Where are Visual Studio Code log files? - visual-studio-code

My VS Code frequently shows an error, something like "Error: cannot read property 'name' of undefined". The 'ESLint' tag in the status bar also shows up in red with an exclamation mark.
I suspect my team's custom ESLint plugin. I'd like to see the stack trace of the failure, which would probably confirm or refute my theory.
Does VS Code keep logs for this kind of error? If so, where are they?
(I'm running it on a Mac.)

VSCode has a couple of commands for opening its logs folders. For the VSCode logs, you can use the Developer: Open Logs Folder command, and for VSCode extensions it's Developer: Open Extensions Logs Folder. You can search for those commands in the Command Palette in the usual way.
These commands spawn a new Finder window on OSX, or open in Windows Explorer on Windows.

On Linux there are some log files under ~/.config/Code/logs. Hope this helps.

On Windows, it is at %AppData%\Code\logs

I believe this is the directory you're looking for on MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/. I'm not sure if extensions typically store their logs and stuff elsewhere, but they'll likely be somewhere in the Code folder.

For clarification if anyone else stumbles on this type '>Developer: Open Logs Folder' with the forward > symbol to start


Error loading webview: Error: Could not register service workers: TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope

When I update my VSCode to v1.56.2 and open webview, I get these messages:
Error loading webview: Error: Could not register service workers:
TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope
('vscode-webview://867f875b-c5a3-4504-8de2-2e8614bdc0f8/') with script
ServiceWorker cannot be started.
How can I solve this issue?
If you are using Ubuntu, there is probably another (maybe hidden) vscode process, which is causing the problem.
Close the vs code first and in terminal try: killall code.
In Windows, you can simply fix this error by clearing the cache for VSCode. Please follow the steps below:
Close VSCode and also kill any background processes running in the task manager.
Go to the file explorer and to the path C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Code and clear the contents of the folders Cache, CachedData, CachedExtensions, CachedExtensionVSIXs (if this folder exists) and Code Cache.
Open VSCode and you are good to go.
I encountered this issue and am not a Windows user, so this is my resolution:
I found that there was an instance of VS Code open that was erroneously not shown on my dock. I closed this instance and opened a new instance. The problem was gone.
I think the issue happened because I had a VS Code instance open, allowed a software update to run in the background, postponed the restart, opened a new and updated VS Code instance, and the old instance remained open causing conflicts.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
#tritemio on GitHub has a great answer:
in short, delete cache folder:
rm -rf ~/.config/Code/Cache
This is a known bug in VS Code 1.56. It happens for some Windows users when running VS Code as an administrator
As a workaround, you can try launching VS Code with the --no-sandbox command line flag:
$ code --no-sandbox
#tritemio, thanks for sharing.
This also seemed to solve my issues on Windows for "Extensions - Details View", "VS Code Release Notes View", "Gitlab integrated Interactive Rebase Editor", etc.
I followed your suggestion and deleted the following folders;
%appdata%\Code - Insiders\Cache
%appdata%\Code - Insiders\Code Cache
On *nix systems, first close VS Code app then run pgrep -f '/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app' | xargs kill to clean up vscode's processes. Reopen vscode and the issue will be gone.
If on macOS, you can run the above command verbatim. If you're not on macOS or installed vscode on a different location, you need to change the argument passed to pgrep. You can run ps auxww | command grep -i --color code to find the path of vscode's running processes.
Happened to me when started code in windows cmd. Closed vs code and opened it from my taskbar shortcut instead, and the error was gone
The simplest solution for this problem in any version of Linux is simply to close other instances of VS code and use only one instance of VS code.
OS: Linux 20.04.3 LTS
I've also encountered the same "Error loading web view" Error.
I've solved this issue by moving "vscode.app" into "Application folder" instead of "Download folder" on macOS.
I'll describe my "symptom" here.
OS: macOS 12.0.1
Installed 2 versions of vscode somehow, 1 under "Application folder", another under "download folder"
Run both vscode at the same time, the "download folder" version has no error display plugin pages, the "Application folder" version has the "Error loading webview" error
Checked and see 2 vscode instances running in the background
What I tried to solve this issue:
Tried to kill "download folder" instance, and the error remains for "application folder" instance
Moved "download folder" to "application folder" and both vscode works correctly on plugin page!
What I suspect on what the problem is?
Maybe these 2 vscode are sharing the same resource(could be some shared file), however they have different permissions since one is under application folder and another is under download folder.
This answer applies if using VSCode in GitHub Codespaces in Firefox or Brave browsers. I had to disable "Enhanced Tracking Protection" for the site, and that is all. To do so, click on the shield icon which is to the left of the displayed web address.
If anyone is using Brave, please turn off the brave shields as well.
For Mac/Apple computer Monteray version the following steps worked for me:
Delete VSCode from downloads folder.
Turn off VSCode
Open Activity Monitor and delete VSCode "Code" process.
Try closing all the process cmd+qof vscode and reopen vscode and everything should work well.
I have just restarted VS code and it worked for me. OS was Windows 10.

