How do I get the WSDL from this .asmx URL? - soap

There's this web service I want to connect to. It's fully detailed here:
As you can see there's details on the right on how to connect to it. For example to call the CalculateTransactionTotals method of the web service there is:
This .asmx URL:
And these headers:
Content-Type text/xml;charset=UTF-8
And this example request body:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<CalculateTransactionTotals xmlns="">
<vendorCode />
<ppMenuItems />
<Condiments />
<MiReference />
<MiWeight />
<Condiments />
<MiReference />
<MiWeight />
<Condiments />
<MiReference />
<MiWeight />
<Condiments />
<MiReference />
<MiWeight />
<pTotalsResponse />
I need the WSDL to connect to this web service. How do I get it?


QPlace a pnr to multiple Sabre queues in one step

I would like to QPlace a named pnr onto multiple queues.
The documentation for QueuePlaceLLSRQ_v2.0.4 seems to indicate that this is possible by repeating QueueIdentifier element but I always get errors
<!--Repeat Factor=0-3-->
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="IPCC1" PrefatoryInstructionCode="11" Number="400" Name="ABC123"/>
<QueuePlaceRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" Version="2.0.4">
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="11" Number="204" />
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="11" Number="205" />
<UniqueID ID="CIATDK" />
<stl:ApplicationResults status="NotProcessed">
<stl:Error type="BusinessLogic" timeStamp="2020-02-06T05:02:09-06:00">
<stl:Message>INVALID FORMAT</stl:Message>
<QueuePlaceRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" Version="2.0.4">
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="11" Number="204" />
<UniqueID ID="ESVDGN" />
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="11" Number="205" />
<UniqueID ID="ESVDGN" />
<stl:Message>cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'QueueIdentifier'. One of '{"":UniqueID}' is expected.</stl:Message>
REQUEST & RESPONSE 3 (seems to be on-queue only, cannot use named pnr):
<QueuePlaceRQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" Version="2.0.4">
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="35" Number="205" />
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="35" Number="206" />
<stl:Error type="BusinessLogic" timeStamp="2020-02-06T05:09:53-06:00">
<stl:Message>NO PNR IN AAA</stl:Message>
The correct method is in the question as "REQUEST & RESPONSE 3", but you must have a pnr in your workarea. If you also wish the pnr to remain on the current queue, you should add the current queue as a destination.
<QueuePlaceRQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" Version="2.0.4">
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="35" Number="205" />
<QueueIdentifier PseudoCityCode="7Q9I" PrefatoryInstructionCode="35" Number="206" />

BizTalk "Receive Location" status remains disabled despite "Enable" attribute equal true in binding file

I imported the sample binding file from "BizTalk Server Administration Console" -> "Import -> Bindings...".
It created receive location successfully but despite in the file <Enable>true</Enable>, it created locations with status as disabled.
Is it possible to make it enable with the binding file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<BindingInfo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Assembly="Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Version="" BindingStatus="PartiallyBound" BoundEndpoints="43" TotalEndpoints="47">
<DistributionListCollection />
<ReceivePort Name="XXXXXXXXXXX" IsTwoWay="true" BindingOption="1">
<Description xsi:nil="true" />
<ReceiveLocation Name="XXXXXXXXX_ReceiveLocation">
<Description xsi:nil="true" />
<PublicAddress />
<ReceiveLocationTransportType Name="WCF-NetNamedPipe" Capabilities="907" ConfigurationClsid="148d2e28-d634-4127-aa9e-7d6298156bf1" />
<ReceiveLocationTransportTypeData><CustomProps><UseSSO vt="11">0</UseSSO><InboundBodyLocation vt="8">UseBodyPath</InboundBodyLocation><InboundBodyPathExpression vt="8">/*[local-name()='part']</InboundBodyPathExpression><SendTimeout vt="8">00:30:00</SendTimeout><OutboundXmlTemplate vt="8">&lt;bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="xml"/&gt;</OutboundXmlTemplate><OpenTimeout vt="8">00:30:00</OpenTimeout><SecurityMode vt="8">Transport</SecurityMode><TransactionProtocol vt="8">OleTransactions</TransactionProtocol><MaxReceivedMessageSize vt="3">2147483647</MaxReceivedMessageSize><TransportProtectionLevel vt="8">EncryptAndSign</TransportProtectionLevel><CloseTimeout vt="8">00:30:00</CloseTimeout><SuspendMessageOnFailure vt="11">-1</SuspendMessageOnFailure><EnableTransaction vt="11">0</EnableTransaction><InboundNodeEncoding vt="8">Base64</InboundNodeEncoding><IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults vt="11">-1</IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults><MaxConcurrentCalls vt="3">300</MaxConcurrentCalls><OutboundBodyLocation vt="8">UseBodyElement</OutboundBodyLocation></CustomProps></ReceiveLocationTransportTypeData>
<ReceivePipeline Name="Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLReceive" FullyQualifiedName="Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Type="1" TrackingOption="ServiceStartEnd MessageSendReceive PipelineEvents" Description="" />
<ReceivePipelineData xsi:nil="true" />
<SendPipeline Name="Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruTransmit" FullyQualifiedName="Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruTransmit, Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Type="2" TrackingOption="ServiceStartEnd MessageSendReceive PipelineEvents" Description="" />
<SendPipelineData xsi:nil="true" />
<ReceiveHandler Name="BizTalkServerApplication" HostTrusted="true">
<TransportType Name="WCF-NetNamedPipe" Capabilities="907" ConfigurationClsid="148d2e28-d634-4127-aa9e-7d6298156bf1" />
<SendPipelineData xsi:nil="true" />
<OutboundTransforms />
<PartyCollection />
IMHO is not possible, you have to import the bindings and then enable the Receive Locations through the Admin Console or PowerShell or WMI, ...

