How to call walker ability from a node in Jaseci? - jaseci

I'm trying to call an ability of a walker from a node. This is the code which I tried,
node person {
has name;
has byear;
can set_year with setter entry {
byear = visitor.year;
walker setter {
has year=std.time_now();
can setup{
name = "Joe";
I want to call the setup ability when the setter walker enters the person node. There is a syntax mistake in the line ::visitor.setup; of this code block. It works fine to call the variable from the walker. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.


Non-static method cannot be called statically [duplicate]

Im trying to load my model in my controller and tried this:
return Post::getAll();
got the error Non-static method Post::getAll() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
The function in the model looks like this:
public function getAll()
return $posts = $this->all()->take(2)->get();
What's the correct way to load the model in a controller and then return it's contents?
You defined your method as non-static and you are trying to invoke it as static. That said...
1.if you want to invoke a static method, you should use the :: and define your method as static.
// Defining a static method in a Foo class.
public static function getAll() { /* code */ }
// Invoking that static method
2.otherwise, if you want to invoke an instance method you should instance your class, use ->.
// Defining a non-static method in a Foo class.
public function getAll() { /* code */ }
// Invoking that non-static method.
$foo = new Foo();
Note: In Laravel, almost all Eloquent methods return an instance of your model, allowing you to chain methods as shown below:
$foos = Foo::all()->take(10)->get();
In that code we are statically calling the all method via Facade. After that, all other methods are being called as instance methods.
Why not try adding Scope? Scope is a very good feature of Eloquent.
class User extends Eloquent {
public function scopePopular($query)
return $query->where('votes', '>', 100);
public function scopeWomen($query)
return $query->whereGender('W');
$users = User::popular()->women()->orderBy('created_at')->get();
Eloquent #scopes in Laravel Docs
TL;DR. You can get around this by expressing your queries as MyModel::query()->find(10); instead of MyModel::find(10);.
To the best of my knowledge, starting PhpStorm 2017.2 code inspection fails for methods such as MyModel::where(), MyModel::find(), etc (check this thread), and this could get quite annoying.
One (elegant) way to get around this is to explicitly call ::query() wherever it makes sense to. This will let you benefit from free auto-completion and a nice formatting/indentating for your queries.
Snippet where inspection complains about static method calls
// static call complaint
$myModel = MyModel::find(10);
// another poorly formatted query with code inspection complaints
$myFilteredModels = MyModel::where('is_foo', true)
->where('is_bar', false)
Well formatted code with no complaints
// no complaint
$myModel = MyModel::query()->find(10);
// a nicely formatted and indented query with no complaints
$myFilteredModels = MyModel::query()
->where('is_foo', true)
->where('is_bar', false)
Just in case this helps someone, I was getting this error because I completely missed the stated fact that the scope prefix must not be used when calling a local scope. So if you defined a local scope in your model like this:
public function scopeRecentFirst($query)
return $query->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc');
You should call it like:
$CurrentUsers = \App\Models\Users::recentFirst()->get();
Note that the prefix scope is not present in the call.
Solution to the original question
You called a non-static method statically. To make a public function static in the model, would look like this:
public static function {
In General:
In this particular instance:
One thing to be careful of, when defining relationships and scope, that I had an issue with that caused a 'non-static method should not be called statically' error is when they are named the same, for example:
public function category(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Category');
public function scopeCategory(){
return $query->where('category', 1);
When I do the following, I get the non-static error:
The issue, is that Laravel is using my relationship method called category, rather than my category scope (scopeCategory). This can be resolved by renaming the scope or the relationship. I chose to rename the relationship:
public function cat(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Category', 'category_id');
Please observe that I defined the foreign key (category_id) because otherwise Laravel would have looked for cat_id instead, and it wouldn't have found it, as I had defined it as category_id in the database.
You can give like this
public static function getAll()
return $posts = $this->all()->take(2)->get();
And when you call statically inside your controller function also..
I've literally just arrived at the answer in my case.
I'm creating a system that has implemented a create method, so I was getting this actual error because I was accessing the overridden version not the one from Eloquent.
Hope that help?
Check if you do not have declared the method getAll() in the model. That causes the controller to think that you are calling a non-static method.
For use the syntax like return Post::getAll(); you should have a magic function __callStatic in your class where handle all static calls:
public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
return (new static)->$method(...$parameters);

Why use setter when you can assign massively using a method?

