Why debug program of subfolder doesn't appear in vscode? - visual-studio-code

I am trying to debug in vscode, but faced one problem which is the debug programs I previously set in launch.json doesn't appear.
I also found that the vscode shows debug programs from launch.json (the toppest folder, not subfolder)... Does anyone know how to solve it? Thanks in advance..


need help in VSCODE debug

I'm a VSCODE first-time user. I tried to run debug on a simple python file and was not successful. I got 2 strange results:
the debug tool bar showed and disappeared instantly
no local variables was shown in VARIABLE section
Please see the screenshot.
Anyone could give me a hint anything was missing in what I did?
You need the python vscode extension to debug a python file. When you press F5 to start debugging, a menu will ask you what you are trying to debug. Click on Python File. The python extension creates a launch.json file for you and starts the debugger.
I noticed the Run and Debug tab is in your screenshot. Click that tab above where the variables would be shown and it should ask you to create the launch.json file in order to debug the file.
Read more on debugging and launch configurations for python here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/debugging

How To Fix VSCode: Exception has occurred: ReferenceError: closeDescriptionPopup is not defined

Not sure how this problem specifically occurred. I've been doing some googling trying to narrow down what exactly is going wrong as my project was fine a few days ago. When i attempt to debug my VSCODE project i'm presented with this error.
this is a picture of my launch.json file:
Also, this an error if it helps displayed in the debug console.
Things i've tried so far,
Rebooting the computer
Uninstalling and Reinstalling VSCODE as well as disabling extensions
Creating a new VSCODE Project to attempt to debug
Deleting the launch.json file and creating a new one
just delete the launch.json file and it will work again
After spending some time debugging I solved this problem by simply installing npm packages, I executed command npm i
Just make sure that your npm packages are all installed and none is failing.
Hopefully this helps you or someone with the same issue.
I've solve this problem.
Remove the launch.json file and do not replace it.
Just try to build with F5 button.
Start Debugging from within VSCode
run npm start from a separate terminal and wait for the server to start
refresh the page in your browser
My intuition is that this would create 2 instances of the server binding to the same port and cause a bunch of problems. I'm not sure why, but in my case it worked as expected and let me debug with breakpoints normally.
You don’t need to use the VS Code run button with Live Server. You just right-click the HTML file in explorer and use the menu option “Open with Live Server”.

VSCode complains in jsconfig.js that node_modules/source-map/source-map can not be found

See the below error and jsconfig.json file contents:
I have no idea what the problem is... The "source-map" file the error is referring to DOES exist at the given path.
Note, that everything works fine and as expected, so the error does not seem to cause any problems.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Run the Developer: Reload Window command in VSCode, or close & re-open VSCode. That solved it for me.

Live Sass Compiler not compiling

I have used the live sass compiler a few hours back, it worked fine, but now it's not working. Can you please let me know what can be the problem?
This is what I see when I hit ctrl + s
This is my project folder structure
This is settings in settings.json
Thanks for your help in advance.
Do you have any other folders open at the same time in Visual Studio? This happened to me one day and by closing all the folders started working again. It doesn't work by just restarting Visual Studio, you have to close them by hand.
The settings.json seems alright and the compiler isn't showing any errors.

Where are Visual Studio Code log files?

My VS Code frequently shows an error, something like "Error: cannot read property 'name' of undefined". The 'ESLint' tag in the status bar also shows up in red with an exclamation mark.
I suspect my team's custom ESLint plugin. I'd like to see the stack trace of the failure, which would probably confirm or refute my theory.
Does VS Code keep logs for this kind of error? If so, where are they?
(I'm running it on a Mac.)
VSCode has a couple of commands for opening its logs folders. For the VSCode logs, you can use the Developer: Open Logs Folder command, and for VSCode extensions it's Developer: Open Extensions Logs Folder. You can search for those commands in the Command Palette in the usual way.
These commands spawn a new Finder window on OSX, or open in Windows Explorer on Windows.
On Linux there are some log files under ~/.config/Code/logs. Hope this helps.
On Windows, it is at %AppData%\Code\logs
I believe this is the directory you're looking for on MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/. I'm not sure if extensions typically store their logs and stuff elsewhere, but they'll likely be somewhere in the Code folder.
For clarification if anyone else stumbles on this type '>Developer: Open Logs Folder' with the forward > symbol to start