How may i know what file or widgets in my code what i am running on my emulator - flutter

Hello I'm editing someone codes in Flutter using VS code, how can I easily find on what on I am running on my emulator. for example i am showing log in screen in the emulator. how can I know what filename did I need to edit.
as of now I am trying to check one by one of the codes. I tried to use widget tree but it is now updating

You can use the widget tree field in flutter devtool. Navigate to the desired page in the emulator and click the refresh button at the top right. The running widget stack will be listed by class names.
You can even detect a specific widget on the page using the "Choose widget mode" button.
Install and run DevTools from VS Code


Is there a way to print the same exact page on flutter web?

i'm trying to make a page with flutter widgets and i want the user to be able to print the same exact page.
I have tried:
syncfusion_flutter_pdf library
Which is work fine but i cant make complex designs.
PDF library
Unfortunately i couldn't figure it out because i'm using dart:html
If you want to output a Flutter scene exactly as they appear on the screen, you can use a RepaintBoundary widget, to save the widget into a PNG file.
You can insert RepaintBoundary at any level of the widget tree. So if you put it near the root of the widget tree, you will be able to capture the whole screen.
Take a look at this answer for how to use RepaintBoundary.

How to edit flutter_clean_calendar package?

So i want to customize some widget in this package. I want to change selectedDay(the big red circle) size.
So i go to it's definition and try to change it. I just need to add some width as argument to Container, but i can't.
I also try to wraps widget by using the bell icon, but it doesn't work. I can't choose any widget, other than getX
I try to type, but no option shows up
My flutter plugins work just fine in other file. So is it mean that i can't edit or add any widget in lib file? How to edit this file?

VS Code Flutter Widget Tree Export

Is it possible to export the full contents of the Widget Inspector as text ?
(ideally with all of the property values of each widget included also)
I'm trying to debug something and I want to compare the full state of my app in one situation, to the full state of my app in another situation. I'm using VS Code and programming in Flutter.
Alternatively, is there another dart way that I could export the full state of my application somehow, in such a way that I could grab a 2nd snapshot in a different state of my application and compare the 2 of them as plain text?

Can I somehow show the Widget tree in a running app?

I wonder, if a plugins exists, which allows to render instead of **Widget()**s just a rectangle and a Widget()'s name, to show the layout structure of the current view.
For debugging purposes.
Does e.g. a plugin for this purpose exist?
Hm, just found the solution #quoci pointed out:
Open Flutter Inspector
Toggle select widget mode [small icon at the top]
The open the app and click on a widget of the running application.

flutter-mapbox-gl Style is not coming

"I"m integrating MapBox in my existing flutter app, and I am able to see the Map, and can hover over the map, it changes it coordinates and other embedded features. However, the style is not coming, ie, map is not displayed properly.
I am just trying to get the minimum workable Map, so I can add desired features on top of that.
When I run the code as it is, from , as a new project on IntelliJ Idea, it all looks fine.
So it seems like, style is missing, but I can't figured out what else to include.
I copied map_ui.dart code in my class, and calling the class from home page of our flutter app.
Apart of this, I added, mapbox_gl: ^0.0.3 dependency in pubspec.yaml file
I expect the following
Output Map
. However, my code is displaying the following
Current Map
Flutter Mapbox GL Native
[edit:] Updated the current screen shot, after wrapping the widget in a Scaffold
So after wrapping the widget in a Scaffold, this is looking good now!
And, I had to zoom in a bit to see the image.
Latest Screen Shot