How to be able to draw a graph like this? - flutter

My Chart
I'm having some trouble drawing this chart, hope someone can help me.

Try this package syncfusion.This package have a documentation which you can easily create charts.I tried and it is really usable .


How to create this type of design with working slider?

Please Help to create this design with slider.
You can use a package like audio_waveforms in flutter.
I haven't tested it. Although it looks like it can do the job.

How to call Javascript code from ScalaJS leafletJS

I am working with the ScalaJS library and I am looking to incorporate some custom javascript from
The key functionality is the ability to rotate the markers based on the direction of travel.
Any tips on how to achieve this will be greatly appreciated.
Look at
Note the Marker, they create an AngleMarker
Try creating appropriae AngleMarker scala code, and pull in the js
Also look at how I pulled in some GeoJSON.js object

How to set an icon as a custom point on chart load with React Chartjs?

Looking for guidance/example on how to use an icon/image in place of the data point in a line chart? I’m using react-chartjs and importing Line wrapper component. Not entirely sure how to implement drawImage from Chartjs docs. I’m somewhat new to both so I may be overlooking something obvious. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Best example I can find for the effect.
This is the chart I have so far: react-chartjs line mood tracker

Creating a Chart with SwiftCharts

I am new to SwiftCharts so I am still trying to understand how it works. I wanted to draw a cubic line chart, however, to no success.
As far as I understand from this example, the view that would contain the chart should be of class "Chart". However, as you can see from the screenshot, I cannot find such class in the drop-down list.
Could you please tell me how to proceed in order to draw cubic line chart using SwiftCharts?
Thank you very much!
A bit late, but will answer anyway: The view has to be of class ChartBaseView, not chart! Chart is just a wrapper (not a view). Here is a snippet for autolayout:

OpenXLS: how to set the Font of a Chart?

I'm using Java and OpenXLS to write out an Excel spreadsheet. I want to set the font of a chart. I used the setFontChart() method but it does not work. Can anybody help me, please? :)