How to NOT open Visual Studio Code from the command line

I see a lot of posts asking how to open VScode from the command line; I have the opposite problem!
When a type a file name from the CMD terminal, VSCode is launched with the file contents...why is that? I don't want that to happen! Any ideas on how to stop this from happening?
Maybe you should check your environment variables and find path for VScode, then delete it
Also maybe in your file properties VScode is set to default opening app , so it open files by default
For example (In my case Intellij IDEA) it looks something like this:
this mean you should go to properties and change "opens with" options
Thanks for the hints; they both helped on solving the problem.
The one particular file that I wanted to execute and NOT open with vscode is a bash script file with extension " .sh ".
I checked the file manager and it is not associated with vscode; instead, it says "SH Source File".
Then, I followed the link to thisdavej and after seeing the proposed registry entries, I went ahead and looked into my own registry...found that the .sh extension had an "OpenWithProgids/VSCode.sh", deleting that solved my problem. Now, when I type the name of the shell script, it actually executes.

Change to case in folders are not reflected in intellisense

When I rename folders in VSCode intellisense gets confused. Is there a way to reset intellisense?
If you run the Reload Window command from the VS Command Palette it will restart the analysis server, which will reanalyse and should fix things up.
However, this seems like a nasty bug. Would you mind running the Dart: Capture Logs command, reproducing the issue and then opening an issue on GitHub with the log (please review it for anything sensitive) and detailed steps so we can investigate?

Editing WSL config files\code etc with Visual Studio Code, in Windows

I am really enjoying WSL and using it for a lot of stuff these days, including my Ansible workstation, also writing a lot more code in it...
Question: I can see where the WSL file system is:
All of the docs tell you very clearly to stay away from the Linux file system and not to access it from the Windows instance it is running under. Fine. But! I hate to ask redundant question, but I would dearly, dearly love to be able to use full blown graphical VS Code in Windows in my text editor for WSL. Am i missing a trick somewhere for a way to do this without breaking anything?
Apologies for the non question. Hopefully it is allowed.
In vscode...
You can press the green icon bottom-left
This will open the command palette
Choose "New WSL Window"
Open a folder, you will be able to navigate from ~ to choose location in command palette
Once folder is choosen, you're set to go, vscode will display file tree from opened folder and you can do your thing :)

Receiving error message 'Extension host terminated unexpectedly.' in Visual Studio Code

