I am new in apache spark and using scala API. I have 2 questions regarding RDD.
How to persist some partitions of a rdd, instead of entire rdd in apache spark? (core rdd implementation provides rdd.persist() and rdd.cache() methods but i do not want to persist entire rdd. I am interested only some partitions to persist.)
How to create one empty partition while creating each rdd? (I am using repartition and textFile transformations.In these cases i can get expected number of partitions but i also want one empty partition for each rdd.)
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I have a FileIO writing a Pcollection<GenericRecord> to files and returns WriteFilesResult<DestinationT>.
I would like to create a DoFn after writing files to commit the offset of written records to kafka but since my offsets are stored in my GenericRecords I can no longer access them in the output of FileIO.
What is the best way to solve this ?
For anyone interested, here is how I did:
manually groupbykey records by DestinationT
for each group I get the list of offsets and I create a new key EnrichedDestinationT + flatten the iterable
so the Pcollection before entering FileIO is PCollection<KV<EnrichedDestinationT, GenericRecord>>
in FileIO, the .by() becomes .by(KV::getKey) and the .via() becomes .via(Contextful.fn(KV::getValue), Contextful.fn(this::getSink))
How RDDs are created in Structured streaming in Spark? In DStream, we have for every batch, does it create as soon as Data is available or trigger happens? How does it physically distributes RDDs across executors?
Internally, a DStream is represented as a sequence of RDDs,
which is Spark’s abstraction of an immutable, distributed dataset. Each RDD in a DStream contains data from a certain interval
IN the word count example:-
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext._ // not necessary since Spark 1.3
// Count each word in each batch
val pairs = words.map(word => (word, 1))
val wordCounts = pairs.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// Print the first ten elements of each RDD generated in this DStream to the console
So, an RDD is created on the driver for the blocks created during the batchInterval. The blocks generated during the batchInterval are partitions of the RDD. Each partition is a task in spark. blockInterval== batchinterval would mean that a single partition is created and probably it is processed locally.
DStreams are executed lazily by the output operations, just like RDDs are lazily executed by RDD actions.
DStream will execute as soon as the trigger happens, if your time interval is 2 seconds, job will trigger for each and every 2 seconds, basically the triggering point is not the data availability it is batch duration, if the data present at the time the DStream contains the data otherwise it will be empty.
DStream is actually a sequence of RDD from the code of DStream:-
// RDDs generated, marked as private[streaming] so that testsuites can access it
private[streaming] var generatedRDDs = new HashMap[Time, RDD[T]]()
number of executors generated depends upon partition as well as configuration provided.
There are normally two types of allocation in the configuration static allocation and dynamic allocation.
you can read about them here:-
Basically i am consuming data from multiple kafka topics using single Spark Streaming consumer[Direct Approach].
val dStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topicsSet).map(_._2)
Batch interval is 30 Seconds.
I got couple of questions here.
Will the DStream contains multiple RDD's instead of Single RDD when i call foreachRDD on DStream? will each topic create separate RDD??
If yes,i want to union all the RDDs to single RDD , then process the data. How do i do that?
If my processing time is more than batch interval, will the DStream contain more than one RDDs?
I tried to union DStream RDDs to single RDD using the below way. First of all is my understanding correct? If the DStream always returns single RDD, then the below code is not necessary.
Sample Code:
var dStreamRDDList = new ListBuffer[RDD[String]]
dStream.foreachRDD(rdd =>
dStreamRDDList += rdd
val joinedRDD = ssc.sparkContext.union(dStreamRDDList).cache()
//Convert joinedRDD to DF, then apply aggregate operations using DF API.
Will the DStream contains multiple RDD's instead of Single RDD when i call foreachRDD on DStream? will each topic create separate RDD?
No. Even though you have multiple topics, you'll have a single RDD at any given batch interval.
If my processing time is more than batch interval, will the DStream contain more than one RDDs?
No, if your processing time is longer than batch interval, all that will be done is reading off the topic offsets. Processing of the next batch will only begin once the previous job has finished.
As a side note, make sure you actually need to use foreachRDD, or if perhaps you're misusing the DStream API (disclaimer: I am the author of that post)
I have an input A which I convert into an rdd X spread across the cluster.
I perform certain operations on it.
Then I do .repartition(1) on the output rdd.
Will my output rdd be in the same order that input A.
Does spark handle this automatically? If yes, then how?
The documentation doesn't guarantee that order will be kept, so you can assume it won't be. If you look at the implementation, you'll see it certainly won't be (unless your original RDD already has 1 partition for some reason): repartition calls coalesce(shuffle = true), which
Distributes elements evenly across output partitions, starting from a random partition.
I have a pair RDD[String,String] where key is a string and value is html. I want to split this rdd into n RDDS based on n keys and store them in HDFS.
htmlRDD = [key1,html
Split this RDD based on keys and store html from each RDD individually on HDFS. Why I want to do that? When, I'm trying to store the html from the main RDD to HDFS,it takes a lot of time as some tasks are denied committing by output coordinator.
I'm doing this in Scala.
htmlRDD.saveAsHadoopFile("hdfs:///Path/",classOf[String],classOf[String], classOf[Formatter])
You can also try this in place of breaking RDD:
I tried this and it worked for me. I had RDD[JSONObject] and it wrote toString() of JSON Object very well.
Spark saves each RDD partition into 1 hdfs file partition. So to achieve good parallelism your source RDD should have many partitions(actually depends on size of whole data). So I think you want to split your RDD not into several RDDs, but rather to have RDD with many partitions.
You you can do it with repartition() or coallesce()