I do have a form. This form submits for example 3 words (beer, coke, wine). In the next action I do want to have a three choice widgets with one or more choices:
-beer: //first choice field
* buddy lighty //choice one
* busch //choice two
* miler //choice three
-coke: //second choice field
* coke diet
* coke
* coke vanilla
-wine: //third choice field
* bordeaux
* suave
* champange
I want every choice in one action. So if somebodey make a choice busch, coke, suave will be submittet. How can I realise it?
Thanks for the comment. I might forget to say that I don't know how many dropdown menus I need. There might be just beer and coke or beer, coke, wine and juice. It depends from what the user fill out the number of forms the action before! I tried to do it with a foreach-loop in forms.class.php. But it doesn't help.
I use Doctrine.
One simple way to do this (depends on your model, too) is to configure each item as nullable, and then use form options to show/hide certain widgets. e.g., if your schema looks like this lazy example:
# ...
type: enum
values: [Old Peculier,Tribute,Deuchars]
notnull: false
type: enum
values: [Bordeaux,Suave,Champagne]
notnull: false
# ...etc
Configure your form like this:
class DrinkOrderForm extends BaseDrinkOrderForm
public function configure()
if ($this->getOption('hide_wine'))
$this->widgetSchema['wine'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden;
// … etc
And then when the action of the previous form submits you can pass options to the form, like:
$this->form = new DrinkOrderForm($drink_order, array(
'hide_wine' => true,
'hide_beer' => false,
This is just a quick example - instead of an ENUM type, you could use relations to another table (e.g. wine_id and an sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice widget & validator).
One thing you can't do is have 3-4 separate forms, because web browsers will only submit one of them. You either have to embed forms within each other, or use the simpler technique above, depending on how your model's set up.
If the number of types of choice isn't fixed, then you'd want to look into using something like the form system's embedRelation method (or the ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin) to dynamically add sub-forms. It's hard to know from your example just how far you want to go. :)
I want to build a multipage from.
The first page asks for first name and last name.
I want to greet the user with his first name in the second page.
The best way to do this is to use Live Merge Tags with Populate Anything:
If you collected the user's first name in a Name field on page 1, you could great him in the field label for a field on page 2 like so:
Hello, #{Name (First):1.3}
(In this example, the field ID for the Name field is 1. The 3 refers to the first name input of a Name field and will always be 3).
If avoiding another plugin (as useful as that one is), you can use either the pre_submission_filter or pre_submission hooks to do this.
If their name was field 1 and lets say the field you'd like to show is field 2...
add_filter('gform_pre_render', 'populate_forms');
add_filter('gform_pre_validation', 'populate_forms');
add_filter('gform_pre_submission_filter', 'populate_forms', 10);
add_filter('gform_admin_pre_render', 'populate_forms');
function populate_forms($form) {
$form_id = $form['id'];
$current_form = 2; // pretending the form id you are working on is 2.
$future_form = 10; // imaginary form you'll create later for another purpose.
switch($form_id) {
case $current_form:
$first_name = !empty(rgpost('input_1_3')) ? rgpost('input_1_3') : null; // gets the value they entered into the first-name box of field 1.
foreach ($form['fields'] as &$field) {
if ($field->id === '2') { // Make as many of these as necessary.
if ($first_name) { // make sure there's actually a value provided from field 1.
$field->placeholder = $first_name; // not necessary, just habit since sometimes you'd need to have a placeholder to reliably populate some fields.
$field->defaultValue = $first_name; // this is the piece that will actually fill in the value like you'd expect to see in your question.
//case $future_form: do more stuff.
return $form;
That should be a decent start for your functionality plugin where you can populate the current and future forms without much hassle. This can also be done with the gform_field_value hook; I've always found the language a bit clumsy with that one, personally.
The plugin mentioned earlier is definitely neat, but I found myself wanting to rely on that stuff less and less.
I have a user form that is created in extjs framework. The user form has many user fields which are being passed as part of request payload to the REST controller.
I am trying to add a grid panel(most likely in a tabular format with multiple rows & columns) to the user form.
But I am not sure how to pass the grid panel data as part of request payload to the REST controller.
I will post more code if any more details are needed.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ext.define('soylentgreen.view.admin.UserForm', {
extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias : 'widget.userform',
bodyStyle : 'padding:5px 5px 0',
// some userform elements like firstname,lastname, go here.....
name : 'userTeamGrid',
xtype : 'gridpanel',
id : 'userTeamGrid',
itemId : 'userTeamGrid',
multiSelect : true,
selModel : Ext.create(
injectCheckbox : 'first',
mode : 'MULTI',
checkOnly : false
anchor : '100%',
width : '700px',
height : 250,
flex : 1,
store : 'userTeamStore',
var user = form.getRecord();
callback : function(records, operation){
//reset the (static) proxy extraParams object
user.getProxy().extraParams = {
requestType: 'standard'
var error = operation.getError();
IMO, That's one of the most complicated yet common issues we face in ExtJS. It has to be solved often, but most solutions have to be slightly different depending on the exact requirements.
