I am using Ubuntu 22.10 installed on a macbook air.
I just installed the NERDTree plugin, however whenever i try Toggling the tree with <:q> it only toggles the text for the tree, but the space it took up is still there until i use <:q> again.
This spacing is also there by default whenever I open a file using neovim. I have tried setting NERDTree default to toggled off but this didn't help. Not sure what else I can try.
i think this became a problem after installing extensions but i'm not sure[enter image description here]
i tried reinstalling vscode and removing sync of any settings but it didn't workyour text
In settings under Terminal > Integrated: Renderer Type, it defaults to "auto" which in my case selects the "canvas" setting. If you switch this to "dom" it will fix the jumbled letters in the integrated terminal.
Also i'd recommend double-checking your language packs that are installed in windows and either reinstall them or make sure you have installed correctly.
Hope this helps.
I recently updated python to the latest version 3.10.5 on my Windows 10 desktop using pyenv-win. Everything went fine, except when I launched jupyter lab and found out I can't access the JSON settings editor anymore. I was following the same procedure as always:
Launching jupyterlab from the terminal using the command jupyter lab
Going to the settings menu and choosing Advanced Settings Editor
The settings editor GUI is opened as always and I can change settings through the UI, but I prefer using the JSON settings file.
On the top right of the settings editor there is a button to open the JSON Settings Editor. I click it and nothing happens. This button doesn't do anything. it used to open a text editor with all the JSON settings files. Now it simply does nothing.
I tried reinstalling jupyter lab completly, including removing every custom extension and reseting all setting to the default, and it didn't help. The JSON Settings Editor button still doesn't do anything.
Can anyone explain to me why this happens and how I can fix this?
This is a bug in the latest JupyterLab release v3.4.4. I have reproduced it on 3.4.4 and opened a pull request to fix it: jupyterlab#12892. The fix should be included in the next patch release. In the meantime you can downgrade to 3.4.3 which is not affected.
Thank you for highlighting it (next time if it looks like a bug feel welcome to report directly at https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues).
Edit: JupyterLab 3.4.5 is now released. Please upgrade using your package manager to get the fix.
I clean install windows on one of my devices and then I install VScode and sync all settings from my account but the it doesn't highlight code as it should be and my theme is Dark+ (default dark) and I am on Windows 10.
I want to make the first picture look like the second one.
Things I tried:
reinstall VScode
reinstall Python
reinstall PythonMagic extension
first picture (needs to fix)
second picture (I want to make the first one look like this)
I have some problems with eclipse indigo x64 Linux; The problem is using windowbuilder (the SWT); I tried using gwt or swing but they both cause either windowbuilder freeze or even eclipse crash...
The alike issue it seems I found related info in official eclipse indigo offline Help which says :
How can I prevent the preview window from flashing under Linux using Metacity
In order to create the graphics that you see in the design view,
WindowBuilder Pro creates an off screen window containing the various
widgets and they takes a screen snapshot of them. This works very well
under Windows, OSX and some versions of Linux. Recent versions of the
Metacity window manager (more recent than 2.1.4), however, have been
modified/"fixed" to disallow windows to be opened off screen. This
forces the preview window to appear on screen leading to an annoying
flashing effect any time you make a change. The solution is to disable
the Metacity "fully_onscreen" constraint by patching the Metacity
source code and rebuilding and installing the patched version into
your system.
Here are the steps to follow:
Download the Metacity source code from ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/metacity/
Unpack the source code tarball into any temporary directory.
Chdir into this directory (with the unpacked code).
Find window.c file and open it with your favourite texteditor.
Find a line with "window->require_fully_onscreen = TRUE;"
Replace it with "window->require_fully_onscreen = FALSE;"
Save the changes and close the editor.
Open a terminal and chdir into the directory with the source code (nice if you have already done this)
Run "./configure".
Run "make all".
Make sure that steps 9 & 10 completed without errors.
Become root (or execute the next command via "sudo" depending on the Linux you are running)
Run "make install" (or "sudo make install").
Save your work and close any application you are working with.
End your session (or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart the x-server) and log in again.
You are done!
well seems like I have the snapshot really but, as I can get it, the snapshot doesn't want to dispose or similar so I have either resize the whole eclipse or press F5 to refresh (which works not at once);
I am not sure how to fix the issue in case I have xfce+adwaita installed? I don't have metacity installed; Seems like xfce works with gtk instead of metacity (correct me if I am wrong);
So my question is... how to fix the "window flashing or freezing" if I have :
adwaita-dark theme
linux arch x64ce
Try to install install libswt-gtk-3-jni and libswt-gtk-3-java.
I'm looking for a good ssh console plugin for Eclipse, and can't find much at all. Would anyone have some good leads on one?
If you don't like the ssh.shells or ssh.terminals subsystems in Eclipse RSE, try using the Terminal View instead.
Open up Window -> Show View -> Other (or press Shift+Alt+Q then Q)
Type Terminal in the search box
Select the Terminal view listed under the Terminal folder
You'll see a window that looks similar to RSE's ssh.terminals subsystem... but with some extra buttons on the top right.
How to use it:
To fix the scrolling issue (ie: for programs like top), click the Scroll Lock button at the right.
For extra Terminal window tabs, click the down arrow on the New Terminal Connection button
To change the current terminal window's settings, use the Settings button.
If you really like the annoying command input box at the bottom, you can toggle it on and off with the appropriate button.
Change the Background Color:
For some reason, the default setting is to use a terribly hard to see white background. To change this:
Go to Window -> Preferences
Type Terminal in the search box at the top left, or select Terminal on the left.
Check the box that says Invert terminal colors
You can also configure a larger terminal buffer or connection timeouts here
Click Apply
Now the terminal should have a black background! If you want a local terminal, you can enable ssh on your local machine, and connect to localhost.
In Eclipse 3.4.1, there is the Remote Systems Explorer perspective that allows you to create and connect to SSH terminals (here)
There are plugins that exist that allow you up open WinSCP or Putty from within Eclipse.
I would advise maybe doing a search for "putty eclipse plugin" or similar
You can also try the Terminal plug-in for Eclipse
This plug-in provides a fully-working, command-line terminal to
Eclipse 3.7 or later (yes, even 4.2!) It works on Linux and MacOS
More info at: http://alexruiz.developerblogs.com/?p=2428