I found out that I can assign data to a property using set or a method.
class Human {
String name, address;
set rewriteName(String name) { = name;
set rewriteAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
void rewrite(String name, String address) { = name;
this.address = address;
String introduction() => "Name is $name. I live in $address";
Human(, this.address);
I tried to assign some data using both way, and method looks more efficient than using setter, since its only need just one call to change everything:
Human human = Human('stacker', 'baghdad');
// using method
human.rewrite('overflow', 'new york');
// using setter
human.rewriteName = "Hooman";
human.rewriteAddress = "jakarta";
my question is why using a setter instead of method?
Typically, the targets of getters and setters are made private so they're not directly accessible from outside of the file or library.
class Business {
String name, _address;
double lat, long;
bool coordsCalculated = false;
Map propertyRecords = {};
get address {
return _address;
set address(String address) {
if (address == _address) return; // Nothing changed;
_address = address;
// API call to calculate lat/log
APICall(onSuccess: (data) {
lat =;
long = data.long;
coordsCalculated = true;
void rewrite(String name, String address) { = name;
this.address = address;
String summary() {
if (coordsCalculated) return "Business name is $name, here's a link to the map!";
return "Business name is $name, at $_address.";
Human(, String address) {
this.address = address;
The user of the class feels like they're using a normal property, but it does other silent things.
Methods can do this too, yes, but this can feel cleaner.
Importantly, getters and setters cannot be asynchronous which definitely can give methods an advantage, but there are plenty of valid uses.
Getters and setters are also easier to read, when being used. Less parentheses are always a good thing.
You certainly don't need to always use them, or use them when they do nothing but set the variable, but they can be nice.
In one of my Widgets, I have a getter that looks something like
FileState get fileState => FileUploaderKey.currentState!. widget.file.state;
It's so much easier to read this way. It gets the current state of the file, always, whereas
FileState fileState = FileUploaderKey.currentState!.widget.file.state;
Only saves the current state, but doesn't change with it.
It's basically about what the usage looks like, a method call with a parameter vs. what looks like an assignment to a property. From's Effective Dart: Design
DO use setters for operations that conceptually change properties.
Linter rule: use_setters_to_change_properties
Deciding between a setter versus a method is similar to deciding between a getter versus a method. In both cases, the operation should be “field-like”.
For a setter, “field-like” means:
The operation takes a single argument and does not produce a result value.
The operation changes some state in the object.
The operation is idempotent. Calling the same setter twice with the same value should do nothing the second time as far as the caller is concerned. Internally, maybe you’ve got some cache invalidation or logging going on. That’s fine. But from the caller’s perspective, it appears that the second call does nothing.
In your example you're comparing a method that changes two properties with two separate setters. You'd use the method if it's essential that the two properties both be updated at the same time, as a single conceptual operation. If the properties are independent (and otherwise meet the criteria above), you might use setters instead (if you need to do something when they're set; otherwise, simple data fields might make more sense).

kotlin coroutine - what is default scope?

