Google Analytics 4 Custom Event Report - google-analytics-4

I'm sending custom events to Google Analytics with JavaScript (from within my SPA).
public logMealEvent(selected_meal, selected_food): void {
gtag('event', 'my-custom-event', {
meal: selected_meal,
food: selected_food
this.logMealEvent('breakfast', 'Toast');
this.logMealEvent('breakfast', 'Eggs');
this.logMealEvent('breakfast', 'Eggs');
this.logMealEvent('lunch', 'Sandwich');
this.logMealEvent('lunch', 'Soup');
this.logMealEvent('dinner', 'Chicken Tikka Masala');
"meal" and "food" have both been registered as custom dimensions in the Custom Definitions section of the Configure menu.
Now I'm trying to create a Report too see the data using Explore -> FreeForm.
What I'd really like to see is all the data, so something like:
Meal Food
breakfast Toast
breakfast Eggs
breakfast Eggs
lunch Sandwhich
lunch Soup
dinner Chicken Tikka Masala
But this doesn't seem to be possible.
I'd settle for:
breakfast 3
lunch 2
dinner 1
But that isn't working. I get this:
Obviously I'm doing something wrong. This is the guide I'm using:
As well as this:


How to get the values from Realm List to be used in a UITableview

Using the (modified) examples in the Realm Swift documentation:
class Dog: Object {
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var age = 0
let puppies = List<Puppies>()
class Person: Object {
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var picture: NSData? = nil // optionals supported
let dogs = List<Dog>()
class Puppies: Object {
dynamic var name = ""
Let's assume that the = Bob, and that Bob has several dogs added to his dogs List. I have added another model class called Puppies, which would represent puppies that belong to Bob's dogs. (Apparently Bob owns a kennel.)
How would I get the values to display the names of Bob's dogs and the number of puppies belonging to each dog in a UITableview?
More specifically, what is the code to extract the property values of the List of dogs that belong to Bob. I assume that once I get those values it won't be difficult to list them in the tableview cells.
I decide to use the slightly modified example from the documentation instead of my own code so that those who read this won't have to try and interpret my code, and be able to focus on the solution.
I have been able to save my data and believe I have made the relationships between the objects link properly, but don't know how to get the values of the List objects, based on the primary key I have in my top level model. The problem I have is that (using the example above): the puppies know what dog they belong to, and the dog knows the person it belongs to, but the inverse relationships don't seem to work.
(By the way; I used the LinkingObject examples in the documentation in a playground and it throws and error. I'm not sure if the examples are incomplete in some way.)
In the Realm Browser (displaying the Person object) I can see the data as entered but the link that shows [Dog] has a 0 next to it and when I click on the link, the table that shows is blank. Maybe solving that issues will be the answer to make everything else work.
Please excuse my ignorance. I'm still learning.
Thanks to Ahmad F. for pointing me in the right direction.
Here is the answer:
I did not know how to append to the list property in each of the object classes. Following the example above, it is done by creating a variable that holds the Person object. Then the realm.write function would look something like this.
newDog = Dog() = "Phydeaux"
try! realm.write {

In JavaFX 8 how can I bind to a computed expression?

I apologize if this is a repeat (couldn't find one) or pretty simple. I just can't find anything on it.
I would like to have a dynamic title on my primary stage based on values in a table. However I can't seem to find a way to handle this without have to code it on an event listener. I'd rather create a binding if possible.
Something like this:
primaryStage.titleProperty().bind("Open Items" + tableView.getItems().size());
primaryStage.titleProperty().bind(Bindings.size(tableView.getItems()).asString("Open Items %d"));
primaryStage.titleProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() ->
"Open Items "+tableView.getItems().size(),
primaryStage.titleProperty().bind(new StringBinding() {
{ bind(tableView.getItems()); }
public String computeValue() {
return "Open Items "+tableView.getItems().size();
and probably many other ways...

