flutter-mapbox-gl Style is not coming - flutter

"I"m integrating MapBox in my existing flutter app, and I am able to see the Map, and can hover over the map, it changes it coordinates and other embedded features. However, the style is not coming, ie, map is not displayed properly.
I am just trying to get the minimum workable Map, so I can add desired features on top of that.
When I run the code as it is, from https://github.com/tobrun/flutter-mapbox-gl , as a new project on IntelliJ Idea, it all looks fine.
So it seems like, style is missing, but I can't figured out what else to include.
I copied map_ui.dart code in my class, and calling the class from home page of our flutter app.
Apart of this, I added, mapbox_gl: ^0.0.3 dependency in pubspec.yaml file
I expect the following
Output Map
. However, my code is displaying the following
Current Map
Flutter Mapbox GL Native
[edit:] Updated the current screen shot, after wrapping the widget in a Scaffold

So after wrapping the widget in a Scaffold, this is looking good now!
And, I had to zoom in a bit to see the image.
Latest Screen Shot


Is there a way to print the same exact page on flutter web?

i'm trying to make a page with flutter widgets and i want the user to be able to print the same exact page.
I have tried:
syncfusion_flutter_pdf library
Which is work fine but i cant make complex designs.
PDF library
Unfortunately i couldn't figure it out because i'm using dart:html
If you want to output a Flutter scene exactly as they appear on the screen, you can use a RepaintBoundary widget, to save the widget into a PNG file.
You can insert RepaintBoundary at any level of the widget tree. So if you put it near the root of the widget tree, you will be able to capture the whole screen.
Take a look at this answer for how to use RepaintBoundary.

Flutter text animation on page view scroll

Reference link: https://dribbble.com/shots/15798418-Mobile-App-Onboarding
I have been trying to build the above UI using Page view. I have used the stack as parent widget and handling the image scroll using page controller offset value.
Not sure how to achieve the text animation(In and out) and what could be the trigger point to start the animation for current page?
The animations package from the Flutter team has a nice package that includes an animation that closely resembles your example.
Here is the package: https://pub.dev/packages/animations
It is the first example under Shared Axis. They also have good examples of how to implement the animation using this package. If you have issues using the package please add some code samples for the problem and we can help!

Flutter showInfoWindow after googleMap build complete

I'm building an App which contains GoogleMap and some markers on it, and I'm using FutureBuilder Wrap the googleMap widget.
After FutureBuilder get the data for building map, the googleMap widget build the map and put the markers on it.
But now I want one of the markers show its info window ,and I tried controller.showInfoWindow method.
It's work perfectly after the map build completely(for example, if I put the method in some button's onTap method, it works fine),but doesn't work if put it in onMapCreated.
How can I show info window automatically when map build finish, not to press something?
I also tried WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback and didn't work too.
I found the problem really is: When the Map Camera is Moving, the showInfoWindow method doesn't work. So I just added a delay time in onMapCreate, and it seems to works fine now.

How to take screenshot of screen in flutter when using qr code scanner package

I am trying to scan codes using https://pub.dev/packages/qr_code_scanner. But I would also like to take the screenshot of the code being scanned. For this I wrapped the QRView widget with RepaintBoundary widget along with a globalkey for it (reference: https://codesearchonline.com/flutter-screenshot/). But this is generating a black color screenshot and not the actual code scanned. I tried to see if pausing the camera(controller.pauseCamera) would make a difference, but it was of no use. I tested the code on a plain widget which had a textbox and it was able to get the correct screenshot of that. But I am not able to get the scanned code screenshot. It always comes in black color. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want the entire screen screenshot as it has appbar and bottombar.
If you want to show the qr code image to user after the scan in the same scan area simply call controller.stopCamera(); in your _onQRViewCreated method. this will leave the image of the scanned code in view and will look like you took a screenshot.

How to add custom widgets as markers in Flutter MapboxGL?

Is there a way to add custom Flutter widgets as markers to the Mapbox MapView on Flutter? For example, markers as shown in the below image.
I have looked through tickets regarding Mapbox on both StackOverflow and Github but couldn't find any luck. The relevant component I found is the Symbol but it doesn't seem to support custom widget or custom photo.
Custom markers
I'm looking for the same thing. Unfortunately, it seems that the only option is to use flutter_map, an other plug in that is less efficient with Mapbox...