quartz scheduler configuration with both production and sandbox - quartz-scheduler

I have a production and sandbox servers, each running in their own Tomcat cluster. The production applications include a quartz app that handles scheduling.
My question is: when setting up quartz for the sandbox it seems I have two options:
Configure the quartz running on the sandbox to use the same quartz MySQL db as the one used by production production but assign a different org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName are kept separate.
Create a completely separate MySQL db schema for the sandbox quartz (and possibly also use a different instanceName as well)
Note: I do want the quartz applications to be running separately, even if they are pointing to the same db (with same or different schemas).


Dependency among different ecs tasks

I have developed a backend server using multiple microservices, using spring cloud.
I have discovery service, config service, and different other services.
Right now for testing purposes, I use docker-compose to run them in the right order. Now I have decided to deploy my application on AWS.
I thought of using running them using ECS using fargare, But I am not able to understand how can I define dependency among my tasks.
I found this article https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html#container_definition_dependson
It defines dependency among containers in the same task.
But I do not think that I can run all my services with just one task as there will be complications in assigning vCPUs, even if I use 4vCPUs and huge memory then also I am not sure how well my containers will run. and after that scaling them will be another issue. Overall having such huge vCPUs and memory will incur a lot of costs as well.
Is there any way to define dependency among ECS tasks?
CloudFormation supports the DependsOn attribute which allows you to control the sequence of deployment (you basically trade off speed of parallelism for ordered deployments when you need them).
Assuming your tasks are started as part of ECS services you can set the DependsOn to a service that needs to start first.
- AppService
Out of curiosity, how did you move from Compose to CloudFormation? FYI we have been working with Docker to add capabilities into the Docker toolset to deploy directly to ECS (basically converting docker compose files into CloudFormation IaC). See here for more background. BTW this mechanism honors the compose dependency chain. That is, if you set one service being dependent on the other in compose, the resulting CFN template uses the DependsOn attribute I described above.

Mongodb replicaset with init scripts in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

I'm working on trying to get a MongoDB replicaset deployed into Kubernetes with a default set of collections and data. The Kubernetes piece isn't too pertinent but I wanted to provide that for background.
Essentially in our environment we have a set of collections and data in the form of .js scripts that we currently build into our MongoDB image by copying them into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. This works well in our current use case where we're only deploying MongoDB as a single container using Docker. Along with revamping our entire deployment process to deploy our application into Kubernetes, I need to get MongoDB deployed in a replicaset (with persistent storage) for obvious reasons such as failover.
The issue I've run into and found recognized elsewhere such as this issue https://github.com/docker-library/mongo/issues/339 is that scripts in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ do not run in the same manner when configuring a replicaset. I've attempted a few other things such as running a seed container after the mongo replicaset is initialized, building our image with the collections and data on a different volume (such as /data/db2) so that it persists once the build is finished, and a variety of scripts such as those in the github link above. All of these either don't work or feel very "hacky" and I don't particularly feel comfortable deploying these to customer environments.
Unfortunately I'm a bit limited with toolsets and have not been approved to use a cloud offering like MongoDB Atlas or tooling such as the Enterprise Kubernetes Operator. Is there any real supported method for this use case or is the supported method to use a cloud offering or one of the MondoDB operators?
Thanks in advance!

Spring cloud data flow deployment

I wanna deploy the Spring-cloud-data-flow on several hosts.
I will deploy the server of Spring-cloud-data-flow on one host-A, and deploy the agents on the other hosts(These hosts are in charge of executing the tasks).
Except the host-A, all the other hosts run the same tasks.
Shall I modify on the basis of the Spring Cloud Data Flow Local Server or on the Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache Yarn Server or other better choice?
Do you mean how the apps are deployed on several hosts? If so, the apps are deployed using the underlying deployer implementation. For instance, if it is local deployer then, each app is deployed by spawning a new process. You can scale out the number apps deployment using the count property during the stream deploy. I am not sure what do you mean by the agents here.

Managing resources (database, elasticsearch, redis, etc) for tests using Docker and Jenkins

We need to use Jenkins to test some web apps that each need:
a database (postgres in our case)
a search service (ElasticSearch in our case, but only sometimes)
a cache server, such as redis
So far, we've just had these services running on the Jenkins master, but this causes problems when we want to upgrade Postgres, ES or Redis versions. Not all apps can move in lock step, and we want to run the tests on new versions before committing to move an app in production.
What we'd like to do is have these services provided on a per-job-run basis, each one running in its own container.
What's the best way to orchestrate these containers?
How do you start up these ancillary containers and tear them down, regardless of whether to job succeeds or not?
how do you prevent port collisions between, say, the database in a run of a job for one web app and the database in the job for another web app?
Check docker-compose and write a docker-compose file for your tests.
The latest network features of Docker (private network) will help you to isolate builds running in parallel.
However, start learning docker-compose as if you only had one build at the same time. When confident with this, look further for advanced docker documentation around networking.

cloudformation best practices in AWS

We are at early stages with running our services on AWS. We have our server hosted in AWS, in a VPC, having private and public subnets and have multiple instances in private and public subnets using ELB and autoscaling setup (using AMIs) for frontend web servers. The whole environement(VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront) are setup manually using AWS console at first.
Application servers host jboss and war files are deployed on the servers.
As per AWS best practices we want to create whole infrastructure using cloudformation and have setup test/stage/prod environment.
-Would it be a good idea to have all the above componenets (VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront etc) using one cloudformation stack/template? Or we should we create two stacks 1) having network replated components and 2) having EC2 related components?
-Once we have a prod envoronemtn running with cloudformation stact and In case we want to update the new AMIs on prod in future, how can we update the live running EC2 instances using cloudformation without interruptions?
-What are the best practices/multiple ways for code deployment to multiple EC2 notes when a new release is done? We dont use Contineus integration at the moment.
It's a very good idea to separate your setup into multiple stacks. One obvious reason is that stacks have certain limits that you may reach eventually. A more practical reason is that you don't really need to update, say, your VPC every time you just want to deploy a new version. The network architecture typically changes less frequently. Another reason to avoid having one huge template, or to make changes to an "important" template needlessly, is that you always run the risk of messing things up. If there's an error in your template and you remove an important resource by accident (e.g. commented out) you'll be very sorry. So separating stacks out of sheer caution is probably a good idea.
If you want to update your application you can simply update the template with the new AMIs and CFN will know what needs to be recreated or updated. You can read about rolling updates here. However, I'd recommend considering using something a bit more straightforward for deploying your actual code, like Ansible or Chef.
I'd also recommend you look into Docker for packaging and deploying your application's nodes. Very handy.