OSRM Table Service: handle sparsity, do not compute cross product between sources and destinations - osrm

I'm facing a bottleneck.
I have a set of pairs (source, destination) for which I need to calculate the durations.
Currently I'm passing all my sources, and all my destinations to the Table Service, which returns a full matrix for all (source, destination) pairs.
But this is way too many pairs compared to what I really need.
Is there a way to solve this better with OSRM?
I know it's possible to send one request per pair but I think this is not going to be fast enough for my use.
I saw that in the General Options there is a radiuses parameter to limit the search, but I'm not sure how to use this with the Table Service.
Any idea or guidance appreciated!
Thanks for this awesome project and any help you could bring!


Do I have to loop through each 'page' of orders to get all orders in one WooComerce REST Api query?

I've built a KNIME workflow that helps me analyse (sales) data from numerous channels. In the past I used to export all orders manually and use an XSLX or CSV reader but I want to do it via WooCommerce's REST API to reduce manual labor.
I would like to be able to receive all orders up until now from a single query. So far, I only get as many as the # I fill in for &per_page=X. But if I fill in like 1000, it gives an error. This + my common sense give me the feeling I'm thinking the wrong way!
If it is not possible, is looping through all pages the second best thing?
I've managed to connect to the api via basic auth. The following query returns orders, but only 10:
I've tried increasing the number per_page but I do not think this is the right way to get all orders in one table.
My current mindset would like to be able to receive all orders up until now from a single query. But it personally also feels like that this is not the common way to do it. Is looping through all pages the second best thing?
Thanks in advance for your responses. I am more of a data analist than a data engineer or scientist and I hope your answers will help me towards my goal of being more of a scientist :)
It's possible by passing params "per_page" with the request
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10.
Try -1 as the value

How to plot a JSON file generated by osrm for route optimization into an OSM map

I am a complete newbie to computation of gps, gis and all these geoinformatical stuff. First I describe my lessons learned to arrive at gps data. You can skip this and go to the last two paragraphs where I explain my problem with osrm and how to map a route onto an OSM map via qgis or similar tools.
I tried to do some route optimization for a bunch of addresses to support my son's paper deliverer job. I was able to generate a list of gps data by using the Nomatim engine that is available via geopy.geocoders. It's kind of a Travelling Salesman problem (TSP).
By using geopy's distance calculator and the or-tools from Google to Generate a shortest list recommendation. That worked well but it was only a TSP solution for air line :-(.
Then I was looking for route optimization toolkits but i struggled to get one for free. I thought osrm could be the right tool. I followed the descriptions given at Github, see here. I was able to generate a JSON file - at least I supposed that it's kind of a JSON file. But I was unable to project this back onto a map in QGis or any online tool from OSM. Can anyone help me?
The file with such JSON-like formatting:
Due to privacy issues I cannot post it here with any locations. Sorry for this. But does anyone have kind of a recipe / step-by-step guide what I need to do to plot it? I even have no idea how to "open" a map within qgis. You need to do this as kind of a database but this is totally new for me. I would prefer to work with an easier method to plot it.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Please follow the API documentation here. From that documentation
hint Unique internal identifier of the segment (ephemeral, not
constant over data updates) This can be used on subsequent request to
significantly speed up the query and to connect multiple services.
E.g. you can use the hint value obtained by the nearest query as hint
values for route inputs.
You can get the geometry in many ways. Widely GeoJSON is being used by developers. OSRM returns a very clean GeoJSON which can easily be used with Leaflet, Mapbox or other Map APIs. You need to send steps parameter true to get the full step by step direction. You can get the each segments of steps in legs. So call the GeoJSON within the geometries of every legs with loop. You can also get the geometry without passing the steps parameter true. For that you will get full geometry in a single GeoJSON within the routes property.

How to break up large document into smaller answer units on Retrieve and Rank?

I am still very new to Retrieve and Rank, and Document Conversion services, so I have been playing around with that lately.
I encountered a problem where when I upload a large document (100+ pages) - Retrieve and Rank would help me automatically break it up into answer units, which is great and helpful.
However, some questions only require ONE small line in the big chunks of answer units, is there a way that I can manually break further down the answer units that Retrieve and Rank service has provided me?
I heard that you can do it through JavaScript, but is there a way to do it through the UI?
I am contemplating to manually break up the huge doc into multiple smaller documents, but that could potentially lead to 100s of them - which is probably the last option that I'd resort to.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Thank you all!
First off, one clarification:
Retrieve and Rank does not break up your documents into answer units. That is something that the Document Conversion Service does when your conversion target is ANSWER_UNITS.
Regarding your question:
I don't fully understand exactly what you're trying to do, but if the answer units that are produced by default don't meet your requirements, you can customize different steps of the conversion process to adjust the produced answer units. Take a look at the documentation here.
Specifically, you want to make sure that the heading levels (for Word, PDF or HTML, depending on your document type) are defined in a way that
they detect the start of each answer unit. Then, make sure that the heading levels that you defined (h1, h2, h3, etc.) are included in the selector_tags list within the answer_units section.
Once your custom Document Conversion Service configuration produces the answer units you are looking for, you will be ready to send them to Retrieve and Rank to be indexed.

