settings gear icon is missing on vs code - visual-studio-code

,settings gear icon is missing on vs code. How to get it back ?
tried to uninstall and reinstall vs code still its missing.
i want setting gear icon back on VS code.

Go to View → Appearance → Activity Bar and enable it:


Visual Studio Code - How to permanently disable the left side bar?

Using Visual Studio Code version 1.44.0, how do I permanently disable the left side bar? I hit control + B to hide it, but every time I hit F5, it comes back up. How do I make it not come up when I hit F5 to run the code?
Thank you.
Debug: Open Debug
set it to never. Default is openOnSessionStart
Here is a visual and a step-by-step of Mark's answer: Thanks Mark!
File > Preferences > Settings > type debug:open > select 'neverOpen' from the drop-down.

VS code icons disappeared

File icons in my VS Code disappeared when I installed Material icon theme and disabled it but now when I'm enabling this extension or reinstalling it, icons are not appearing. Even the default VS code file icons which were there before installing the extension have somehow disappeared as well.
Based on my own experience, the theme was being deselected due to some reason (e.g installed a new theme, application update and etc) may also cause this issue,
you can fix it by re-select the icon theme:
Open VS Code, go to File > Preferences > File icon theme > [Theme name] and choose your icon theme.
You need to set “workbench.iconTheme“: “material-icon-theme“.
Then reloading the window should fix it.
In VS Code, Go to extensions Ctrl + Shift + X .
Under installed extensions, select the vscode-icons extension. And Click on Set File Icon Theme, as shown in figure below, then press Enter
I had to install the extension again.
I am on Mac, so I had to go to Preferences -> Extensions, and searched for Material Icon Theme, installed it and relaunched the IDE.
Checking if folders theme is set to 'classic' worked here. If so, either deselect it (1) or remove the line in User Settings (2):
In my case i had installed 'Material Icon Theme' extension but it it was not working. So i had to go to extension section of VS code, click on 'Material Icon Theme' extension (already installed). And click on 'Set File Icon Theme' button, a dropdown with 'Material Icon Theme' will be displayed. Select it and it will work.
I was having a similar problem except with more of the main icons in code missing too, but the above didn't help although it's best to check them first.
I resolved my problem by fixing the registry item:
setting "Content Type" Data to "image/svg+xml"
(mine was incorrectly set to "text/xml" unsure why)
ctrl + shift + p then search for the activity bar then enter

Visual Studio Code - icons in Activity Bar have disappeared

Earlier this week I installed the latest release (May 2018) of Visual Studio Code and ever since then all the icons in the Activity Bar (i.e. the long thin bar on the far left of the window) fail to display. I always get the Explorer icon but after that the only one that does display is whatever I currently have open in the sidebar.
Perhaps some screenshots might help explain:
I've searched high and low in Settings to try and find how to get them all to display but I can't find anything. Can anyone help?
I'm on macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 by the way.
Right click on the activity bar itself and select whatever you want have on the activity side bar. if for some reason you don't see the activity bar, go to
View-> Appearance ->Show Activity bar
"Try right clicking the Activity Bar itself. If I right click it I get a list of the icons to show/hide."
In VSCode version 1.59 (Windows 10), the setting of controlling the visibility of activity bar is:
Settings -> User >-> Workbench -> Appearance -> Activity Bar -> "Visible
Controls the visibility of the activity bar in the workbench"
See the screenshot below:
Click on menu, if you don't have the top menu click the alt key the menu will appear. On the menu click view then click appearance, then click show activity bar. If all the activity bar does not show, go back to view menu to bring them back one by one. To keep an icon from disappearing right click on each activity bar, look for keep, click it. That will make it stay.
If you are a windows user and have the latest version of visual studio code
1)First go to the view section in the upper top of the visual studio code.
2)GO to preferences
3)Go to show Activity Bar and click on it.
This is the only fix that worked for me on Mac:
Click "View" > "Open view...". Search for the extension. From there you can open the extension in a side panel.

visual studio code - debug menu bar gear icon missing

I am not seeing the small gear icon beside the play button in debug menu bar . I played around in settings and set true for all options under Debug, but still I cant see that gear button.How do I make that available in visual studio code 1.10.2
I was following some steps from here where i need to click that gear icon.
VS Code can be used with single files, or with a directory as a workspace. Within the Debug view, if you only have single files, you'll only get the green "play arrow", and VS Code will try it's best to debug the file.
To get the gear icon, you'll need to open the workspace directory of the file(s) you want to debug (and this is where you want to be).
That gear icon is for editing a launch.json Launch Configuration, which you don't have one yet, so there's nothing to show (yet).
If you hit the play icon/green arrow, you'll open the Command Palette menu which will give you a selection of mostly complete launch.json templates for the language and/or toolchain you picked in the Command Palette menu.
I had the same issue.
Firstly ensure you have a proper configuration in launch.json.
Then open Debug menu and choose Start Debugging (or just press F5).
It's caused that Debug button/menu appeared.
Select Start Debugging (F5)
Choose Unity Debugger
Click Create launch.json file
This should create a launch.json file for you and you will then see the gear icon.
I am not sure what I did but while playing around in visual studio code the gear icon appeared. If someone has a clue as to why it would have appeared , please share. Heres the screenshot

eclipse now shows "add breackpoint" when hovering over an error

I am using eclipse neon to program in Java.
Im talking about the veritical bar on the left where it shows the little error icon. Normally I would go hover over it and it would show a description and I could click to see automatic resolutions.
Then I decided I would be adventurous and play with some editor settings...
Now somehow when I hover over the error icon what pops up is a small box with 2 icons. a breakpoint icon and an error icon. the breakpoint icon is always right under my mouse. so if I just click again it adds a breakpoint. So now I have to go hover over the problem icon, then that thing pops up then I need to move over to the right just a tad to get back over the problem description before I can see the popup for that and/or click it to see the auto-resolutions.
Anyone have any idea what setting I messed with that caused this so I can undo it?
Disable "Expand vertical ruler icons upon hovering" option in Windows > Preferences > Java > Editors > Hovers
Note that the change will take effect only after closing and reopening the editor.
See this bug for more details.