How to reset build numbers in Appstoreconnect, testflight? - app-store

I messed up build numbers by accident. Is there a way to fix this?


Eclipse: Complete Build State Clean/Reset

Is there a good way to reset Eclipse build state completely?
I am stuck getting 'Building all...' on each build (manual, BTW), even though it seems to finish normally, and it has been working just fine for weeks, and I've had this issue before, but it would resolve itself on one or more rebuilds; all of which leads me to believe that there is something internal that gets stuck in a wrong state.
Clean Project does not seem to do it. And the full rebuild 'says' it does a clean anyway, 'cleaning output folder'.
Clean + Close Project + Restart Eclipse does not seem to do it either (which fact I find rather unsatisfying and weird).
I suppose a re-import could do it.
Perhaps re-import under a different name?
But maybe there's something easier than re-import. Perhaps deleting some file or folder in Eclipse persisted state?
(Maybe tag this 'internals'? I am asking for specific solutions, but I am certainly interested in the IDE internals too, whether that will help solve this issue or not.)

Flutter generates multiple .xcconfig files in background how to fix it?

I'm building a flutter app and recently when i did git status I got this
I'm not sure why is this happening and how to solve it since I think it behaves like a trojan virus more or less...
Any advice is appreciated.

Monodevelop build always successful

I dont know why but now (it worked fine yesterday) when building my scripts is says Build successful every time even whern there are mistakes. I tried deleting the files in : C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Monodevelop and even reinstall unity.
Nothing worked.
I dont know if this is related but since installing monodevelop I didnt have autocomplete, I saw an answer which said to resync the project but I dont know how.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Thank you!

Xcode won't build to device

This problem has been KILLING me. I've been working on this app for 8 Months, and I am so close to finishing, I just can't seem to build for device. Building for the simulator works fine, but device always gives me the SAME 2 errors.
The 1st Error:
"Instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled"
From googling, I've found this probably means I'm not linking a binary I should be, but I'm not sure.
The 2nd Error:
If you can't read it, it says: Generating ... error: unable to open executable '/Users/ajr1188/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/JWFNS-azshgysfabycfagnebotitpcyaww/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
This is the big one. I cannot seem to build the .app.dSYM file properly. I went in and deleted the build folder, I looked at EVERY stackoverflow question I could find and tried changing any random thing mentioned in another question, but all of it is to no avail. I'm so suck right now. AHH. PLEASE. Any help would be so appreciated!
Maybe your project has become hopelessly corrupted. One thing to try is to start a brand new project and copy/import all your sources/assets into the new project to see if that fixes the problem.
Another less nuclear (but perhaps more time consuming) approach is to binary search the build. Exclude absolutely everything except main.m and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, include half your sources, and buid again....repeat, trying to narrow in on the problem spot. Maybe a file or group of files has received special build settings that don't belong there.
I've had very similar problems, I cant remember the exact error message but it was very similar. Are you able to make a new project that will run on your device?
if so (and I know this sounds bad but it's worth a try) Create a new project and simply copy all the code and resources across and see if it still works. If it doesn't then there is something wrong with you code and you can continue trying to isolate the problem from there.
Hope this is helpful.
check the frameworks you link to. there's a chance that you linked a framework (say quartz) of osx, instead of ios.
Answering in detail is probably going to take looking at your target settings. But it looks like you may be building for the wrong architecture. (It doesn't link, so there is no .dSYM symbol file.) For example, if you have only recently built for device, you probably created your project under an older Xcode, and it may not have the arm6/arm7 settings right.
To check, show the Build Settings for your target (not the project), and filter on Architecture.
Make sure that in build settings the architectures are armv6 and armv7. Also make sure that in .plist file, the "Application requires iPhone environment" is TRUE. Delete "Required device capabilities" in the .plist if present.

What happened to XCode Build and Analyze results?

This is similar to another question that wasn't really answered: Xcode 3.2: Build & Analyze never finds any issues
I used XCode's Build and Analyze for the first time on a large project and came up with a number of analyzer warnings. I corrected a few and wanted to verify my changes were being 'accepted' by the analyzer. I didn't even look at warnings in a number of files. But when I re-run Build and Analyze, all the warnings are gone.
I have tried: changing my compiler to LVVC GCC 4.2, switching from a debug to a release build, cleaning all (repeatedly), and quitting and reopening XCode. I just can't get the old warnings back.
Build and analyze only analyzes your modified files.
Go to your project settings -> build tab. And check 'Run Static Analyzer'. This runs a full check on all files on each build.
It is how XCode built with. Whenever, you build the project (even using build & analyze), it will build only those files which are modified before the last build. So if you want to have your old warning & analysis result back, do clean all targets from build menu & again build.
I had a similar issue some days ago. I had plenty of warnings, and after some changes in the code the analyzer warnings disappeared. Even a clean build could not bring them back.
By a coincidence I changed the message filter in the build log from Issues Only to All messages.
And there were plenty of messages related to the disappear of analyzer results. The analyzer complained that he could not analyze my files. I'm sorry I don't remember the correct message.
As far as I remember I put some code into the .pch which confused the analyzer completely. After I changed a lot of stuff analyzer was happy again. Magically. I still don't know why that happened and I can't reproduce it.
For whatever reason, none of the solutions above worked for me. The only way I could get the warnings back was to open the project with XCode 4 and analyze it there. I am taking screenshots so I don't lose these warnings. I hope the analyzer works better in XCode 4 in the future.