consistent hashing on Multiple machines

I've read the article: http://n00tc0d3r.blogspot.com/ about the idea for consistent hashing, but I'm confused about the method on multiple machines.
The basic process is:
Hash an input long url into a single integer;
Locate a server on the ring and store the key--longUrl on the server;
Compute the shorten url using base conversion (from 10-base to 62-base) and return it to the user.(How does this step work? In a single machine, there is a auto-increased id to calculate for shorten url, but what is the value to calculate for shorten url on multiple machines? There is no auto-increased id.)
Convert the shorten url back to the key using base conversion (from 62-base to 10-base);
Locate the server containing that key and return the longUrl. (And how can we locate the server containing the key?)
I don't see any clear answer on that page for how the author intended it. I think this is basically an exercise for the reader. Here's some ideas:
Implement it as described, with hash-table style collision resolution. That is, when creating the URL, if it already matches something, deal with that in some way. Rehashing or arithmetic transformation (eg, add 1) are both possibilities. This means, naively, a theoretical worst case of having to hit a server n times trying to find an available key.
There's a lot of ways to take that basic idea and smarten it, eg, just search for another available key on the same server, eg, by rehashing iteratively until you find one that's on the server.
Allow servers to talk to each other, and coordinate on the autoincrement id.
This is probably not a great solution, but it might work well in some situations: give each server (or set of servers) separate namespace, eg, the first 16 bits selects a server. On creation, randomly choose one. Then you just need to figure out how you want that namespace to map. The namespaces only really matter for who is allowed to create what IDs, so if you want to add nodes or rebalance later, it is no big deal.
Let me know if you want more elaboration. I think there's a lot of ways that this one could go. It is annoying that the author didn't elaborate on this point; my experience with these sorts of algorithms is that collision resolution and similar problems tend to be at the very heart of a practical implementation of a distributed system.

What ist a RESTful-resource in the context of large data sets, i.E. weather data?

So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values).
So I read all about RESTful services and its ideology.
So I understand that an URL is adressing a ressource.
But what is a ressource in my case?
The common use case is that you want to get the data for a couple of parameters over a timespan at one or more location. So clearly giving every value its own URL is not pratical and would result in hundreds of requests. I have the feeling that my specific problem doesn't excactly fit into the RESTful pattern.
Update: To clarify: There are two usage patterns of the service. 1. Raw data; rows and rows of data for several locations and parameters.
Interpreted data; the raw data calculated into symbols (Suns & clouds, for example) and other parameters.
There is not one 'forecast'. Different clients have different needs for data.
The reason I think this doesn't fit into the REST-pattern is, that while I can actually have a 'forecast' ressource, I still have to submit a lot of request parameters. So a simple GET-request on a ressource doesn't work, I end up POSTing data all over the place.
So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values). ... But what is a ressource in my case?
That depends on the details of your problem domain. Simply having a large amount of data is not a good reason to avoid REST. There are smart ways and dumb ways to model and expose that data.
As you rightly see, your main goal at this point should be to understand what exactly a resource is. Knowing only enough about weather forecasting to follow the Weather Channel, I won't be much help here. It's for domain experts like yourself to make that call.
If you were to explain in a little more detail the major domain concepts you're working with, it might make it a little easier to give specific advice.
For example, one resource might be Forecast. When weatherpeople talk about Forecasts, what words keep coming up? When you think about breaking a forecast down into smaller elements, what words do you use to describe the pieces?
Do this process recursively, and you'll probably be able to make a list of important terms. Don't forget that these terms can describe things or actions. Think about what these terms really mean, what data you can use to model them, how they can be aggregated.
At this point you'll have the makings of something you can start building a RESTful system around - but not before.
Don't forget that a RESTful system is not a data dump wrapped in HTTP - it's a hypertext-driven system.
Also don't forget that media types are the point of contact between your server and its clients. A media type is only limited by your imagination and can model datasets of any size if you're clever about it. It can contain XML, JSON, YAML, binary elements such as a Bloom Filter, or whatever works for the problem.
Firstly, there is no once-and-for-all right answer.
Each valid url is something that makes sense to query, think of them as equivalents to providing query forms for people looking for your data - that might help you narrow down the scenarios.
It is a matter of personal taste and possibly the toolkit you use, as to what goes into the basic url path and what parameters are encoded. The debate is a bit like the XML debate over putting values in elements vs attributes. It is not always a rational or logically decided issue nor will everybody be kind in their comments on your decisions.
If you are using a backend like Rails, that implies certain conventions. Even if you're not using Rails, it makes sense to work in the same way unless you have a strong reason to change. That way, people writing clients to talk to Rails-based services will find yours easier to understand and it saves you on documentation time ;-)
Maybe you can use forecast as the ressource and go deeper to fine grained services with xlink.
Would it be possible to do something like this,Since you have so many parameters so i was thinking if somehow you can relate it to a mix of id / parameter combo to decrease the url size
www.weatherornot.com/today/days/x // (where x is number of days)
www.weatherornot.com/today/9am/hours/h // (where h is number of hours)