Mongodb replicaset with init scripts in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d - mongodb

I'm working on trying to get a MongoDB replicaset deployed into Kubernetes with a default set of collections and data. The Kubernetes piece isn't too pertinent but I wanted to provide that for background.
Essentially in our environment we have a set of collections and data in the form of .js scripts that we currently build into our MongoDB image by copying them into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. This works well in our current use case where we're only deploying MongoDB as a single container using Docker. Along with revamping our entire deployment process to deploy our application into Kubernetes, I need to get MongoDB deployed in a replicaset (with persistent storage) for obvious reasons such as failover.
The issue I've run into and found recognized elsewhere such as this issue is that scripts in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ do not run in the same manner when configuring a replicaset. I've attempted a few other things such as running a seed container after the mongo replicaset is initialized, building our image with the collections and data on a different volume (such as /data/db2) so that it persists once the build is finished, and a variety of scripts such as those in the github link above. All of these either don't work or feel very "hacky" and I don't particularly feel comfortable deploying these to customer environments.
Unfortunately I'm a bit limited with toolsets and have not been approved to use a cloud offering like MongoDB Atlas or tooling such as the Enterprise Kubernetes Operator. Is there any real supported method for this use case or is the supported method to use a cloud offering or one of the MondoDB operators?
Thanks in advance!


Limitations of using a single ec2 instance to deploy a database

My application requires MongoDB to run. I was wondering if you could explain the limitations of using a single ec2 instance to deploy a database.
What would be a couple other options that wouldn't require ec2?
There are two basic options:
Run your own instance of MongoDB on EC2, or in a container.
Use a managed service such as MongoDB Atlas or DocumentDB
The first option provides you with more control of the application and its runtime environment, and more flexibility in configuration.
The downside is the overhead imposed in the management of the solution: Upgrades, scaling, performance, configuration changes, security patches. And this applies to the underliying operating system as well.

How to deploy a next.js + mongo app to AWS (or any other service like G Cloud)?

I just have some experience developing in JS but almost nothing in devops, and there's a lot of documentation but I don't really know where to start.
I built a next.js app (both frontend and backend) connected to mongo db. They run fine locally using docker-compose. Now I would like to deploy them to aws, also because I need to store on S3 files needed by the application.
What services do I tipically need? should I deploy my app to EC2, or use AWS amplify, or any other service like google cloud for example?
Can I deploy my images just how they are, including mongo, to EC2? Or should I, for example, just deploy next.js and connect it to a managed mongo db, which I suppose is an additional cost.
I know it is a pretty generic question, if you can just point me to the tools I need to manage the whole deploy process then I'll find out how to use them. Currently all the code (including Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml) is on github.
This is probably not the perfect answer since the question is very general and AWS provides a lot of features but I'll give it a go.
For JS app you could use a AWS Elastic Beanstalk which is for setting up web applications easily as it creates all the resources like EC2, load balancers, etc. Since you're new to AWS you can check this service out instead of manually creating EC2. Even if you use AWS Elastic Beanstalk you will still have access to the EC2 and other resources created by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You'll get exposure to various different services which can help speed up your application.
For images S3 would be a great choice. However, depending on how frequently data is accessed I would look up the different S3 options as well as backup options.
As for your DB, MongoDB would work but you'd need to run it on a EC2 and maintain it yourself. AWS has different managed database option such as DynamoDB in your case but it all depends on the tools you require, budget, etc.

When to not use StatefulSets?

CONTEXT: I have been learning Kubernetes and trying to get some hands-on experience. I have been using AKS to abstract the complexity of having to deal with the control plane (and because I have a free student azure account). I am deploying a NodeJS app that connects to the MongoDB database. So far the deployment has been successful but I am using MongoDB Atlas and connecting to it.
Based on the little I have learned about Stateful sets, the MongoDB Atlas service seems a lot easier and more convenient but my question is, when would it be a better idea to consider deploying a stateful set with MongoDB database? (running on the pod) What's more cost-effective? More easily scalable?
I realize the questions might be a little bit vague but I am just getting started with Kubernetes..
disclaimer: This is not a production application, just something simple I am using to learn K8S
Official docs docs uses statefullset and that would make sense. Generally all DB kind of applications deployed as statefullset. Because there can be states that nodes are not sync with each other and that would create data inconsistencies between nodes(mongodb nodes not kubernetes).
You can deploy MongoDB as deployment. I have seen it deployed. But most clients use a connection string to connect(a string of multiple node addresses). And since kubernetes exposes statefullsets with headless services you should be okay.
For learning purpose, I advice you to deploy your MongoDB in a StatefulSet. Then you can learn how it works and what problem you could encounter with this Kubernetes object.
For production application, I advice to never deploy a database in a StatefulSet if you don't need it. In fact, StatefulSet will come with a lot of problematics that you might not need to manage.
Sometimes, companies rules restrict to host their data on external company storage.
To know if you need to put your database in a StatefulSet, the question I try to answer is:
Should my DB be hosted on premise (for privacy)?
Should my DB be scalable?
Should my DB be updated frequently?
You can find a list of pros/cons on the documentation.

