Flatten all map columns recursively in PySpark dataframe - pyspark

I have a pyspark dataframe with multiple map columns. I want to flatten all map columns recursively. personal and financial are map type columns. Similarly, we might have more map columns.
Input dataframe:
| id | name | Gender | personal | financial |
| 1 | A | M | {age:20,city:Dallas,State:Texas} | {salary:10000,bonus:2000,tax:1500}|
| 2 | B | F | {city:Houston,State:Texas,Zipcode:77001} | {salary:12000,tax:1800} |
| 3 | C | M | {age:22,city:San Jose,Zipcode:940088} | {salary:2000,bonus:500} |
Output dataframe:
| id | name | Gender | age | city | state | Zipcode | salary | bonus | tax |
| 1 | A | M | 20 | Dallas | Texas | null | 10000 | 2000 | 1500 |
| 2 | B | F | null | Houston | Texas | 77001 | 12000 | null | 1800 |
| 3 | C | M | 22 | San Jose | null | 940088 | 2000 | 500 | null |

use map_concat to merge the map fields and then explode them. exploding a map column creates 2 new columns - key and value. pivot the key column with value as values to get your desired output.
data_sdf. \
withColumn('personal_financial', func.map_concat('personal', 'financial')). \
selectExpr(*[c for c in data_sdf.columns if c not in ['personal', 'financial']],
). \
groupBy([c for c in data_sdf.columns if c not in ['personal', 'financial']]). \
pivot('key'). \
agg(func.first('value')). \
# +---+----+------+-----+-------+----+-----+--------+------+----+
# |id |name|gender|State|Zipcode|age |bonus|city |salary|tax |
# +---+----+------+-----+-------+----+-----+--------+------+----+
# |1 |A |M |Texas|null |20 |2000 |Dallas |10000 |1500|
# |2 |B |F |Texas|77001 |null|null |Houston |12000 |1800|
# |3 |C |M |null |940088 |22 |500 |San Jose|2000 |null|
# +---+----+------+-----+-------+----+-----+--------+------+----+


Create Rows based on Column

I want to create a row based on a column.
For example - I have the following data frame.
| lookup_name | alt_name | inventory | location |
| Honda | Car | 1 | au |
| Apple | Fruit | 1 | us |
I want to convert it to the following
| lookup_name | inventory | location |
| Honda | 1 | au |
| Car | 1 | au |
| Apple | 1 | us |
| Fruit | 1 | us |
Where the alternative name column is removed and the locations and inventory are copied against the new lookup_name entry.
data= [
('Honda', 'Car', 1, 'au'),
('Apple', 'Fruit', 1, 'us'),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ['lookup_name','alt_name', 'inventory', 'location'])
.withColumn('lookup_name', explode(array(col('lookup_name'), col('alt_name'))))
.show(10, False)
# +-----------+---------+--------+
# |lookup_name|inventory|location|
# +-----------+---------+--------+
# |Honda |1 |au |
# |Car |1 |au |
# |Apple |1 |us |
# |Fruit |1 |us |
# +-----------+---------+--------+
array(col('lookup_name'), col('alt_name')) => ['Honda', 'Car']
df.withColumn('lookup_name', array(col('lookup_name'), col('alt_name'))).show(10, False)
# +--------------+--------+---------+--------+
# |lookup_name |alt_name|inventory|location|
# +--------------+--------+---------+--------+
# |[Honda, Car] |Car |1 |au |
# |[Apple, Fruit]|Fruit |1 |us |
# +--------------+--------+---------+--------+
Returns a new row for each element in the given array or map.