Grids are bound to a full store, not to a single record. So if you want to get data from a record (e.g. as an array) into a grid and vice versa, you have to have a mapping between the data from the store and the value in a single field of a record. To e.g. get all data from the store, the generic solution is
store.getRange().map(function(record) { return record.getData(); });
If you need only the grid selection (maybe you want to use a checkboxselection model or similar) and/or only certain fields of the records, you have to change this code to your needs, e.g.
grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection().map(function(record) {return record.get('Id'); });
So, your record is bound to the form, and a form consists of fields. How do you get the grid data to be accepted as part of the form?
You have to add a hiddenfield to your form and, depending on your requirement, overwrite some of the four functions setValue, getValue, getModelData, getSubmitValue. Usually, the hiddenfield tries to convert its value to a string, but obviously, you need to allow for arrays there; and you want to modify the grid whenever setValue is called, or read the value from the grid whenever one of the getters is called. The four functions are used for the following:
setValue should be used to modify the grid based on the value you find in the record.
getValue is used in comparison operations (check whether the value has changed, which means the form is dirty and has to be submitted, etc.) and if you call form.getValues. You should return some value based on the grid state in it.
getModelData is used by the form.updateRecord method; it should return a value that the model field's convert method can work with.
getSubmitValue is used by the form.submit method, it should return a value that can be safely transmitted to the server (has to be a string if the form doesn't have sendAsJson:true set)
I cannot give you an exact recipe for these implementations, as they are specific to your requirements.
I have a w2ui form that contains a w2ui Drop List of choices. The choices will be different depending on what the user selected to bring up the form. My question is: can the contents of a Drop List be changed after it has been rendered?
With standard HTML controls, I would do something like this:
$("#mySelect option[value='xyz']").remove();
$("#mySelect").append('<option value="abc">abc</option>');
Can these kinds of operations be done with a w2ui Drop List? Any example code?
In w2ui 1.5 you can use $jQueryElement.w2field() to access the w2fild object - and then manipulate it.
var field = $("#my_input").w2field();
field.options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
// optionally: pre-select first item
// if you do NOT use "setIndex" you need to call "refresh" yourself!
// field.refresh();
Note: setIndex() internally calls refresh() - so as stated above, you do not need to call refresh yourself in that case.
If you want to completely clear/empty your field, you can call field.reset().
Edit: after clarification that it's about a form field:
// Note: ``this`` refers to the w2form
// ``field[8]`` refers to a field of type "select"
this.fields[8].options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
this.record = {
field_select: 'new'
1) Is there a symfony method ?
I've got a basic form (not mapped to the database), with some choice fields, for example :
$builder->add('civility', 'choice', array('choices'=> array('m' => 'M.', 'mme' => 'Mme', 'mlle' => 'Mlle')))
How can I - after the form was submited - in the action (or, even better, in the template), retrieve the label value of the option instead of the form submitted value ? (in this case, I want to be able to render "M." in the template instead of "m")
I was thinking about something like $form->get("civility")->getChoiceLabel($form->get("civility")->getData())
But I didn't find anything like this in the documentation (though there was something like that in Symfony1).
2) If Really not, what's the best way to make it ?
Thus, I was thinking about creating some methods to do that, in the Data Class used by the form, like .. :
private $choices = array("civility" => array('m' => 'M.', 'mme' => 'Mme', 'mlle' => 'Mlle'));
static public function getChoiceLabel($choice_value, $field_name)
return self::$choices[$field_name][$choice_value];
static public function getChoices($field_name)
return self::$choices[$field_name];
But the problem is that we're not supposed to use static methods in the twig template (I have to make it Static to be able to use it in the form generation, the buildForm method, and not duplicate some code).
You can access choses labels and their values like this:
Read more: Symfony\Component\Form\FormConfigInterface::getOption()
Is there an easy way to automatically generate a form panel (I mean the fields and the values), given a model and a store?
Create an instance of your model, then iterate through the empty data object adding input fields to the form panel, this code won't work because the Form.Panel isn't added to anything but you should be able to get the idea.
var objModel = Ext.create('app.model.objModel'),
fp = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel');
Ext.iterate(objModel.data, function (item) {
fp.add({xtype: 'textfield', name: item, label: item});