DGML - Add weight to link

How do I add weight or value to the Edges or Link in a DGML file?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<DirectedGraph xmlns="">
<Node Id="a" Label="a" Size="10" />
<Node Id="b" Background="#FF008080" Label="b" />
<Node Id="c" Label="c" Start="2010-06-10" />
<Link Source="a" Target="b" />
<Link Source="a" Target="c" />
<Property Id="Background" Label="Background" DataType="Brush" />
<Property Id="Label" Label="Label" DataType="String" />
<Property Id="Size" DataType="String" />
<Property Id="Start" DataType="DateTime" />
I would like to be able to assign a weight or value to the lines between each node to designate the strength between the nodes.
You can add weights to each link by adding a label field with a value to each of the Link Sources. The numbers will appear beside the arrows on your graph.
<Link Source="a" Target="b" Label="5" />
<Link Source="a" Target="c" Label="6" />
Additionally, the background color of each node can be changed by creating Category groups and assigning that group to each node.
<Category Id="Orange" Background="Orange" />
<Category Id="Yellow" Background="Yellow" />
<Node Id="a" Category="Orange" />
<Node Id="b" Category="Yellow" />
Here's an example that uses a link Weight Style to do it:
<DirectedGraph xmlns="">
<Node Id="Banana" UseManualLocation="True" />
<Node Id="Test" UseManualLocation="True" />
<Link Source="Test" Target="Banana" Priority="10"/>
<Link Source="Test" Target="Green" />
<Property Id="Bounds" DataType="System.Windows.Rect" />
<Property Id="UseManualLocation" DataType="System.Boolean" />
<Style TargetType="Link">
<Setter Property="Weight" Expression="Priority" />

Cannot filter by string from remote url

Created a WCF Data Service to pull data from Oracle database and when debugging in VS I can use the ?$filter syntax to filter returned sets.
However, using the remote url I cannot.
Point to note: I can filter by integers and dates, however I cannot filter by strings.
Also, I cannot filter by any string field in code. The filter is ignored.
Sample item below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<feed xml:base="http://localhost:61905/CampaignerSVC.svc/" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">
<title type="text">Contacts</title>
<link rel="self" title="Contacts" href="Contacts" />
<title type="text"></title>
<name />
<link rel="edit" title="ContactList" href="Contacts(23517014)" />
<category term="Campaigner_DAL_WCF.ContactList" scheme="" />
<content type="application/xml">
<d:LicenseNumber m:type="Edm.Int32">23517014</d:LicenseNumber>
<d:CompanyName m:null="true" />
<d:JobTitle m:null="true" />
<d:DateOfBirth m:type="Edm.DateTime">1947-04-27T00:00:00</d:DateOfBirth>
<d:PrimaryChapterCode m:type="Edm.Int16">400</d:PrimaryChapterCode>
<d:AlternateChapterCode m:type="Edm.Int16" m:null="true" />
<d:MainAddrLine1>So Crescent</d:MainAddrLine1>
<d:MainAddrLine2 m:null="true" />
<d:MainAddrLine3 m:null="true" />
<d:MainPhoneExt m:null="true" />
<d:MainFaxNum m:null="true" />
<d:CellPhoneNum m:null="true" />
<d:EventTimeStamp m:type="Edm.DateTime">2015-04-29T02:40:02</d:EventTimeStamp>
You can filter by string also by using the string in quotes like below-
Ok, so the issue was that I had created a class to store the results from the entity model.
Although I had a DataKey value specified, the problem was that the field I specified was not unique, therefore the filters were being ignore (or only the first matching record was filtered).
What I had to do was decorate the class with a composite DataKey.

Do I have to use XML parsing or any other way of saving the server response

I am getting the following response from server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tracks type="array">
<id type="integer">13082503</id>
<created-at type="datetime">2011-04-05T05:48:05Z</created-at>
<user-id type="integer">2796383</user-id>
<duration type="integer">6715</duration>
<commentable type="boolean">true</commentable>
<tag-list />
<description nil="true" />
<streamable type="boolean">true</streamable>
<downloadable type="boolean">false</downloadable>
<genre nil="true" />
<release nil="true" />
<purchase-url nil="true" />
<label-id nil="true" />
<label-name nil="true" />
<isrc nil="true" />
<video-url nil="true" />
<track-type nil="true" />
<key-signature nil="true" />
<bpm nil="true" />
<release-year nil="true" />
<release-month nil="true" />
<release-day nil="true" />
<artwork-url nil="true" />
<id type="integer">2796383</id>
<downloads-remaining type="integer">100</downloads-remaining>
<user-playback-count type="integer">1</user-playback-count>
<user-favorite type="boolean">false</user-favorite>
<playback-count type="integer">0</playback-count>
<download-count type="integer">0</download-count>
<favoritings-count type="integer">0</favoritings-count>
<comment-count type="integer">0</comment-count>
<id type="integer">61</id>
<name>Cocoa API Wrapper Test</name>
Do I have to do XML parsing for this or is there any other way to save this as array
You will have to use NSXMLParser for parsing the xml file. "type=array" is XML attribute and not an array.