Reading the nested avro dataset into spark dataframe without flattening - scala

Reading the nested avro dataset into spark database without flattening
Unable to read the nested avro dataset into spark dataframe


How to use writeStream to pass Spark stream to a kafka topic

I am using twitter stream function which gives a stream. I am required to use Spark writeStream function like:writeStream function link
// Write key-value data from a DataFrame to a specific Kafka topic specified in an option
val ds = df
.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("topic", "topic1")
The 'df' needs to be a streaming Dataset/DataFrame. If df is a normal DataFrame, it will give error showing 'writeStream' can be called only on streaming Dataset/DataFrame;
I have already done:
1. get stream from twitter
2. filter and map it to get a tag for each twitt (Positive, Negative, Natural)
The last step is to groupBy tag and count for each and pass it to Kafka.
Do you guys have any idea how to transform a Dstream into a streaming Dataset/DataFrame?
Edited: ForeachRDD function does change Dstream to normal DataFrame.
But 'writeStream' can be called only on streaming
Dataset/DataFrame. (writeStream link is provided above)
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: 'writeStream' can be called only on streaming Dataset/DataFrame;
how to transform a Dstream into a streaming Dataset/DataFrame?
DStream is an abstraction of a series of RDDs.
A streaming Dataset is an "abstraction" of a series of Datasets (I use quotes since the difference between streaming and batch Datasets is a property isStreaming of Dataset).
It is possible to convert a DStream to a streaming Dataset to keep the behaviour of the DStream.
I think you don't really want it though.
All you need is to take tweets using DStream and save them to a Kafka topic (and you think you need Structured Streaming). I think you simply need Spark SQL (the underlying engine of Structured Streaming).
A pseudo-code would then be as follows (sorry it's been a longer while since I used the old-fashioned Spark Streaming):
val spark: SparkSession = ...
val tweets = DStream...
tweets.foreachRDD { rdd =>
import spark.implicits._

structured streaming read based on kafka partitions

I am using spark structured Streaming to Read incoming messages from a Kafka topic and write to multiple parquet tables based on the incoming message
So i created a single readStream as Kafka source is common and for each parquet table created separate write stream in a loop . This works fine but the readstream is creating a bottleneck as for each writeStream it create a readStream and there is no way to cache the dataframe which is already read.
val kafkaDf=spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", conf.servers)
.option("subscribe", conf.topics)
// .option("earliestOffset","true")
foreach table {
//filter the data from source based on table name
//write to parquet
.option("path", outputFolder + File.separator+ tableName)
.option("checkpointLocation", "checkpoint_"+tableName)
Now every write stream is creating a new consumer group and reading entire data from Kafka and then doing the filter and writing to Parquet. This is creating a huge overhead. To avoid this overhead, I can partition the Kafka topic to have as many partitions as the number of tables and then the readstream should only read from a given partition. But I don't see a way to specify partition details as part of Kafka read stream.
if data volume is not that high, write your own sink, collect data of each micro-batch , then you should be able to cache that dataframe and write to different locations, need some tweaks though but it will work
you can use foreachBatch sink and cache the dataframe. Hopefully it works

Saving a streaming DataFrame to MongoDB using MongoSpark

Some backstory: For a homework project for university we are tasked to implement an algorithm of choice in a scalable way. We chose to use Scala, Spark, MongoDB and Kafka as these were recommended during the course. To read data from our MongoDB, we opted to use MongoSpark as it allows for easy and scalable operations on data. We also use Kafka to simulate streaming from an outside source. We need to perform multiple operations on every entry that Kafka produces. The issue comes from saving the result of this data back to MongoDB.
We have the following code:
val streamDF = sparkSession
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "aTopic")
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
From here on, we're at a loss. We cannot use a .map as MongoSpark only operates on DataFrames, Datasets and RDDs and is not serializable, and using does not work on streaming DataFrames like the one specified. We also cannot use the default MongoDB Scala driver as this conflicts with MongoSpark upon adding the dependency. Note that the rest of the algorithm heavily relies on joins and groupbys.
How can we get the data from here to our MongoDB?
For an easy to reproduce example, one could try the following:
val streamDF = sparkSession
Adding a .write to that, which is required for, will cause an exception because write cannot be called on a streaming DataFrame.
Adding a .write to that, which is required for, will cause an exception because write cannot be called on a streaming DataFrame.
The save() method for MongoDB Connector for Spark accepts RDD (as of current version 2.2). When utilising DStream with MongoSpark, you need to fetch the 'batches' of RDDs in the stream to write.
wordCounts.foreachRDD({ rdd =>
import spark.implicits._
val wordCounts ={ case (word: String, count: Int)
=> WordCount(word, count) }).toDF()
See also:
Design Patterns for using foreachRDD
MongoDB: Spark Streaming

Apache spark + RDD + persist() doubts

I am new in apache spark and using scala API. I have 2 questions regarding RDD.
How to persist some partitions of a rdd, instead of entire rdd in apache spark? (core rdd implementation provides rdd.persist() and rdd.cache() methods but i do not want to persist entire rdd. I am interested only some partitions to persist.)
How to create one empty partition while creating each rdd? (I am using repartition and textFile transformations.In these cases i can get expected number of partitions but i also want one empty partition for each rdd.)
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance

How can I use chill-avro to load Avro GenericRecords in Spark?

I tried using Avro GenericRecords in Spark, but got a org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroWrapper
The chill project added Kryo/Avro support for Scala. How can I combine Kryo, Avro, chill and Spark to load Avros?
chill-avro is not for loading data from the FS but for serializing inflight data. See the link below for more info