pyspark dataframe check if string contains substring

i need help to implement below Python logic into Pyspark dataframe.
df1['isRT'] = df1['main_string'].str.lower().str.contains('|'.join(df2['sub_string'].str.lower()))
|id | main_string |
| 1 | i am a boy |
| 2 | i am from london |
| 3 | big data hadoop |
| 4 | always be happy |
| 5 | software and hardware |
|id | sub_string |
| 1 | happy |
| 2 | xxxx |
| 3 | i am a boy |
| 4 | yyyy |
| 5 | from london |
Final Output:
|id | main_string | isRT |
| 1 | i am a boy | True |
| 2 | i am from london | True |
| 3 | big data hadoop | False |
| 4 | always be happy | True |
| 5 | software and hardware | False |
First construct the substring list substr_list, and then use the rlike function to generate the isRT column.
df3 = df2.select(F.expr('collect_list(lower(sub_string))').alias('substr'))
substr_list = '|'.join(df3.first()[0])
df = df1.withColumn('isRT', F.expr(f'lower(main_string) rlike "{substr_list}"'))
For your two dataframes,
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(['i am a boy', 'i am from london', 'big data hadoop', 'always be happy', 'software and hardware'], 'string').toDF('main_string')
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(['happy', 'xxxx', 'i am a boy', 'yyyy', 'from london'], 'string').toDF('sub_string')
|main_string |
|i am a boy |
|i am from london |
|big data hadoop |
|always be happy |
|software and hardware|
|sub_string |
|happy |
|xxxx |
|i am a boy |
|yyyy |
|from london|
you can get the following result with the simple join expression.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
df1.join(df2, f.col('main_string').contains(f.col('sub_string')), 'left') \
.withColumn('isRT', f.expr('if(sub_string is null, False, True)')) \
.drop('sub_string') \
| main_string| isRT|
| i am a boy| true|
| i am from london| true|
| big data hadoop|false|
| always be happy| true|
|software and hard...|false|

Fixing hierarchy data with table transformation (Hive, scala, spark)

I have a task with working with hierarchical data, but the source data contains errors in the hierarchy, namely: some parent-child links are broken. I have an algorithm for reestablishing such connections, but I have not yet been able to implement it on my own.
Initial data is
| A1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
| B1 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
| C1 | 18 | 4 | 3 |
| C2 | 3 | 5 | 3 |
| D1 | 4 | NULL | 4 |
| D2 | 5 | NULL | 4 |
| D3 | 10 | 11 | 4 |
| E1 | 11 | NULL | 5 |
Schematically it looks like:
As you can see, connections with C1 and D3 are lost here.
In order to restore connections, I need to apply the following algorithm for this table:
if for some NAME the ID is not in the PARENTID column (like ID = 18, 10), then create a row with a 'parent' with LEVEL = (current LEVEL - 1) and PARENTID = (current ID), and take ID and NAME such that the current ID < ID of the node from the LEVEL above.
Result must be like:
| A1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
| B1 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
| B1 | 2 | 18 | 2 |#
| C1 | 18 | 4 | 3 |
| C2 | 3 | 5 | 3 |
| C2 | 3 | 10 | 3 |#
| D1 | 4 | NULL | 4 |
| D2 | 5 | NULL | 4 |
| D3 | 10 | 11 | 4 |
| E1 | 11 | NULL | 5 |
Where rows with # - new rows created.And new schema looks like:
Are there any ideas on how to do this algorithm in spark/scala? Thanks!
You can build a createdRows dataframe from your current dataframe that you union with your current dataframe to obtain your final dataframe.
You can build this createdRows dataframe in several step:
The first step is to get the IDs (and LEVEL) that are not in PARENTID column. You can use a self left anti join to do that.
Then, you renameID column to PARENTID and updating LEVEL column, decreasing it by 1.
Then, you take ID and NAME columns of new rows by joining it with your input dataframe on the LEVEL column
Finally, you apply your condition ID < PARENTID
You end up with the following code, dataframe is the dataframe with your initial data:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val createdRows = dataframe
// if for some NAME the ID is not in the PARENTID column (like ID = 18, 10)
.select("LEVEL", "ID")
.filter(col("LEVEL") > 1) // Remove root node from created rows
.join(dataframe.select("PARENTID"), col("PARENTID") === col("ID"), "left_anti")
// then create a row with a 'parent' with LEVEL = (current LEVEL - 1) and PARENTID = (current ID)
.withColumnRenamed("ID", "PARENTID")
.withColumn("LEVEL", col("LEVEL") - 1)
// and take ID and NAME
.join(dataframe.select("NAME", "ID", "LEVEL"), Seq("LEVEL"))
// such that the current ID < ID of the node from the LEVEL above.
.filter(col("ID") < col("PARENTID"))
val result = dataframe
.orderBy("NAME", "PARENTID") // Optional, if you want an ordered result
And in result dataframe you get:
|A1 |1 |2 |1 |
|B1 |2 |3 |2 |
|B1 |2 |18 |2 |
|C1 |18 |4 |3 |
|C2 |3 |5 |3 |
|C2 |3 |10 |3 |
|D1 |4 |null |4 |
|D2 |5 |null |4 |
|D3 |10 |11 |4 |
|E1 |11 |null |5 |

