Mocked methods created within `withObjectMocked` not invoked when called from an `Actor` - scala

I have published a minimal project showcasing my problem at
In my project I refactored a couple of components from classes to objects in all cases where the class did not really have a meaningful state. Since some of these objects establish connections to external services that need to be mocked, I was happy to see that mockito-scala introduced the withObjectMocked context function, which allows mocking objects within the scope of the function.
This feature worked perfectly for me until I introduced Actors in the mix, which would ignore the mocked functions despite being in the withObjectMocked context.
For an extended explanation what I did check out my github example project from above which is ready to be executed via sbt run.
My goal is to mock the doit function below. It should not be called during tests, so for this demonstration it simply throws a RuntimeException.
object FooService {
def doit(): String = {
// I don't want this to be executed in my tests
throw new RuntimeException(f"executed real impl!!!")
The FooService.doit function is only called from the FooActor.handleDoit function. This function is called by the FooActor after receiving the Doit message or when invoked directly.
object FooActor {
val outcome: Promise[Try[String]] = Promise[Try[String]]()
case object Doit
def apply(): Behavior[Doit.type] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { _ =>
// moved out actual doit behavior so I can compare calling it directly with calling it from the actor
def handleDoit(): Unit = {
try {
// invoke `FooService.doit()` if mock works correctly it should return the "mock result"
// otherwise the `RuntimeException` from the real implementation will be thrown
val res = FooService.doit()
} catch {
case ex: RuntimeException =>
To mock Foo.doit I used withObjectMocked as follows. All following code is within this block. To ensure that the block is not left due to asynchronous execution, I Await the result of the FooActor.outcome Promise.
withObjectMocked[FooService.type] {
// mock `FooService.doit()`: The real method throws a `RuntimeException` and should never be called during tests
FooService.doit() returns {
"mock result"
// [...]
I now have two test setups: The first simply calls FooActor.handleDoit directly
def simpleSetup(): Try[String] = {
val result: Try[String] = Await.result(FooActor.outcome.future, 1.seconds)
The second setup triggers FooActor.handleDoit via the Actor
def actorSetup(): Try[String] = {
val system: ActorSystem[FooActor.Doit.type] = ActorSystem(FooActor(), "FooSystem")
// trigger actor to call `handleDoit`
system ! FooActor.Doit
// wait for `outcome` future. The 'real' `FooService.doit` impl results in a `Failure`
val result: Try[String] = Await.result(FooActor.outcome.future, 1.seconds)
Both setups wait for the outcome promise to finish before exiting the block.
By switching between simpleSetup and actorSetup I can test both behaviors. Since both are executed within the withObjectMocked context, I would expect that both trigger the mocked function. However actorSetup ignores the mocked function and calls the real method.
val result: Try[String] = simpleSetup()
// val result: Try[String] = actorSetup()
result match {
case Success(res) => println(f"finished with result: $res")
case Failure(ex) => println(f"failed with exception: ${ex.getMessage}")
// simpleSetup prints: finished with result: mock result
// actorSetup prints: failed with exception: executed real impl!!!
Any suggestions?

withObjectMock relies on the code exercising the mock executing in the same thread as withObjectMock (see Mockito's implementation and see ThreadAwareMockHandler's check of the current thread).
Since actors execute on the threads of the ActorSystem's dispatcher (never in the calling thread), they cannot see such a mock.
You may want to investigate testing your actor using the BehaviorTestKit, which itself effectively uses a mock/stub implementation of the ActorContext and ActorSystem. Rather than spawning an actor, an instance of the BehaviorTestKit encapsulates a behavior and passes it messages which are processed synchronously in the testing thread (via the run and runOne methods). Note that the BehaviorTestKit has some limitations: certain categories of behaviors aren't really testable via the BehaviorTestKit.
More broadly, I'd tend to suggest that mocking in Akka is not worth the effort: if you need pervasive mocks, that's a sign of a poor implementation. ActorRef (especially of the typed variety) is IMO the ultimate mock: encapsulate exactly what needs to be mocked into its own actor with its own protocol and inject that ActorRef into the behavior under test. Then you validate that the behavior under test holds up its end of the protocol correctly. If you want to validate the encapsulation (which should be as simple as possible to the extent that it's obviously correct, but if you want/need to spend effort on getting those coverage numbers up...) you can do the BehaviorTestKit trick as above (and since the only thing the behavior is doing is exercising the mocked functionality, it almost certainly won't be in the category of behaviors which aren't testable with the BehaviorTestKit).


