Using Visual Studio Code version 1.44.0, how do I permanently disable the left side bar? I hit control + B to hide it, but every time I hit F5, it comes back up. How do I make it not come up when I hit F5 to run the code?
Thank you.
Debug: Open Debug
set it to never. Default is openOnSessionStart
Here is a visual and a step-by-step of Mark's answer: Thanks Mark!
File > Preferences > Settings > type debug:open > select 'neverOpen' from the drop-down.
Suddenly my project explorer window has disappeared from Eclipse. I try selecting Windows > Show View > Project Explorer, but nothing happens. What can I do?
Try Window --> Perspective --> Reset Perspective.... Remember that your own settings, if any, will also be reset.
Try to close Eclipse IDE and reopen it and
click on window->show view->project explorer
For me it was like this...
Window->Show View->Other->General->Project Explorer
Window->Open Perspective->Other->Java (default)
Open Eclipse IDE
Enter "Project Explorer" on Quick Access (Search text box).
Either select from drop-down or press Enter
Window -> Perspective -> Reset
Reset the IDE
Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer
Select Window->Show View, if it is not shown there then select other. Under General you can see Project Explorer.
If none of the above solutions work, Try Window-> New Window
I had encountered the same problem as well. The following solution helped me to get over it:
Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer.
You can use the shortcut as well. It's Alt + Shift + Q, P
Using the latest Luna upgrade.
The only solution that worked was Window >> New Window.
It's very easy to lose that critical bar.
If you are on either Eclipse or Spring tool suite then follow the below steps.
(1) Go to 'Window' on the top of the editor. Click on it
(2) Select show view. You should see an option 'Project Explorer'. Click on it.
You should be able to do it.
Close the current perspective:
Reopen it using Window -> Open perspective.
i had also encountered this issue.
This Solution worked for me....
windows->navigation->maximize active View or Editor(ctrl + M)
in the screen you can see on left side navigation menus ... now click on those buttons one by one will get your solution...
Try changing the perspective to JavaEE and then check.
Not sure if this is problem but, this ticked me off for a while since I did not realize what was happening at first - maybe this will help others.
Its not really a problem, just the way Eclipse works. (I'm use to Visual studio)
Its all about Perspectives!
I set up an (existing) PHP project in eclipse(neon) and then tried to configure and run debug. A Popup "Confirm Perspective Switch" is shown - I selected "Yes", not realizing what it actually does. The "perspective" then changes and you no longer see the project explorer anywhere. You cant "open" the project explorer window from top nav > window > show view, since its no longer there (which is BS, it should show something that gives you indication of current and other "perspectives" - at least for newbie.) No where now does it give project explore options.
Now you must change the "perspective" back from debug to PHP (at least in in my case).
This can be done a couple ways, easiest is from the icons on right top right side side. One icon would be the "bug", and next to it is the PHP icon. Just click the icon "perspective" you want. The other way is from top nav bar > window > Perspective > open Perspective, then select PHP. Could they hide this any deeper?
I know this is likely second nature to those who have used eclipse for a while, but was frustrating to me (on day one) till I figured out what was going on.
Please Select window in tool bar
Move to show view
Select project explorer
applied the same method to reset the perspective, no changes appaired then I restart the Eclipse IDE which was fine then.
By mistake I pressed on "don't show this again". How can I make vscode show that option again?
There is a setting that enables/disables that message:
Workbench > Editor > Untitled: Hint
By selecting "Don't show again" you disabled that setting (setting it to hidden).
To get the message back, reenable it - set it to text.
Press ctrl + shift + P
Type Change Language Mode press enter
You will get menu with all the languages.
Additionally you can save the file with correct extension to get all the language support installed in your VS code.
Hope this helped
I follow above answer I solved for me
Tab key is not working for abbreviation in visual studio code.I have tried lot.How can I fix the problem?I am frustrated.Thinking of using Bracket instead of visual studio code.
In my case
Using (Ctrl + M) return Tab button to its normal working status.
I think you may be asking about this setting:
// Insert snippets when their prefix matches. Works best when
'quickSuggestions' aren't enabled.
"editor.tabCompletion": true,
That is set to false by default, change it to true.
Don't change any keyboard shortcut or something else. You should change the language mod right bottom on the editor. It was selected javascript by default. You should change with Javascript React after that this changes all emmets suggestions is working.
For Visual Studio code version 1.33, go to File > Preferences > Settings Search for tabcompletion and by default it is off, select on, that is it, you are done.
Pressing Ctrl+M did not disable the mode for me, however the right side of the bar along the bottom of vs-code shows Tab Moves Focus as enabled, which you can click to disable.
In my VS Code set up I see the output/FSI frame below the main text editor pane like this:
whereas I would love it to appear to the right in the side-by-side view like it does on the images in this link:
Is there a config option I cannot find somewhere?