Scala group by with mapped keys

I have a DataFrame that has a list of countries and the corresponding data. However the countries are either iso3 or iso2.
.filter(size($"value.country") > 0)
Now this country field can have USA as the country code or US as the country code. I need to map both USA / US ==> "United States" and then do a groupBy. How do I do this in scala.
Create another DataFrame with country_name, iso_2 & iso_3 columns.
Join your actual DataFrame with this DataFrame & Apply your logic on that data.
Check below code for sample.
scala> countryDF.show(false)
|country_name |iso_2|iso_3|
|Afghanistan |AF |AFG |
|?land Islands |AX |ALA |
|Albania |AL |ALB |
|Algeria |DZ |DZA |
|American Samoa |AS |ASM |
|Andorra |AD |AND |
|Angola |AO |AGO |
|Anguilla |AI |AIA |
|Antarctica |AQ |ATA |
|Antigua and Barbuda|AG |ATG |
|Argentina |AR |ARG |
|Armenia |AM |ARM |
|Aruba |AW |ABW |
|Australia |AU |AUS |
|Austria |AT |AUT |
|Azerbaijan |AZ |AZE |
|Bahamas |BS |BHS |
|Bahrain |BH |BHR |
|Bangladesh |BD |BGD |
|Barbados |BB |BRB |
only showing top 20 rows ```
scala> df.show(false)
|USA |
|US |
|IN |
|IND |
|ID |
|IDN |
|IQ |
|IRQ |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country|country_name |
|USA |United States of America|
|US |United States of America|
|IN |India |
|IND |India |
|ID |Indonesia |
|IDN |Indonesia |
|IQ |Iraq |
|IRQ |Iraq |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country_name |country_code|country_count|
|Iraq |[IQ, IRQ] |2 |
|India |[IN, IND] |2 |
|United States of America|[USA, US] |2 |
|Indonesia |[ID, IDN] |2 |

Postgres select from table and spread evenly

I have a 2 tables. First table contains information of the object, second table contains related objects. Second table objects have 4 types( lets call em A,B,C,D).
I need a query that does something like this
|table1 object id | A |value for A|B | value for B| C | value for C|D | vlaue for D|
| 1 | 12| cat | 13| dog | 2 | house | 43| car |
| 1 | 5 | lion | | | | | | |
The column "table1 object id" in real table is multiple columns of data from table 1(for single object its all the same, just repeated on multiple rows because of table 2).
Where 2nd table is in form
|type|value|table 1 object id| id |
|A |cat | 1 | 12|
|B |dog | 1 | 13|
|C |house| 1 | 2 |
|D |car | 1 | 43 |
|A |lion | 1 | 5 |
I hope this is clear enough of the thing i want.
I have tryed using AND and OR and JOIN. This does not seem like something that can be done with crosstab.
Table 2
|type|value|table 1 object id| id |
|A |cat | 1 | 12|
|B |dog | 1 | 13|
|C |house| 1 | 2 |
|D |car | 1 | 43 |
|A |lion | 1 | 5 |
|C |wolf | 2 | 6 |
Table 1
| id | value1 | value 2|value 3|
| 1 | hello | test | hmmm |
| 2 | bye | test2 | hmm2 |
|value1| value2| value3| A| value| B |value| C|value | D | value|
|hello | test | hmmm |12| cat | 13| dog |2 | house | 23| car |
|hello | test | hmmm |5 | lion | | | | | | |
|bye | test2 | hmm2 | | | | |6 | wolf | | |
I hope this explains bit bettter of what I want to achieve.