Scalaz Task not starting

I'm trying to make an asyncronous call using scalaz Task.
For some strange reason whenever I attempt to call methodA, although I get a scalaz.concurrent.Task returned I never see the 2nd print statement which leads me to believe that the asynchronous call is never returned. Is there something that I'm missing that is required in order for me to start the task?
for {
foo <- println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess()
authenticatedUser <- methodA(parameterA)
foo2 <- println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess()
} yield {
def methodA(parameterA: SomeType): Task[User]
First off, Scalaz Task is lazy: it won't start when you create it or get from some method. It's by design and allows Tasks to combine well. It's not intended to start until you fully assemble your entire program into single main Task, so when you're done, you need to manually start an aggregated Task using one of the perform methods, like unsafePerformSync that will wait for the result of aggregate async computation on a current thread:
(for {
foo <- println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess()
authenticatedUser <- methodA(parameterA)
foo2 <- println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess()
} yield {
As you can see from your original code, you've never started any Task. However, you've mentioned that first println printed its message to console. This may be related to asAsyncSuccess method: I've not found it in Scalaz, so I assume it's in implicit class somewhere in your code:
implicit class TaskOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def asAsyncSuccess(): Task[A] = Task(a)
If you write a helper implicit class like this, it won't convert an effectful expression into lazy Task action, despite the fact that Task.apply
is call-by-name. It will only convert its result, which happens to be just Unit, because its own parameter a is not call-by-name. To work as intended, it needs to be like the following:
implicit class TaskOps[A](a: => A) {
def asAsyncSuccess(): Task[A] = Task(a)
You may also ask why first println prints something while second isn't. This is related to for-comprehensions desugaring into method calls. Specifically, compiler turns your code into this:
println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess().flatMap(foo =>
methodA(parameterA).flatMap(authenticatedUser =>
println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess().map(foo2 =>
If asAsyncSuccess doesn't respect intended Task semantics, first println gets executed immediately. But its result is then wrapped into Task that is, essentially, just a wrapper over start function, and flatMap implementation on it just combines such functions together without running them. So, methodA or second println won't be executed until you call unsafePerformSync or other perform helper method. Note, however, that second println will still be executed earlier than it should according to Task semantics, just not that earlier.

Testing rx-observables from Futures/Iterables

I have:
val observable: Observable[Int] = Observable.from(List(5))
and I can test that the input list is indeed passed on to the observable by testing:
materializeValues(observable) should contain (5)
where materializeValues is:
def materializeValues[T](observable: Observable[T]): List[T] = {
Now, if I create an observable from a future, I can't seem to use materializeValues for the test as the test times out. So if I have:
val futVal = Future.successful(5)
val observable: Observable[Int] = Observable.from(futVal)
materializeValues(observable) should contain(5)
it times out and does not pass the test. What is different in the process of materializing these two observables, which leads to me not being able to block on it?
Also, what is the idomatic way of testing an observable? Is there any way of doing it without calling toBlocking?
I think the problem is that you use AsyncWordSpecLike (by the way why AsyncWordSpecLike instead of AsyncWordSpec?). AsyncWordSpecLike/AsyncWordSpec are designed to simplify testing Future. Unfortunately Observable is a more powerful abstraction that can't be easily mapped onto a Future.
Particularly AsyncWordSpecLike/AsyncWordSpec allow your tests to return Future[Assertion]. To make it possible it provides custom implicit ExecutionContext that it can force to execute everything and know when all scheduled jobs have finished. However the same custom ExecutionContext is the reason why your second code doesn't work: processing of the scheduled jobs starts only after execution of your test code has finished but your code blocks on the futVal because unlucklily for you callback registered in Future.onComplete is scheduled to be run on the ExecutionContext. It means that you have a kind of dead-lock with your own thread.
I'm not sure what is the official way to test Observable on Scala. In Java I think TestSubscriber is the suggested tool. As I said Observable is fundamentally more powerful thing than Future so I think to test Observable you should avoid using AsyncWordSpecLike/AsyncWordSpec. If you switch to use FlatSpec or WordSpec, you can do something like this:
class MyObservableTestSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
val testValue = 5
"observables" should {
"be testable if created from futures" in {
val futVal = Future.successful(testValue)
val observable = Observable.from(futVal)
val subscriber = TestSubscriber[Int]()
// now after awaitTerminalEvent you can use various subscriber.assertXyz methods
// or you can use Matchers as
subscriber.getOnNextEvents should contain(testValue)