Using Ansible to automatically configure AWS autoscaling group instances

I'm using Amazon Web Services to create an autoscaling group of application instances behind an Elastic Load Balancer. I'm using a CloudFormation template to create the autoscaling group + load balancer and have been using Ansible to configure other instances.
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to design things such that when new autoscaling instances come up, they can automatically be provisioned by Ansible (that is, without me needing to find out the new instance's hostname and run Ansible for it). I've looked into Ansible's ansible-pull feature but I'm not quite sure I understand how to use it. It requires a central git repository which it pulls from, but how do you deal with sensitive information which you wouldn't want to commit?
Also, the current way I'm using Ansible with AWS is to create the stack using a CloudFormation template, then I get the hostnames as output from the stack, and then generate a hosts file for Ansible to use. This doesn't feel quite right – is there "best practice" for this?
Yes, another way is just to simply run your playbooks locally once the instance starts. For example you can create an EC2 AMI for your deployment that in the rc.local file (Linux) calls ansible-playbook -i <inventory-only-with-localhost-file> <your-playbook>.yml. rc.local is almost the last script run at startup.
You could just store that sensitive information in your EC2 AMI, but this is a very wide topic and really depends on what kind of sensitive information it is. (You can also use private git repositories to store sensitive data).
If for example your playbooks get updated regularly you can create a cron entry in your AMI that runs every so often and that actually runs your playbook to make sure your instance configuration is always up to date. Thus avoiding having "push" from a remote workstation.
This is just one approach there could be many others and it depends on what kind of service you are running, what kind data you are using, etc.
I don't think you should use Ansible to configure new auto-scaled instances. Instead use Ansible to configure a new image, of which you will create an AMI (Amazon Machine Image), and order AWS autoscaling to launch from that instead.
On top of this, you should also use Ansible to easily update your existing running instances whenever you change your playbook.
There are a few ways to do this. First, I wanted to cover some alternative ways.
One option is to use Ansible Tower. This creates a dependency though: your Ansible Tower server needs to be up and running at the time autoscaling or similar happens.
The other option is to use something like and build fully-functioning server AMIs. You can install all your code into these using Ansible. This doesn't have any non-AWS dependencies, and has the advantage that it means servers start up fast. Generally speaking building AMIs is the recommended approach for autoscaling.
Ansible Config in S3 Buckets
The alternative route is a bit more complex, but has worked well for us when running a large site (millions of users). It's "serverless" and only depends on AWS services. It also supports multiple Availability Zones well, and doesn't depend on running any central server.
I've put together a GitHub repo that contains a fully-working example with Cloudformation. I also put together a presentation for the London Ansible meetup.
Overall, it works as follows:
Create S3 buckets for storing the pieces that you're going to need to bootstrap your servers.
Save your Ansible playbook and roles etc in one of those S3 buckets.
Have your Autoscaling process run a small shell script. This script fetches things from your S3 buckets and uses it to "bootstrap" Ansible.
Ansible then does everything else.
All secret values such as Database passwords are stored in CloudFormation Parameter values. The 'bootstrap' shell script copies these into an Ansible fact file.
So that you're not dependent on external services being up you also need to save any build dependencies (eg: any .deb files, package install files or similar) in an S3 bucket. You want this because you don't want to require or similar to be up and running for your Autoscale bootstrap script to be able to run. Generally speaking I've tried to only depend on Amazon services like S3.
In our case, we then also use AWS CodeDeploy to actually install the Rails application itself.
The key bits of the config relating to the above are:
S3 Bucket Creation
Script that copies things to S3
Script to copy Bootstrap Ansible. This is the core of the process. This also writes the Ansible fact files based on the CloudFormation parameters.
Use the Facts in the template.

MongoDB on Azure Cloud

Is MongoDB for Azure production ready ?
Can anyone share some experience with it ?
Looks like comfort is missing for using it for prod.
What do you think ?
Edit: Since there is a misunderstanding in my question i will try to redefine it.
The information i look into from the community is sharing an info of someone who is running mongo on windows azure to share experience from it.
What i mean by experience is not how to run it in the cloud(we already have the manual on 10gens faq) nor how many bugs it have(we can see that in mongo-azure jira).
What i am looking for is that how it is going with performance ?
Are there any problems(side effects) from running mongodb on azure ?
How does mongodb handle VM recycling ?
Does anyone tried sharding ?
In the end, is the mongo-azure worker role from 10gens stable for using it in production ?
Hope this clears out.
A bit of clarification here. MongoDB itself is production-ready. And MongoDB works just fine in Windows Azure, as long as you set up the scaffolding to get it to work in the environment. This typically entails setting up an Azure Drive, to give you durable storage. Alternatively, using a replicaset, you effectively have eventual consistency across the set members. Then, you could consider going with a standalone (or standalone with hot standby). Personally, I prefer a replicaset model, and that's typical guidance for production MongoDB systems.
As far as 10gen's support for Windows Azure: While the page #SyntaxC4 points to does clarify the wrapper is in a preview state, note that the wrapper is the scaffolding code that launches MongoDB. This scaffolding was initially released in December 2011, and has had a few tweaks since then. It uses the production MongoDB bits (and works just fine with version 2.0.5 which was published on May 9). One caveat is that the MongoDB replicaset roles are deployed alongside your application's roles, since the client app needs visibility to all replica set nodes (to properly build the set). To avoid this limitation, you'd need to run mongos and the entry point (and that's not part of 10gen's scaffolding solution).
Forgetting the preview scaffolding a moment: I have customers running MongoDB in production, with custom scaffolding. One of them is running a rather large deployment, with multiple shards, using a replicaset per shard.
So... does it work in Windows Azure? Yes. Should you take advantage of 10gen's supplied scaffolding? If you're just looking for a simple way to launch a replicaset, I think it's fine. If you want a standalone model, or a shard model, or if you need a separate deployment for MongoDB, you'd currently need to do this on your own (or modify the project 10gen published).
MongoLab is now offering Mongo as a service on Azure MongoLab Blog
Free Demo account is 0.5 GB storage are available in the Windows Azure Store
The warning message on their site says that it's a preview. This would mean that there would be no support for it at a product level in Windows Azure.
If you want to form your own opinion on a comfort level, you can take a look at their bug tracking system and get a feeling for what people are currently reporting as issues.