How to re-enable the "vscode is corrupted" message - visual-studio-code

I had this message that said "Vscode is corrupted" on the bottom right corner of vscode, and I clicked on the settings icon on the message and checked "Don't show again" (the reason why my installation is corrupted doesn't matter, that's not at all the context of this question)
I want to revert that => I want to see that message again on every launch, just like it used to
So how to revert that action without resetting vscode? I checked in vscode settings but didn't find anything related.


Confirm "replace all" in visual studio code

Using "replace all" I have selected 17 changes and they are shown in green on the sidebar. But how can I "confirm" those changes? I tried Option-Enter but it just re-does the changes in the sidebar and not in the actual files.
Notice below that the changes are not applied to the file itself yet. And I do not know how to do so.
It appears to be a matter of a broken/non-functioning shortcut in vscode.
Here is the shortcut to "replace all":
It does NOT work: does nothing. but if I click on the little icon then this happens:
And then hitting Replace gets the job done

How to turn off sound warning vscode does on editor close for unsaved files?

I use vscode for pairing and I find the warning of "unsaved file" very annoying, is there a way to remove it?
An unsaved file in VSCode on Ubuntu
The user clicks on close the editor (just the tab, no VSCode itself)
A popup with the message «Do you want to save the changes you made to » appears and a noisy sound alert rings
The sound alert does not ring (optionally: the popup doesn't appear either)

I removed the bottom bar of VScode which shows the errors and errors, how can I recover it؟

I made an error yesterday when I was editing for a web contest, but no matter how hard I tried to send those edits to GitHub, I had to try the options in VS as usual to solve various problems. But I pressed an option without thinking and the E light disappears in the image below. Now I do not know how to return it.
And now my VS is like this
Open Settings using the shortcut Ctrl + ,
Search for "Workbench Status Bar" and look for the following option
Tick this checkbox

VSCode: How to turn off auto select in File Explorer when changing window tabs?

In VSCode, if I have an editor window tab open and I click anywhere in that editor window, the selected file in the File Explorer changes to the file being edited. I would like to prevent that behavior. This is possible in Visual Studio, but I can't seem to find a similar setting in the preferences file of VSCode.
Can anyone provide some suggestions?
This has been added, see
Configuration is "explorer.autoReveal": false
You can't, at least not today. The only thing you can do, is keeping the scroll position when switching tabs. See this answer for the setting: VSCode prevent file Explorer from jumping
And here is the feature request on Github:
(Feel free to add a "Thumbs Up" via Github Reaction at the top so the request gets more attention in the future, this increases the chances that it gets implemented sooner)

Console disappear in Eclipse Juno

I am using Eclipse Juno. I was working in Java perspective and suddenly I minimized the console. I don't know where it went but I am unable to get it back. I even tried to get it from Windows>Show View>Console but I didn't get my console back.
It happened the same thing to me. Just click Window->Reset Perspective and everything will be back as it was when you installed eclipse.
Sure you'll have to customize it back to how you like it, but at least you'll have the console back.
If console is not visible, just search for "Console" in QuickAccess box on the right hand top of menu bar. you can get it back!
Stupid Eclipse. Are there no interface designers volunteering on this project? Why minimize something and make it hard to see where to bring it back? Probably all you have to do is hit Shift-Control-Tab-F9 with one hand while right-double-clicking the lower left hand corner. Hmm, how about a popup when you click a minimized Console that says "We see you've minimized your Console and you are clearly trying to switch to it. Would you like us to restore that so you can actually see it?" followed by "Are you really sure? Cuz ya know, you may be using this click path by accident."
The reset perspective works. Also, you can "Save Perspective" so it's not so hard to go back to your preferred Perspective.
Thanks for the tip.
Bring console to the front from Window -> Show View -> Console. Apparently the console remains invisible (that was the issue indeed), but it is virtually active in the foreground.
Close the current view (i.e. the invisible console) by going to the "Quick Access" box at the toolbar, typing "Close Part", and selecting the respective option on the drop-down.
Reopen console form Window -> Show View -> Console and voilà, it will appear. Drag it to your preferred location on the workbench.
This works for me under the following situation:
I had been previously playing with detaching several views (console included) and editors to a separate window on a different monitor; I have updated my workspace from Neon to Oxygen and I have had a hard reset at my computer. (So, not sure which among those was the reason that made it go wrong).
I wanted to avoid resetting my perspective, as it is highly customised, so I discarded that solution.
Other solutions herein proposed had not worked.
The console was working and the view became visible if I chose a different perspective (e.g. Debug) or a duplicate Eclipse window (which effectively provides a duplicate of a factory-reset perspective).
you could click the small icon on the bottom left and choose console. it will appear.