How to make input in HTML for Telerik - forms

I am doing export to PDF from HTML. I want to add input fields into my HTML code, but I don't know how.
I have tried a lot of combinations, but nothing is working.
Here is example what I tried:
enter image description here

You can use RadClientExportManager to export HTML content and elements to PDF. For example, see this demo -
Another approach to export HTML to PDF is to use the Kendo Drawing API.


How do you insert a python string into a link tag html

I’m trying to make a scraper project that takes links and displays on a html page but you can’t use html tags in pyscript tag.
Is there any way to do it
What I find with printing the link is that it gives the literal string of the link and not a clickable link
This isn’t the actual code but acts as an an example of the problem
Var= ‘Link’
<a href=link>Link</a>
You have created a clickable anchor tag. Move your mouse over the text and click it.
The problem is that the pyscript.css file is overwriting the attributes of some HTML tags changing how they appear. Remove pyscript.css from your program and notice the difference.
You could add your own CSS and make the Anchor Element appear how you want. To write serious PyScript programs you will need to learn about the browser DOM, CSS, etc.

Export SAPUI5 Network Graph as PDF

I'm trying to export the Ui control sap.ui.commons.networkgraph.Graph as PDF.
I follow this guide to rendering an org.chart
I've tried jspdf to render but what I've got looks like this
I've also tried html2pdf as this link: to render but what I've got looks like this
AFAIK, these tools use svg string to render PDF. But the svg string I tried to retrieved from network graph is not enough. It miss the svg lines.
In the other hand, sapui5's Vizframe do very well exporting to PDF, thanks to the provided ExportToSVGString method.
Any suggestions please ?
In the worst case, I would have to write a function to render these graphic to svg (like the method exportToSVGString).

Iframes converted to image tags in TinyMCE inline mode

I have a content management system that uses TinyMCE to edit text, and I am using the inline option. The issue I have is when the content contains an iframe - when TinyMCE is initialised, it converts the iframes to an image tag:
<img data-mce-p-allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-mce-p-frameborder="0" data-mce-p-src="" width="560" height="315" src="" data-mce-object="iframe" class="mce-object mce-object-iframe" data-mce-src="">
I then need to get the edited HTML to save to the server. The docs for this functionality give no suggestion on how to do this, so currently I use jQuery to just get the HTML content of the element the TinyMCE editor was initialised on, however this contains the image tag instead of the original iframe, which is what then gets saved.
Is there a better way to get the HTML from n inline TinyMCE instance, or change how TinyMCE displays iframes?
Here is a TinyMCE Fiddle that shows TinyMCE running inline with an iFrame in the content. When I use getContent() to extract the content it just shows as an iFrame.
As a rule of thumb I would not use jQuery to try to get the raw HTML as TinyMCE does a variety of things to accommodate for how inline editing works. The getContent() API is documented here:

TYPO3: How to properly setup RTE in custom content element

I created a custom content element with a "bodytext" field like this:
The text editor doesn't work properly. The links for example are formated like this:
<link 88 - internal-link>test</link>
which doesn't work in the frontend.
RTE is also throwing a lot of info and errors in the backend, here is a screenshot of firebug:
If I use a core content element like "text & media" RTE does work perfectly .. So I guess there is some configuration missing in my extension ?
How did you set up your custom content element? In which file did you set up your bodytext field shown above?
The link formatting like <link></link> is the normal and correct behavior of the RTE. By this way, links can be rendered dynamically having the pageid saved and they will still work even if the domain or pagetitle of the target page changes - this would not work if links would be saved "hard" like <a href="xy">.
However, those link tags have to be rendered using the lib.parseFunc_RTE when outputting the content. For example if you use Fluid for output, just use <f:format.html>{yourBodytextVariable}</f:format.html> and you will get correct links (f:format.html uses lib.parseFunc_RTE by default).
Check out your Typoscript Object Browser to find out more about the lib.parseFunc_RTE object and check out this doc:

HTML code not working correctly in Joomla1.5

Hi just started Joomla1.5
Included some HTML code a table and lists within my Joomla1.5 but table border not showing
and lists not aligned at all not sure why.
Imported the extension that allows one to embedd HTML code and used the
{loadposition CustomHTMLpostion} within a content article tested the HTML code with
Textpad works fine but not in Joomla1.5 - any ideas?
Check CSS files of your template, they must have been styling your HTML.
Use firebug(for firefox), to check which CSS styling is being applied on your table or list.
Then override that CSS.