VS Code / Code Spaces can not change font size - github

I am experimenting with GH Codespaces
in my local VS Code (I know it's running remote).
However somehow I can not change the font size.
Ctrl + , for preferences, I found the Editor: font size option,
however, changing it does not impact the font size.
When I just try the same thing without codespaces (locally) it works just fine.
Is this enough to be reported as an issue?

I found a work around for this issue.
Open up the Command Palette (Shift + Cmd + P).
Search for 'Editor Font Zoom Out'/ 'Editor Font Zoom Out' and select
either option until you reach your desired font size.
Gif of Fix
Hope this helps! :D


VS Code font size changing automatically

I have this weird issue with my terminal in VS Code where the font size keeps changing according to its screen size.
I am currently using mac 13in and 27in external monitor.
This is what it looks like on mac (13in) screen
mac(13in) font size
and this is what it looks like on 27in external monitor
27in font size
I already tried configuring the font size manually adding into settings.json and also tried to do the same in the preference but this issue doesn't seem to go away.
if anything the letter spacing just becomes wider as this image below
changed font size manually
please help and thanks in advance!

How do i change only the font size of comments in VS CODE?

How do I change only the font size of comments in VS CODE ?
is it possible to only change the font size of comments in vscode ?
You can use 'Ctrl and +' or 'mousewheelup and +' at one time to zoom in your code and zoom out.
There are also numerous stunning extensions in VS CODE.
You can search there like the is an extension that will make your comments colorful named "Colorful comments". Just search and choose any extension of your choice.
If you want to change only font size, there is an option in the settings of VS code.

Is there any way to change the size of icons (vim-devicons) without changing the font-size?

I've installed NERDTree and vim-devicons plugins for customizing my workspace and I find that size of icons is too small, so I wanted to make them bigger without changing font-size (current font-size comfortable for me).
I've tried to find solution on original documentation, read forums etc. Also I tried to find some special Nerd Font that will have bigger icons size but unfortunately everything was unsuccessful.
Link below is an example that shows current size of my icons and font.
example with NERDTree window, tabs and status line
I'm using Windows PowerShell as my terminal and neovim as my editor.
I would be grateful if someone could explain to me how to solve my problem or tell another way (or may be another plugins) to add icons and files tree to vim.
Those icons are just text and you can only have one font and font size for the whole terminal emulator's window. Therefore, you can't adjust their size separately from the rest of the text.

VS Code Jupyter Notebook Markdown Display Font

Is there some way to modify the font in which the rendered markdown cell is displayed in VS Code's Jupyter Notebook? I have searched the internet to resolve this matter, but all I understand was that this is done by default as shown in the screenshot provided in Working with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code. The screenshot below clearly shows that the font for rendered markdown cell is different than the one set for code cells
On the other hand, My VS Code notebook Looks like this
It seems that render font for markdown has somehow been linked with the font for code cells. If I change the font for the code cell, the markdown cell render font changes too.
In settings, I found an option to set fonts for markdown preview, and I changed it to Arial, but this does not have any effect on markdown cell
I finally decided to completely uninstall VS Code, by uninstalling through control panel, then removing remaining folders from %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Code and %userprofile%\.vscode. Afterwards, I reinstall VS Code from the latest available stable installer and reinstalled the required extensions. But the problem still persists.
I would really appreciate any help regarding this matter
Yes, you can change the Font Size and other things too...
* -> Bullet Points
Bullet Point Image
*** -> Creates Border Line
Border Image
# -> Largest font Size
Large Font Image
## -> Medium Font Size
Medium Font Image
### -> Smallest Font Size
Small Font Image
` (Back Ticks) -> Mark the Text with Color
Back Tick Image
> -> Shade the Entire Current Cell
Shaded Shell Image
One last thing, to apply these effects you have to press ctrl + enter
for every Shell
This may help: Incorrect font used in notebook Markdown code blocks.
Apply editor-font-family to all code in notebooks (microsoft#157554)
Apply editor-font-family to all code in notebook
Fixes microsoft#146696
This matches what we do in the markdown preview
from https://github.com/Maxxisthename/vscode/commit/0103536a602d5acaffb3f4a39d8c5b31046c272b
So the editor font family you set in the settings (Editor: Font Family) should be respected in the markdown of notebook cells. If that helps...

Letterspacing in GNU Emacs

I'm using GNU Emacs on 64bit Ubuntu. Monaco font works well, except the gap between each letter is too wide, thus causing each line of codes to spread too widely. I thought maybe it was a problem with the font, but then Ubuntu terminal was capable of handling the exactly same font with a narrower horizontal margin.
Is there any method I can try to adjust the horizontal linespacing in Emacs?
Have you checked that Emacs and terminal really display the font differently? In your screenshot, the font size itself in Emacs is bigger.
Anyways, you can choose different spacing values when setting a font by appending them to the font name, e.g. "Monaco-10:spacing=110". Try if you can get the behaviour you want this way.
EDIT: Maybe the second paragraph of my answer should be disregarded. I basically guessed this based on the output of describe-font, but further experiments with it didn't yield satisfying results.
M-x customize-face
At the prompt enter "default"
I adjust the font-width from medium to condensed and see if that helps.
Otherwise you might just try a different font. SHIFT + Mouse-1 should bring up a menu where you can change the default font from Courier.
I suffer the same problem, but then I googled into this post:
it definitely solves my issue.
The fix is rather simple, download the linux version of Monaco font and everything would be fine. :)