I tried Googling but drew a blank and cannot see anything obvious in the config options mentioned on the vs code site page describing the config options
as of version 1.51.1 right click in the right corner on the output panel. then select option 'move panel right'
I don't believe you can detach/move the output windows in Visual Studio Code. You can move the side bar to the left/right side, but that's it. There is no config option, sorry.
You could try posting a feature request on the GitHub page:
EDIT: This was changed in VS Code 0.10.8, it was once on the side but was moved to the bottom. See this GitHub issue:
This feature is not available yet in VS Code. However as of today (March 30, 2017) it's on 6 months roadmap so it should be done in a near feature.
This feature is available from version 1.18.0+
Simply click this icon to dock to the right:
Just follow the steps mentioned:
In Visual Studio Code -
View Tab > Appearance > Toggle Panel Position
That's it.
Your original link to the view your desire is obsolete, so it is a guess as to what you wanted. But here is a demo of setting up a terminal/output look side-by-side. It is a little tricky - you drag your Outline header over the Terminal header which will then allow you the option of putting it to the left or right of the Terminal:
its easy. just right-click on the terminal, select 'move panel right' like in the image below and voila
the image can be found here
Vertical Split:
From VS Code Menu bar:
View >> Appearance >> Move Panel Right
Version 1.47.0 of VS Code (at the moment of posting this, the latest one) allows you to drag output (or any other panel tab, e.g. terminal) to the activity bar. This way you can obtain output to the side of the editor.
Just right click on the panel of output section then select "Move panel left or right" as per your wish.
here your can see the move panel left option.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + P
Select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
Insert (or change if it is there --search for it) the following config line:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
Save file.
That will work for new workspaces. VS-Code saves your preferences for each folder you start it in. So, if you navigate to a folder you previously called VS-Code in (I mean, from the terminal), it will open the output panel in the same location it was the last time you have used VS-Code from the same location.
After making the change above, go to a new place, like /opt and start VS-Code there to make a test.
Suddenly my project explorer window has disappeared from Eclipse. I try selecting Windows > Show View > Project Explorer, but nothing happens. What can I do?
Try Window --> Perspective --> Reset Perspective.... Remember that your own settings, if any, will also be reset.
Try to close Eclipse IDE and reopen it and
click on window->show view->project explorer
For me it was like this...
Window->Show View->Other->General->Project Explorer
Window->Open Perspective->Other->Java (default)
Open Eclipse IDE
Enter "Project Explorer" on Quick Access (Search text box).
Either select from drop-down or press Enter
Window -> Perspective -> Reset
Reset the IDE
Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer
Select Window->Show View, if it is not shown there then select other. Under General you can see Project Explorer.
If none of the above solutions work, Try Window-> New Window
I had encountered the same problem as well. The following solution helped me to get over it:
Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer.
You can use the shortcut as well. It's Alt + Shift + Q, P
Using the latest Luna upgrade.
The only solution that worked was Window >> New Window.
It's very easy to lose that critical bar.
If you are on either Eclipse or Spring tool suite then follow the below steps.
(1) Go to 'Window' on the top of the editor. Click on it
(2) Select show view. You should see an option 'Project Explorer'. Click on it.
You should be able to do it.
Close the current perspective:
Reopen it using Window -> Open perspective.
i had also encountered this issue.
This Solution worked for me....
windows->navigation->maximize active View or Editor(ctrl + M)
in the screen you can see on left side navigation menus ... now click on those buttons one by one will get your solution...
Try changing the perspective to JavaEE and then check.
Not sure if this is problem but, this ticked me off for a while since I did not realize what was happening at first - maybe this will help others.
Its not really a problem, just the way Eclipse works. (I'm use to Visual studio)
Its all about Perspectives!
I set up an (existing) PHP project in eclipse(neon) and then tried to configure and run debug. A Popup "Confirm Perspective Switch" is shown - I selected "Yes", not realizing what it actually does. The "perspective" then changes and you no longer see the project explorer anywhere. You cant "open" the project explorer window from top nav > window > show view, since its no longer there (which is BS, it should show something that gives you indication of current and other "perspectives" - at least for newbie.) No where now does it give project explore options.
Now you must change the "perspective" back from debug to PHP (at least in in my case).
This can be done a couple ways, easiest is from the icons on right top right side side. One icon would be the "bug", and next to it is the PHP icon. Just click the icon "perspective" you want. The other way is from top nav bar > window > Perspective > open Perspective, then select PHP. Could they hide this any deeper?
I know this is likely second nature to those who have used eclipse for a while, but was frustrating to me (on day one) till I figured out what was going on.
Please Select window in tool bar
Move to show view
Select project explorer
applied the same method to reset the perspective, no changes appaired then I restart the Eclipse IDE which was fine then.