How to remote Tinker Board Asus - operating-system

I am using Tinker Board and I want remote desktop it from other network. I tried Real VNC and AnyDesk but it don't work. My OS is debian 10, who can help me. Many thanks

You can always use x11vnc as long as your distribution uses Xorg as display server. I'm sure that it does.
Install x11vnc with sudo apt install x11vnc.
Run x11vnc with x11vnc -noxdamage -norepeat -display :0 -rfbport 5900 -shared


CentOS mount LAN disk, // is not a valid block device

I'm using CentOS today, I want mount my work LAN disk in /mnt/P,
use:mount -t cifs // /mnt/P -o username=centos,password=FFM#centos,domain=ffm.local
early, I used this order in Ubuntu, it's OK, but today, in CentOS, tell me:
mount: // is not a valid block device
I don't know much about CentOS, please, thx~
You need install cifs-utils package
sudo yum install cifs-utils

Update dbus on Raspberry Pi

I need to update DBus on my Raspberry Pi, in order to upgrade to the latest Bluez version (and I hope for performance benefits). I can't use a package install, as the latest packaged version is old, so I "configure/make/make install".
The problem with this is that it appears to install alongside the old version, but in a different directory. So, if I run dbus-daemon --version, I see the old version number following the install.
The original version (and launch path) is /usr/bin, whereas my install is going to /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin. I did try editing the path for launch in /lib/systemd/system/dbus.service, but after this, Linux failed to start.
So now I have two versions of dbus on my Pi, with the old one booting.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what I did to successfully have D-Bus 1.10.18 on my Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie Lite Fresh (release 2017-04-10) :
[I use aptitude instead of apt-get. You can substitute one by another.]
sudo aptitude install -y libapparmor1
cd ~
sudo dpkg --auto-deconfigure -i libdbus-1-3_1.10.18-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i dbus_1.10.18-1_armhf.deb
sudo reboot
and after reboot :
pi#RasPi3-Tests:~ $ dpkg -l dbus
Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder
| État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-installé/W=attend-traitement-déclenchements
|/ Err?=(aucune)/besoin Réinstallation (État,Err: majuscule=mauvais)
||/ Nom Version Architecture Description
ii dbus 1.10.18-1 armhf simple interprocess messaging system (daemon and ...
and :
pi#RasPi3-Tests:~ $ dbus-daemon --version
D-Bus Message Bus Daemon 1.10.18
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc., CodeFactory AB, and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
Before answering your question, share the failure log from "journalctl -xe" or "systemctl status dbus". Following might solve your problem,
Make sure to stop the dbus before update it. "systemctl stop dbus"
systemctl daemon-reload (Needs to run after changing service file of any daemon)
Start dbus again, systemctl start dbus.
check the binary path available in "echo $PATH", if not, export it. In your case, export PATH=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH should help
Note: Many applications will stop working when you stop dbus.
sudo apt-get install python3-dbus

Raspberry-Pi live streaming using web cam

I am new with RASPBERRY PI . But i've successfully completed a project with the use of Brick Pi which is actually a WIFI based moving car. Now i want to enable live camera streaming to my project. Can i do it using my USB webcam ?
I actually want to stream it on any browser.
If YES, how can i achieve it ?
Is there any better solution than using a webcam ?
Install MJPG-streamer on your Rasperry Pi
sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev imagemagick libv4l-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h /usr/include/linux/videodev.h
git clone
and then you can use a command like this:
mjpg_streamer -i “/usr/local/lib/" -o “/usr/local/lib/ -p 9000 -w www”
You can check out this tutorial by Tinkernut, which basicly does what you want as well as some other cool stuff

How to connect Raspberry-Pi with laptop Monitor

Is there any way to make my raspberry-pi to be displayed on my laptop monitor? If so please guide the steps to do so.
Only if you do it via a network
Install tight VNC: sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
Start a VNC session vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x728 -depth 24
Install Tight VNC client on your laptop and connect

Resolve hostnames with arch linux on a RaspberryPi

I have a Pi that runs hostapd and dhcpd on arch linux to create it's own land with the Pi's (routers) IP being This uses the wlan0 interface and it only serves as a standalone router running a web server.
Once I connect to the Pi, I use to display the web pages, but I want to use a hostname such as firepi. I have tried using dnsmasq, but I haven't been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated especially if you can give me some detailed examples as I am a novice.
The purpose of this system is that I have created a web app that you can use to ignite fireworks over WiFi at a safe distance. I would just like the convenience of using a hostname instead of the IP address.
I must add that I will more than likely be using an iPhone to connect to the server, should this affect anything.
Not too sure how or why but this is what I did and it is successfully working now, so this is just for future users who may need a similar setup to mine.
First I installed hostapd and dhcpd and made sure they were working. Next I changed '/etc/hostname' to firepi and the '/etc/hosts' and added ' firepi'. Then I installed dnsmasq, and set the interface to wlan0, and finally added ' firepi' to '/etc/resolv.conf'.
After a full reboot, I joined the network on my iPhone, navigated to firepi and sure enough, it worked!
Thanks to the other users for their advice and tips.
You can use avahi on Arch as well to resolve your hostname:
sudo pacman -S avahi nss-mdns
Start the avahi daemon:
sudo systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudo vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
Change the line:
hosts: files myhostname dns
hosts: files myhostname mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
Note: don't forget to add .local to your hostname.
See also:
If you just want to be able to use "firepi" as hostname to connect to it, you can simply add it to your /etc/hosts file using the syntax "IP host".
To make it as easy as possible, run this command as root:
echo " firepi" >> /etc/hosts
That'll do the trick.
Can you try avahi ?
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon and
sudo apt-get install avahi-browse
I've successfully used that on Raspian. Unless you change the hostname using
sudo raspi-config you will access via raspberrypi.local
Note that if you plan to access the RPi from Windows you will need to install Bonjour Service first(if you have iTunes intalled, you might have those, run services.msc and check if the Bonjour Service is started)
Another note: On a friend's iphone I've installed a generic vnc client and had x11vnc running on the RPi and succesfully managed to connect to the RPi (since avahi-daemon was installed)