I have been looking around and I haven't found any answers to my issue.
I keep getting this error "Extension host terminated unexpectedly." and I have tried removing all of my extensions, reinstalling the program, trying different versions of vscode including the insider versions.
The way I get this isssue isn't from trying to use the debugger or trying to use some sort of extension, as I said before I removed all of them and the error keeps on coming back, it's simply from opening the application. I'm not entirely sure how to continue? I have had to use another editor because the error just doesn't go away. I will just have to wait for another update of Visual Studio Code I assume? I've had the issue since tuesday this week, guessing since the latest update.
Above is the error message I get. It is closed by esc but reappears very shortly after, every time.
When I open developer tools, this is what I find in the console.
Running vscode from command prompt with Code.exe --disable-extensions doesn't help.
Visual Studio Code version: 1.16.1
I appreciate any help.
Linking my github issue on Microsoft/vscode as reference
I had the same error after updating vsc to v. 1.31.0.
Disabling Live Server Extension worked for me.
Here's the error i'm getting having the extension enabled.
I started getting this error when vscode automatically updated to March 2020 (version 1.44). I have tried various suggestions given in the forum and over the internet but none of them worked.
What worked for me: I downloaded January 2020 (version 1.42) build from https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_42 and ran over the previous installation without uninstalling and surprisingly, the error disappeared and all extensions are loading and working properly.
I tried following things and non of them worked:
I disabled all the installed extension from GUI.
uninstalled all the extension and installed again.
removed the left-over extensions from Windows %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions.
tried launching from the command prompt with --disable-extensions option.
Linking my github issue on Microsoft/vscode as reference.
It ended up being one of the base extensions that runs on startup that was the root of the problem.
In my case the git in extensions folder was causing it.
"git.enabled": false was not doing the trick so I had to remove the git folder altogether for the error to disappear.
In my case, I used typescript-hero extension. Disabling this extension fixed my problem.
It's temporal fix but maybe will help somebody.
I disabled all the extensions with name Live for example Live Server, Live Share etc and restarted my vscode again and it worked for me.
For me this was happening due to HTML CSS Support extension. so i removed it and restarted vs code and voila! it worked!
I had to uninstall few extensions related to Java (debugger for java, Test runner for java, extension pack for java etc) to make the error go away.
Click on the developer tool option that popups and see if it has the extension which is causing this error.
I got same issue and it was because of Color Highlight Extension. I just uninstalled Color Highlight Extension and its working fine and NO ERROR.
Me too. My failure has no "Code":
Extension host terminated unexpectedly. Code: null Signal: SIGABRT
I recently ran into the same error message after accepting a permission to run a program on the extension livepreview. It corrupted all other extensions where it could not find the commands. I deleted all extension files and reinstalled the other extensions without a problem. I tried liveserver again but It never prompted me again for permissions and still, the error message keeps occurring. I'm assuming liveserver was trying to ask the computer permission to run a local server after which is still accepted but something else is interfering with the computer being able to translate from the program to actually building and accessing the local server.
In my case, the live server extension was causing this issue in 1.31.0v of VS Code. After uninstalling the extension it started working correctly.
In my case it was from the extension "Todo Tree". It was breaking on a particularly large file in my project (13.7mb), with the error saying the file was over the max-size for a node-buffer (used by the C regex matcher).
Resolved the issue by disabling the extension.
I also opened an issue for it here: https://github.com/Gruntfuggly/todo-tree/issues/135
I had same problem with following error in my VSCode console.
`1: node::DecodeWrite
2: node::InternalCallbackScope::Close
3: v8::internal::VirtualMemory::TakeControl
4: v8::internal::PerThreadAssertScope<4,1>::PerThreadAssertScope<4,1>
5: v8::internal::operator<<
6: v8::internal::operator<<
7: 00000073ECF04481`
I solved it by uninstalling Angular Console extension. Not sure if it was that particular extension or some other memory issue but problem went away as soon as I uninstalled that.
Remove all Extensions which are located in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:
Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
Linux ~/.vscode/extensions
Restart vscode and start installing extensions.
I am not sure why this caused , but the Antivirus was throwing popups that something like extensionprocess.js file was repaired.
Disabled the Antivirus and re-installed Vscode and it was back to normal.
Hope this helps.
Here is what helped me:
Ctrl+Shift+P --> type: "Disable"
and click Disable all installed extensions
(alternatively click Disable all installed extensions for this Workspace)
Then go to extensions panel on the left and re-enable slowly those that you really need.
See which extension (or their combination) triggers that error.
It will be highly appreciated which extenstion/combination you'll find guilty as there may be several of them, and different in time...
for me, it was code runner extension I just disabled it.