How to display an Ionic Menu from right to left instead of left to right? - ionic-framework

I'm new to ionic v6, and I'm using the ion-menu-toggle component, however I haven't found a way to make the menu curtain appear from right to left instead of left to right as the default component works. Any idea how I can customize this behavior?
This image sums up what I don't want... I need the opposite:

if you want to put the menu element on the right side or left side of the page, you can use side property as explained in the docs.
<ion-menu side="start">
<ion-menu side="end">
if you want the "contents" of the menu to be right to left instead of left to right, you can use dir, like this:
<ion-menu dir="rtl">


Flutter nested menu flying left and right

How to implement the flying left or right animation for nested menu in flutter? I have a bottom sheet like the below one. I want the bottom sheet content (not the bottom sheet itself) to flying left, and new content will fly in from the right side when clicking the item "select your address type". This is common behaviour in web for nested menu.
I found a working solution by using stack and AnimatedPositioned. The tricky part is to calculate all nested menu's left position(you may use the right position as well). It's similar to how a image carousel works.

showing popupMenu menu on top of everything else

I am trying to create a popup menu that can be shown on top of all the other widgets I have on the screen, not something like the dialog but, I need the menu to show on top of a bottom panel of a sliding panel widget.
right now it shows underneath it and clearly is the right beaver from a code perspective, but from a UI perspective that is not good and it does hide some menu options rendering them unTappable, here is pic (a third option in the menu is being blocked) :
The menu is spawn from the three dots and is positioned exactly on top of them, it usually has 3 options. Right now, since the red bar on the bottom is a slide panel, it is positioned on top of everything and can be slides up from any page, only 2 options appear. my question is how do I make the menu go on top of the red bar, or at least maybe make it open upward instead of downward like it does here.
To make widget at the top of everything you can use Overlay, but I am not sure it is the best solution for you
I found how to do it.
The trick is to use the rootNavigation. rootNavigation is available on the showMenu method.
var Choice = await showMenu<ContextMenuOptions>(context: context, position: position,
items: items, useRootNavigator: true);

Moving Fancybox navigation into or next to toolbar

Is there an easy way to move the Fancybox navigation arrows into or next to the toolbar? Ideally, I would like to have them all above my gallery items with the left arrow, then the right arrow, then the close button. I can figure out how to reposition everything using CSS, but I was wondering if there was a quicker/easier way to get the layout I want. Thanks!
Simply use buttons option to specify what buttons and in what order you need:
buttons: ['arrowLeft', 'arrowRight', 'close']

Menu hiding when outside 'div' element is clicked

I am creating a simple dashboard in ionic that consists of a toolbar at the top and a collapsible menu (navigation bar)on the left side. The menu is toggled by the menu button in the toolbar, but clicking the standalone 'div' component is also causing the menu to hide.
<ion-menu type="push" menuId="nav-menu">
// create menu items
<div main>
hello world
I expect the menu to remain open/unchanged when clicking on the hello world.
This is the normal behaviour and not configurable:
ionic/menu.tsx at master · ionic-team/ionic
I think you should maybe explore split-pane if you want to keep the menu open:
ion-split-pane - Ionic Documentation
But even then I think you will need to add your own toggle button to all the "desktop" menu to be optionally collapsed.
This tutorial shows how to set it up with a menu in Angular:
Split Pane in Ionic ←
And I think this bit is where you would need to add your own toggle code:
<ion-split-pane [when]="checkSize()">
<!-- ... -->
The tutorial is giving you it from the point of view of size changes, but I think you could wire this into a toggled bool from your own menu button?

top left and top right button

I want to know How to create top left button and top right button element on a single row using css or jquery.
Please kindly provide details step by step.
1st result for Google: css top left right button.