Letterspacing in GNU Emacs - emacs

I'm using GNU Emacs on 64bit Ubuntu. Monaco font works well, except the gap between each letter is too wide, thus causing each line of codes to spread too widely. I thought maybe it was a problem with the font, but then Ubuntu terminal was capable of handling the exactly same font with a narrower horizontal margin.
Is there any method I can try to adjust the horizontal linespacing in Emacs?

Have you checked that Emacs and terminal really display the font differently? In your screenshot, the font size itself in Emacs is bigger.
Anyways, you can choose different spacing values when setting a font by appending them to the font name, e.g. "Monaco-10:spacing=110". Try if you can get the behaviour you want this way.
EDIT: Maybe the second paragraph of my answer should be disregarded. I basically guessed this based on the output of describe-font, but further experiments with it didn't yield satisfying results.

M-x customize-face
At the prompt enter "default"
I adjust the font-width from medium to condensed and see if that helps.
Otherwise you might just try a different font. SHIFT + Mouse-1 should bring up a menu where you can change the default font from Courier.

I suffer the same problem, but then I googled into this post:
it definitely solves my issue.
The fix is rather simple, download the linux version of Monaco font and everything would be fine. :)


Underscore not showing in Dymola

I am using Dymola 2021 and 2021X, the underscore doesn't show in any models. I tried to reinstall Dymola and adjust the setting option of the text editor, but the problem still exists.
My questions are:
Is this some kind of bug in the new version?
If not a bug, how to fix this issue?
You can start Dymola with a different font as follows (as described in the full manual on page 495, "Developing a model|Tools>options|General group settings|Base font size")
"C:\Program Files\Dymola 2021x\bin\Dymola.exe" –fixedfont
"Lucida Console"
or some other font than "Lucida Console" - I hope you have some that works; there's also plain -font for the non-fixed width font.
As far as I see this setting isn't stored anywhere so you will have to make a short-cut to Dymola and use that every time.
I have never seen this behavior before and it works just fine for all installations I have seen.
It seems you have changed some fonts, maybe on operating system level, could you change these back? Default is sans-serif for menus (see screenshot), you use a font with serifs.
Also, a line length of 50 is very questionable, the default 80 is a reasonable MINIMUM.
Can you try and reset all Dymola settings, like this:

Fonts in Netbeans smaller than desired

My Netbeans 7.4 claims, it uses Courier New 18pt font:
However, when I set my Notepad++ (and any other piece of software on my Windows 7) to the very same typefaces and font size:
Font clearly looks much bigger.
Can someone enlighten me, what am I missing? How can two programs claim that they use the very same font for text display and display that text it two different heights?
Maybe have you unconsciously made zoom. Try Alt + Mouse Wheel or defined there:

Emacs on Windows 7: How to get color theme »solarized-light« working?

I'm using Emacs 24 on Windows 7. I installed the solarized theme, see here: https://github.com/sellout/emacs-color-theme-solarized
It is easy to switch to the color-theme, e.g. by doing M-x load-theme and then pick solarized-light.
But especially the colors of solarized-light are nearly unreadable. The colors are not even close to the colors of the pictures. I guess there is something wrong with a thing called »color palette«, see here: console2 colors solarized
Any ideas?
Edit: I made a screenshot of Emacs which shows the pretty low contrast.
So, I installed it now, and I see the lack of contrast. But the difference seems to be cause by the difference in font rendering across operating systems.
The screenshots on the github page have most likely been done on Mac OS, which renders the fonts the thickest. The theme looks reasonable on Linux with the default font, although, depending on the settings, it renders the text a bit or more thinner. And Windows renders text with the smallest amount of "ink", so to speak. While it's considered sharper my some users, it also makes things worse when a theme uses low-contrast colors, such as the light version of Solarized.
Another thing to note is that the screenshots are done in Vim, which has a different syntax highlighting mechanism from Emacs, so the colors on keywords, etc, are bound to be different.
But I took two screenshots, on Ubuntu and Windows, opened them in Gimp, zoomed in, used the color picker, and the value of the blue color was approximately the same as on the reference screenshot: 2690db.
In my view, i don't feel the theme work improperly.
The following is my screenshot, os x, Emacs 24.3
Have you tried to change another font or theme (if that is not your only love)

What are some good emacs font faces to manually set?

There is alllll kinds of information out there about emacs color schemes, font locks, etc but I am having trouble getting where I want to be. Basically I would like to know what are some of the best font faces to set in order to have a nice solid color theme which is a good cross language solution. I am ending up with lots of language syntax (parens, brackets, operators, etc) not highlighted in some places when I expect them to be.
Below are the faces I am currently setting:
What if any major faces am I missing here?
Don't do it like this. Choose a colour-theme that looks "okay" and when you're doing some work and find something unsatisfactory, customise that face to suite your taste.
I once knew someone who actually did an xlsfonts and opened an xterm for each one to decide which one he wanted to use while coding. Not thing kind of way I'd like to spend my time. :)
zenburn is a beautiful color theme. I use the terminus font on debian.
anyhow, I give up trying to use best font in GUI system. I revert to Raster Font, use in DOS Prompt / if it is in Linux, a TTY. Now that is so simple :)
My main workstation is Windows. There is (off course) native Win32 GUI version of Emacs, but I prefer to run it in DOS Command Prompt, using I am using emacs -nw. Using a few trick (write app that draw black border around screen edges), a found it able to make an illusion that it is in a console mode.
I love console mode :)

Letterspacing in Eclipse code editor

Is there any way to change the letter-spacing of text in Eclipse's code editor?
Maybe you can try changing from a fixed width font to the variable width font like Verdana or Tahoma. Window->Preferences->Appearance->Colors and Fonts->Basic->Text Font
If you mean the java code editor in Eclipse this is not possible. The editor is not a word processor. You can only change the font setings (typeface, style, color, size).
If you are referring to this kind of letter spacing, then no, I do not think so.
Not in the sense that a typography system allows you to tweak the appearance of text on a printed page.
The default for me is Courier New Regular 10. You can change the size to 12 or some other size.
Are you trying to change the kerning rules? Kerning is positioning different letters in a variable-width font. For instance in the word "We", the "e" is tucked in a little bit under the "W". The page-layout software that magazine publishers use can control this.
Fonts are opaque to Eclipse; it doesn't give you a way to change the rules within the font. Unfortunately the best you can do is try the different fonts and sizes until you find one that has kerning rules that work, more or less.