How to make basic bindings in ReactiveCocoa 3 and 4

I've been reading up on ReactiveCocoa v3 lately and I'm struggling with just setting up basic stuff. I've already read the changelog, the tests, the few SO questions and the articles by Colin Eberhardt on the subject. However, I'm still missing examples on basic bindings.
Let's say I have an app that presents the menu of the day. The app is using RAC3 and the MVVM pattern.
Model (Menu)
The model has one simple method for fetching todays menu. As for now, this don't do any network requests, it basically just creates a model object. The mainCourse property is a String.
class func fetchTodaysMenu() -> SignalProducer<Menu, NoError> {
return SignalProducer {
sink, dispoable in
let newMenu = Menu()
newMenu.mainCourse = "Some meat"
sendNext(sink, newMenu)
ViewModel (MenuViewModel)
The view model exposes different String variables for letting the view controller show the menu. Let's just add one property for showing the main course.
var mainCourse = MutableProperty("")
And we add a binding for this property:
self.mainCourse <~ Menu.fetchTodaysMenu()
|> map { menu in
return menu.mainCourse!
ViewController (MenuViewController)
Last but not least, I want to present this main course in a view. I'll add a UILabel for this.
var headline = UILabel()
And finally I want to set the text property of that UILabel by observing my view model. Something like:
self.headline.text <~ viewModel.headline.producer
Which unfortunately does not work.
The method fetchTodaysMenu() returns a SignalProducer<Menu, NoError>, but what if I want this method to return a SignalProducer<Menu, NSError> instead? This would make my binding in my view model fail as the method now may return an error. How do I handle this?
As mentioned, the current binding in my view controller does not work. I've been playing around with creating a MutableProperty that represents the text property of the UILabel, but I never got it right. I also think it feels clumsy or verbose to have to create extra variables for each property I want to bind. This was not needed in RAC2. I intentionally also tried to avoid using DynamicProperty, but maybe I shouldn't? I basically just want to find the right way of doing RAC(self.headline, text) = RACObserve(self.viewModel, mainCourse);.
Any other feedback/guidance on how to make this basic setup is highly appreciated.
So, after writing this question Colin Eberhardt made a part 3 of his RAC3 blog post series which includes a interesting and very relevant example of using MVVM and RAC3. The post can be found here and the source code here.
Based on his work, I've managed to answer my own questions:
By taking a slightly different approach, I'm able to make the fetchTodaysMenu() return a SignalProducer<Menu, NSError> as wanted. Here's how what I then would do in my view model:
|> observeOn(QueueScheduler.mainQueueScheduler)
|> start(next: { response in
}, error: {
println("Error \($0)")
It seems like there's no UIKit bindings yet as of RAC3 beta 4. Colin made some UIKit extensions himself to help him make these bindings I was looking for as well. These can be found here. Adding them to my project, made be able to do exactly what I wanted to:
self.mainCourse.rac_text <~ self.viewModel.mainCourse
Update May 25, 2015
After been working a lot more with ReactiveCocoa 3, I would like to answer 1) once again. By using catch, it's possible to do this in a more declarative manner. I ended up implementing a small helper function for this:
public func ignoreError<T: Any, E: ErrorType>(signalProducer: SignalProducer<T, E>) -> SignalProducer<T, NoError> {
return signalProducer
|> catch { _ in
SignalProducer<T, NoError>.empty
The function transforms any NSError to NoError making it possible to bind as I wanted to by doing MenuService.fetchTodaysMenu() |> ignoreError.
I open sourced my project as this might be a good starting point for others looking into ReactiveCocoa 3.0:
Update March 5, 2016
As highlighted in the comments, since Swift 2, the ignoreError function would now look like:
public func ignoreError() -> SignalProducer<Value, NoError> {
return flatMapError { _ in
SignalProducer<Value, NoError>.empty
Also, an extension library called Rex has also been made, where something similar has been added.

Can I divide my tests into separate specs and then call them from another or is it better to use helper functions?