Unit test async scala code

Experimenting with concurrent execution I was wondering how to actually test it.
The execution flow is of a side-effect nature and futures are created to wrap independent executions/processing.
Been searching for some good examples on how to properly unit test the following scenarios (foo and bar are the methods I wish to test):
scenario #1
def foo : Unit = {
Future { doSomething }
Future { doSomethingElse }
private def doSomething : Unit = serviceCall1
private def doSomethingElse : Unit = serviceCall2
Scenario motivation
foo immediately returns but invokes 2 futures which perform separate tasks (e.g. save analytics and store record to DB). These service calls can be mocked, but what I'm trying to test is that both these services are called once I wrap them in Futures
scenario #2
def bar : Unit = {
val futureX = doAsyncX
val futureY = doAsyncY
for {
x <- futureX
y <- futureY
} yield {
noOp(x, y)
Scenario motivation
Start with long running computations that can be executed concurrently (e.g. get the number of total visitors and get the frequently used User-Agent header to our web site). Combine the result in some other operation (which in this case Unit method that simply throws the values)
Note I'm familiar with actors and testing actors, but given the above code I wonder what should be the most suitable approach (refactoring included)
EDIT What I'm doing at the moment
implicit value context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(testExecutor)
def testExecutor = {
new Executor {
def execute(runnable : Runnable) =
This ExecutionContext implementation will not run the Future as a separate thread and the entire execution will be done in sequence. This kinda feels like a hack but based on Electric Monk answer, it seems like the other solution is more of the same.
One solution would be to use a DeterministicExecutor. Not a scalaesque solution, but should so the trick.
If you are using ScalaTest, take a look at:
Specs2 also has support for testing Futures:
ScalaTest 3.x supports asynchronous non-blocking testing.

How to fail an akka promise?

Suppose I have a function like this (I use akka 2.0.2):
def foo(message: String): Future[SomeClass] =
for {
result <- actor ? message
} yield SomeClass(result)
The caller of a function sets onSuccess and onFailure hooks on the future, so if I want an actor to break the promise, I make it send back to the sender. That works just fine. Now, what if I want to check some condition in foo and return the failed future in case condition fails/succeeds?
def foo(message: String): Future[SomeClass] =
if(...) {
...//return failed future
} else {
for {
result <- actor ? message
} yield SomeClass(result)
What the 'return failed future' block should be like? And do I need an execution context to implement it?
Just return an expression: Promise.failed(new Exception), where the exception is the one you want to fail the future with. You don't need an execution context if you are using the Scala futures and promises in the Scala standard library from 2.10.
Akka futures and promises require an implicit execution context for the failed promise method. There should be a default execution context available in the execution context companion object, which you can use given that you have an ActorSystem instance available.

why does this scala by-name parameter behave weirdly

OK the question might not say much, but here's the deal:
I'm learning scala and decided to make an utility class "FuncThread" with a method which receives a by-name parameter function (I guess its called that because it's a function but without a parameter list) and then starts a thread with a runable which in turn executes the passed function, I wrote such a class as follows:
class FuncThread
def runInThread( func: => Unit)
val thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
def run()
Then I wrote a junit test as follows:
def weirdBehaivorTest()
var executed = false
val util = new FuncThread()
executed = true
//the next line makes the test pass....
//val nonSense : () => Unit = () => { Console println "???" }
If I uncomment the second commented line, the test passes but if it remains commented the test fails, is this the correct behaviour? how and when do by-name parameter functions get executed?
I know Scala has the actors library but I wanted to try this since I've always wanted to do this in Java
Is this just a race condition? runInThread starts the thread but your assertion tests 'executed' before the other thread sets it to true. Adding your extra line means more code (and so time) is executed before the test, making it more likely that 'executed' has been set to true
It's also worth noting that (as of Scala 2.8), the construct you were trying to write is available in the standard library
import scala.actors.Futures._
executed = true
This construct is actually more powerful than what you're describing, the thread calculation can return a value, and which can be waited for.
import scala.actors.Futures._
//forks off expensive calculation
val expensiveToCalculateNumber:Future[Int] = future{
// do a lot of other stuff
//print out the result of the expensive calculation if it's ready, otherwise wait until it is
println( expensiveToCalculateNumber());