new, for example, JavaScript file instead of creating empty file and saving it as .js file and then writing to it.
So far I've created files with basic Notepad (with the "show file extensions" option enabled from File Explorer) and when naming the new file, writing the extension at the end instead of .txt
You could just open the integrated terminal CTRL+`` and touch your file.
The keyboard shortcuts mentioned by #CountingStuff in this comment worked.
Here are the step-by-step instructions:
Create a new file:
Change the syntax language:
Ctrl+K M
In the drop down that appears, auto-complete or manually choose a language option.
The vscode documentation for this can be found here:
I've remapped my keyboard shortcuts so that CTRL+N triggers the "File > New File" menu item. Now, when I press CTRL+N it adds a new entry in the file explorer and I can add a new file from there. I can also utilise VSCode's file explorer creation mechanism to create files in subfolders by pre-fixing the file with the directory structure, so typing src\index.js will create a new file named index.js in the src directory.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QBYlfSQA6s

How to get VSCode to "open as new file" from Go To File dialog

I have recently switched to VSCode, and am loving it, except for one specific thing that drives me nuts.
My "goto" command is {Command+P}, the easy search-and-open-file bar. If I type the name of a file into this bar and it does not exist, I want to be able to hit ENTER and have it open a tab editing that file as a new file. This is the behavior I would get in old-school Windows Notepad, or in mvim :e <filename>, but I can't figure out how to do it in VSCode.
Is there a toggle or a plugin I can use to get this behavior straight out of the Go To File dialog?
Answering my own question:
No, there's no way to do this using {Command+P}. This is strictly a file finder and I've yet to see any plugin that changes the behavior.
If you're using the VsCodeVim plugin, an almost-as-good approach is just :e <file> - immediately open a new buffer editing the given file. There's no tab autocomplete this way, but you just have to live with that.

IntelliJ Macro menu

I've just started playing with macros in IntelliJ. I recorded several then played back until I decided to add keymap shortcuts to my macros. I went to Settings and pressed Alt+C to add a new child map because I couldn't edit the parent. Since then the macros are no longer accessible from the Tools menu, not to mention that the shortcuts don't work. I tried removing the shortcuts from the keymap but even though I press Alt+R or Alt+L, it still does not revert them back. And TAB has stopped working .. when writing sout +TAB ..nothing happens anymore... HELP
Sorted! sout+TAB is part of live templates..
If you open the IDE Settings window, you will see Live Templates.. Under output you should find sout(Prints a string to System.out).. if not, click Add and then type sout for the Abbreviation section, type in a description and then for the template text put System.out.println("$END$");
I use the Default keymap in IntelliJ now...
Thought this might help someone...
You can try to use the default keymap. When you modify the default keymap, a copy is created with your settings.
If that is not working, you can try to quit IntelliJ and to delete this file:
and check also for the folder
To find the location of the config folder you should look for the file : idea.properties in the folder where the main executable for idea is.
Look for the line:
# path to IDEA config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes
And this is the location of the config. folder.
Restart IntelliJ.
Take a copy of any file you are going to delete!