Just got started with Protractor for E2E testing and I am having a bit of trouble with the test case structure.
Not sure if can I divide my tests into separate specs and then call them from another or how can I make nice helper functions to handle this.
I am finding elements by a repeater and then I would like to make tests for each of the operation for each of the element in the repeater. Sort of like this:
describe('tasty', function () {
'use strict';
var ptor;
beforeEach(function () {
ptor = protractor.getInstance();
it('Should sample three tasty fruits of every kind on my shopping list.', function () {
var fruitshelves = ptor.findElements(protractor.By.repeater('fruit in fruits').column('header'));
fruitshelves.then(function(arr) {
for (var i=0;i<arr.length; i++) {
// Pick up three fruits of this kind from the shelf and put in shopping cart
// Should be listed on my shopping list
// Open the wallet
// Should have money
// Pay for the fruits and put it in your shopping bag
// Should be able to complete the transaction
// For each one of the fruits in your shopping bag
// Take a bite
// Should be tasty
Based on the #langliman answer, I've managed to achieve the desired behaviour.
Note login.spec.js and should be located in the same folder. file:
var LoginPage = function (ptor) {
//following PageObject pattern define the functions here.
module.exports.getLoginPage = function (ptor) {
return new LoginPage(ptor);
login.spec.js file:
(function () {
'use strict';
describe('login page', function () {
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
var loginPageBuilder = require('./');
var loginPage = loginPageBuilder.getLoginPage(ptor);
it('should login as admin', function () {
I came to this question looking for a way to have helper functions shared between spec files in Protractor. In case others are looking for the same, turns out since Protractor is just running in Node, all you need to do is var helpers = require('./your-helper-file').
In case you want shared setup and before/after functions as well as helper methods, one solution is to require the tests from your spec helper instead of requiring your spec helper from the tests.
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
specs: ['e2e/spec.js']
var chai = require('chai'),
homepage = require('./homepage.js'),
signin = require('./signin.js');
browser.baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'
exports.test = function() {
describe('homepage', function() {
it('should have the right title', function() {
exports.test = function() {
describe('signin', function() {
it('should have the right title', function() {
title.should.eq('Sign in')
I'm looking at the same thing myself, and to some extent I had hoped that you would have an answer for me on this question. :-)
Having said that, it appears that protractor is new enough that nobody really knows the answer, and I guess that makes my answer as good as the next persons.
Firstly, I'm using the page object notation that is described on the protractor getting started page, towards the bottom:
This gives an element of modularity, my view here is that I end up with a set of classes, one per page, that abstract away some of the detail. So, for example, I might have a "foo" class, which includes in it abstractions like "foo.get" and "foo.validate(id, name, otherData)". This would be a way to pull out repeated code.
The bit that I haven't worked out is how to create a library of modules and then assemble those into a single set of scenarios. I have a few thoughts though:
The underlying problem is the ability to include javascript files in each other - which really doesn't exist as a capability. There are third party libraries, which I'd prefer not to use, and I haven't seen a way to use Angular's module capability to do this.
End 2 end testing can be very dependent on the order of the tests. So one test may create data, another test may then use that data. As an example, if you want a test that logs people on, you may need a test that registers people first. You probably don't want to put registration on the front of every test that you run. As such, you probably need a lot of control over the order of your test scenarios anyway
As such, one option is to just put everything in one really big file. Which goes against everything we all learned in school, but I haven't really come up with a reason that wouldn't work. Then you can write functions and abstractions to your hearts content.
If you follow that to the next stage, another option is to write a series of javascript files with strict naming conventions, then use grunt to concatenate them for you before executing them. So, for example:
A set of files named, which contain the "page object" definitions - basically helper methods for each page
A set of files named xxxx.functions.scenario.js, which contain common components of your scenarios - so maybe you have a register and logon set of actions, and you make that into a library function
A set of files named nnxx.scenarios.scenario.js, which contain the actual scripts themselves. These are numbered at the start (the nn), so we can concatenate them in a reliable sequence and thereby control which order our scripts run
I'm not yet saying this is a good idea, just that it at least superficially looks like it could work, and would give the desired result. My main concern is that it feels fragile - so as the test suite grows in size it would perhaps become very difficult to maintain. Perhaps another way to do this would be, instead of numbering the scenarios, to instead define them as dependencies, and have something that makes sure that any given script runs after any script it declares itself to be dependent on. That would maybe allow for subsetting of the scripts as well - so you could say "run the bar script" and the framework would know that the bar script needs the foo script run first, and maybe the login script. But it's OK to leave all the other scripts out.
EDIT: I see astrolabe as potentially a good answer here, it looks like it explicitly allows you to modularise your tests. I've just completed a proof of concept with it, and it seems to do everything I might hope. The code for it ends up something like:
* Partial for the page objects associated with clubs
var Page = require('astrolabe').Page;
module.exports = Page.create({
url: { value: 'UI/index.html#clubs' },
title: { get: function() { return this.findElement('title')); } },
description: { get: function() { return this.findElement('description')); } },
clubTableElement: { value: function(rowNum, columnBinding) {
return this.findElement('club in clubs').row(rowNum).column(columnBinding)); } }
* End to end tests for the club functionality
var homePage = require('../home/home.part.scenario.js');
var clubsPage = require('./clubs.part.scenario.js');
describe( 'Navigate to club list page', function() {
it ( 'should allow navigation to the club list page', function() {
expect(clubsPage.title.getText()).toEqual('Club functions');
expect(clubsPage.description.getText()).toEqual('Soon this will show a list of all the clubs, based on information from the server');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'name').getText()).toEqual('First club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('A Person');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'name').getText()).toEqual('Second club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('J Jones');
it ( 'should allow us to go directly to the club list page', function() {
expect(clubsPage.title.getText()).toEqual('Club functions');
expect(clubsPage.description.getText()).toEqual('Soon this will show a list of all the clubs, based on information from the server');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'name').getText()).toEqual('First club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(0, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('A Person');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'name').getText()).toEqual('Second club');
expect(clubsPage.clubTableElement(1, 'contact_officer').getText()).toEqual('J Jones');
I'm pretty happy with this structure, it doesn't do everything but it does most things. The sample code I've provided is from the tutorial that I've been working on for a while with angularjs, which I'm updating for e2e testing and Rails 4 at the moment, if you want the context that goes with that:

