How to do format code in Visual Studio Code? - visual-studio-code

I would like to start writing some Selenium scripts using Visual Studio Code.
What is the equivalent of Ctrl + K + F and Ctrl + K + D on Windows in Visual Studio for formatting or "beautifying" code in the Visual Studio Code editor?

Windows: Shift + Alt + F
Mac: Shift + Option + F


Code Formatting for Dart not working as expected in Android Studio

I'm using Android Studio for Flutter development, and code formatting is not working as expected.
What could be the possible issue?
Go to Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter and check Format code on save.
Windows / Linux Ctrl + Alt + L
MAC Cmd + Opt + L

Shortcut - VS Code on MAC

What's the shortcut for running code file in VScode? I cannot remember for the life of me
I tried Ctrl + shift + N and nothing happens
I figured it out. I had to re-install code runner and then the keyboard shortcut was 'ctrl, alt, N'

Visual Studio Code: how to run Python file with Ctrl + Alt + N, but it should save changes first

I migrated from Eclipse to Visual Studio Code, I noted that my Python file is not saved automatically when I launch a Run Code command.
Currently, I need to run Ctrl + S (save) before I run Ctrl + Alt + N (run).
Is there a way to save it by default when running with Ctrl + Alt + N?
My launch.json has the following:
{ "key": "ctrl+alt+n", "command": "" },
Edit: to run it I do: ctrl-s and then ctrl-alt-b. I wish to do only ctrl-alt-b

How to close all open tabs Visual Studio (VS) Code?

I am trying to close all the open tabs in Visual Studio code. I could only find search results for the Visual Studio IDE but not code.
For VS Code, When you right-click on any tab, you get a close all tabs option. Just click that. You can also use the shortcut below:
MacOS: command + K + W
Windows: Ctrl + K + W
To close one tab, just the usual:
MacOS: command + W
Windows: Ctrl + W

Visual studio shortcuts (Duplication)

Can someone tell me how to duplicate the line I am on as most of the people do in visual studio code and list for me some shortcuts or where I can see them?/.
Duplicate line (down/up)
Visual Studio Code.
Shift+ Alt + ↓ or Shift+ Alt + ↑
Shortcuts for Win
Shift + Option + ↓ or Shift +Option + ↑
Shortcuts for Mac
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+↓ or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+↑
Shortcuts for Linux
(some distros You need use Numpad arrows)
You can press ctrl+d to duplicate your current line.