How to exclude specific extensions from the auto-update in Vs Code? - visual-studio-code

I have one of my Visual Studio Code extensions licensed to a specific version so I looking for a way to exclude this extension from updating but keep all other extensions up to date.
Do we have some mechanism to do this?


Conflicting Functionality with COBOL-language-support extension in Visual Studio Code

I am trying to add the COBOL-language-support extension in Visual Studio Code.
I am running Visual Studio Code in WSL-Ubuntu, and have already downloaded in gnucobol in Ubuntu. I am trying to add the cobol-language-support extension to Visual Studio Code. However, there is an error with cobol language-support. There is conflicting functionality with cobol-language-support. There are two reasons: contributes conflicting grammar, and contributes language id.
Here is the error message:
The extension cobol-language-support from BroadcomMFD has conflicting functionality
Reason : contributes conflicting grammar
Reason : contributes language id
Id : BroadcomMFD.cobol-language-support
Description : Autocomplete, highlighting and diagnostics for COBOL code and copybooks.
Version : 0.21.0
Repository :
Bug Reporting :
The extension bitlang.cobol tells you that you have another extension BroadcomMFD.cobol-language-support that has the same features registered for the COBOL language identifier - it isn't reasonable to have two extensions with the same features, so deactivate one and setup the other, then test the features, then do the same with the other and uninstall the extension you don't find reasonable.
For use with GnuCOBOL both bitlang.cobol and bitlang.gnucobol showed to be working quite good (the later has less features for COBOL in general but is actually targeting GnuCOBOL).

Support of fileOperations ClientCapabilities (LSP) in Visual Studio Code 1.54

I am implementing a language server and try to integrate it in latest Visual Studio Code 1.54.3. At the moment I try to handle the fileOperations capabilities, that have been added to 3.16 protocol version.
If I check the "initialize" message from the client, that is received by the server, the (optional) fileOperations attribute is not provided, though. Is is possible that VS Code's LSP client does not support fileOperations capabilities in version 1.54? Is there a way to check the protocol's implementation state?
If this is the case, is there another way to get notified if a file is renamed or deleted? I need this information to reflect it within the server's AST and delete / remap information accordingly.
In your VSCode extension, make sure you use the latest language client version. Adding "vscode-languageclient": "7.0.0" in package.json did the trick for me.

Where's the actual Remote-SSH source code repo on github?

I'm looking for the source to the VSCode-Insider's Remote SSH extension, and everything seems to point to to Microsoft/vscode-remote-release, which has no code, just issues and Markdown docs. Anyone know where the actual extension source is? I'm curious of the inner workings. I've also checked on microsoft/vscode and don't see it either.
That was asked in Microsoft/vscode-remote-release issue 30
It refers to this FAQ:
Why aren't the Remote Development extensions or their components open source?
The Visual Studio Code Remote Development extensions and their related components will use an open planning, issue, and feature request process, but are not currently open-source.
As with other service-based extensions such as Visual Studio LiveShare and IntelliCode, we have made the decision to keep them closed source.
As Haaleo points out in the comments:
You can check the extension's installed source code.
Under windows navigate to %USERPROFILE%/.vscode-insiders/extensions

package manager in visual studio code

I've been using visual studio code as a second display (with visual studio as the first) to view/edit code mostly JavaScript since you can right click/format the code with easy.
But I recently took to time to study how it's c#/ core debug functionality has evolved and it seems it has become even more easier to start whipping debug in no time.
But there is one thing I haven't figured out and whether it's even possible. That's it managing nuget packages. Visual studio offers a nice package manager ui to view installed packages and which packages might need a version bump.
It's there an alternative for visual studio code other than browsing the nuget site and checking which of your referenced packages have updated and editing the .csproj manually or running dotnet add <project> package ...?
This is probably not relevant anymore, but for anyone else also searching for something like this, there is a pretty handy extension for VSCode called Package Manager GUI here.

Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting

I am using Roslyn for application scripting via Nuget Package Manager. Setup should be rather simple. Create new project and, in Nuget manager, add Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Sripting package. After couple of confirmations you are ready to go.
Next step should be checking for installed packages update. Currently, there are 5 updates that are shown after initial installation. Again, it is pretty straightforward to do this.
However, immediately after the update, two of those packages show yellow triangle in Reference node of the project.
I have tried to resolve this following SO and other hints but nothing helped me so far.
At the end, I have installed new VM with Windows 10 Pro (with all updates) and VS2017 Community Edition. After that new Windows Forms project (.net 4.6.1. based for x64) was created and scripting package is added. Unfortunately, yellow triangles are still there (after update).
Problematic packages are System.ValueTuple and System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates.
Also, after cleaning and rebuilding the solution, a number of warnings (MSB3836) - explicit binding redirect on "System..." conflicts with autogenerated binding redirect.
Solution to this problem might shed a light on problem with more complex solution that I stumbled upon after migration to VS 2017.
So, what is the reason for such behavior? Remember, this happens on new installation of OS and VS with simplest project possible.
Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting
I got the same result with you steps. This issue only occurred on the Visual Studio 2017 not Visual Studio 2015. That should have some issue with package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
To resolve this issue, I would like provide you a workaround:
Update packages "System.ValueTuple" and "System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates" first, then update other packages.
It works fine on my side, you can check if it works for you.
In order to track this issue, I have create a new issue on GitHub:
If you have additional information to add, you can add comments below that issue. And you can check the feedback from this link.