Multiple Forms in Symfony

I do have a form. This form submits for example 3 words (beer, coke, wine). In the next action I do want to have a three choice widgets with one or more choices:
-beer: //first choice field
* buddy lighty //choice one
* busch //choice two
* miler //choice three
-coke: //second choice field
* coke diet
* coke
* coke vanilla
-wine: //third choice field
* bordeaux
* suave
* champange
I want every choice in one action. So if somebodey make a choice busch, coke, suave will be submittet. How can I realise it?
Thanks for the comment. I might forget to say that I don't know how many dropdown menus I need. There might be just beer and coke or beer, coke, wine and juice. It depends from what the user fill out the number of forms the action before! I tried to do it with a foreach-loop in forms.class.php. But it doesn't help.
I use Doctrine.
One simple way to do this (depends on your model, too) is to configure each item as nullable, and then use form options to show/hide certain widgets. e.g., if your schema looks like this lazy example:
# ...
type: enum
values: [Old Peculier,Tribute,Deuchars]
notnull: false
type: enum
values: [Bordeaux,Suave,Champagne]
notnull: false
# ...etc
Configure your form like this:
class DrinkOrderForm extends BaseDrinkOrderForm
public function configure()
if ($this->getOption('hide_wine'))
$this->widgetSchema['wine'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden;
// … etc
And then when the action of the previous form submits you can pass options to the form, like:
$this->form = new DrinkOrderForm($drink_order, array(
'hide_wine' => true,
'hide_beer' => false,
This is just a quick example - instead of an ENUM type, you could use relations to another table (e.g. wine_id and an sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice widget & validator).
One thing you can't do is have 3-4 separate forms, because web browsers will only submit one of them. You either have to embed forms within each other, or use the simpler technique above, depending on how your model's set up.
If the number of types of choice isn't fixed, then you'd want to look into using something like the form system's embedRelation method (or the ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin) to dynamically add sub-forms. It's hard to know from your example just how far you want to go. :)