How does coroutines default scope work if i do not specify anything. lets take a look at this example:
class MyAppCompatActivity:AppCompatActivity{
fun getContact() {
GlobalScope.launch {
val contact = contacts.getContact() // suspended function
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
phoneContact.value = contact }
which simply updates the UI when a contact is retrieved. this is added to the global scope of so the coroutine life span can be that of the entire application.
but lets do the same thing again without a globalScope:
class MyAppCompatActivity:AppCompatActivity{
fun getContact() {
launch {
val contact = contacts.getContact() // suspended function
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
phoneContact.value = contact }
what is the lifespan of getContact now that i have removed the globalScope ? is it tied to the MyAppCompatActivity scope ?
Your code will fail to compile because launch must be called on a CoroutineScope object. This object specifies the lifespan of the coroutine. Since your activity does not implement a scope it will fail to compile or call a completely unrelated launch function.
I don't think this is a good idea anymore, as it looks like they're just functions for testing (doesn't launch coroutines). Maybe this was an API available previously, but now you should be using lifecycleScope to scope a coroutine to a fragment or activity, and viewModelScope to scope them to a View Model's life cycle. These are properties available in those classes by already.
Here's what I see when I try to use launch:

Can I add a method on es6 class after it is defined?

method() {}
function func() {}
Above is just to elaborate difference between method and function.
class Student {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
In the above class, after writing the definition.
I want to add a method2 to the class, similar to the way method1 is there.
I can add a function like soo
Student.prototype.func = function(){...}
But I do not have a way to add a method on the same class. and inside function I will not be able to use super as that is just available inside the method.
Is there a way I can add method after the class is defined ?
So that I will be able to use super inside that.
As has already been explained, you can only use super() inside the regular class definition. But, long before we had ES6, we were calling parent method implementations manually. It can be done using the parent's prototype:
class Person {
talk() {
// some implementation here
class Student extends Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
} = function(data) {
// now call base method manually, data);
// then do our extra work
Of course, normally you could just declare all your methods within the class declaration so this would not be something you would normally need to do.
Your snippet adding a new property to the prototype is only approach for adding a function later. One main difference in this case is that simple assignment like that will create the property as enumerable by default, whereas class syntax would create is as non-enumerable. You could use
Object.defineProperty(Student.prototype, "func", {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: function() {
to address that at least.
Unfortunately as you've seen, adding things to the prototype afterward does not allow usage of There is no way for this to be supported, because the behavior of super is based specifically on the lexical nesting of the method syntax method(){} being inside of the class syntax. Methods added programmatically later on would have no way to know which prototype is the "super" one.

Coffeescript "#" variables

What does it mean in Coffeescript when a variable name begins with an "#" sign?
For example, I've been looking through the hubot source code and just in the first few lines I've looked at, I found
class Brain extends EventEmitter
# Represents somewhat persistent storage for the robot. Extend this.
# Returns a new Brain with no external storage.
constructor: (robot) ->
#data =
users: { }
_private: { }
#autoSave = true
robot.on "running", =>
#resetSaveInterval 5
I've seen it several other places, but I haven't been able to guess what it means.
The # symbol is a shorcut for this as you can see in Operators and Aliases.
As a shortcut for, you can use #property.
It basically means that the “#” variables are instance variables of the class, that is, class members. Which souldn't be confused with class variables, that you can compare to static members.
Also, you can think of #variables as the this or self operators of OOP languages, but it's not the exact same thing as the old javascript this. That javascript this refer to the current scope, which causes some problems when your are trying to refer to the class scope inside a callback for example, that's why coffescript have introduced the #variables, to solve this kind of problem.
For example, consider the following code:
Brain.prototype = new EventEmitter();
function Brain(robot){
// Represents somewhat persistent storage for the robot. Extend this.
// Returns a new Brain with no external storage. = {
users: { },
_private: { }
this.autoSave = true;
var self = this;
robot.on('running', fucntion myCallback() {
// here is the problem, if you try to call `this` here
// it will refer to the `myCallback` instead of the parent
// this.resetSaveInterval(5);
// therefore you have to use the cached `self` way
// which coffeescript solved using #variables
Final thought, the # these days means that you are referring to the class instance (i.e., this or self). So, #data basically means, so, without the #, it would refer to any visible variable data on scope.