Custom Bottom-Sheet in React Native - modal-dialog

Expected output screenshot I am trying to create a bottom sheet component for screens , which has a bar on top of it but no luck , tried with multiple libraries but none of the library met the expected output ,
Tried using modal , and other libraries available ,


Can text in a Flutter web app be made searchable?

When I run a Flutter app as a web app in a browser, I can use the browser's text search function Ctrl + F to search for text on the page. The search function finds all of the instances of the search term that are currently shown on screen, but it does not find all of the other instances of the text that are currently out of view.
In the example below I am searching for the word tile, which is used 8 times in total: 4 times in the blue tiles and another 4 times in the purple tiles.
However, when I search for the word tile, the browser only finds the 4 instances of the word that are currently shown on the screen at the time of the search. It ignores all instances of the word that are not rendered on the screen at the time of the search.
The Flutter and Dart documentation does not have any information on searchable text and I do not see any other similar widgets or properties available.
Attempts: I have tried using a SelectableText widget, but the same problem persists.
You can use element = document.getElementById('searchable_text') and element.textContent || a.innerText. See JavaScript tutorial on W3Schools.
To create a list and assign it an Id, look at Get Started from Dart docs.
To select elements of the HTML document, read querySelector on Dart docs.
Tell us what worked for your!
This is something not supported by Flutter web yet (tracked here
One workaround can be to provide an in-app search bar for list views.
As flutter draws everything on canvas in web, android and ios so far so it doesn't support it.Means whatever you see, Text, images, etc on any flutter app it is just the drawing made on canvas.
If you scroll your page to the bottom before making a search, you should be able to find all the records you expect.
I believe those contents are not in the DOM until they enter the buffer of your viewport.
Meaning, they don't exists to the browser almost until you see them on your screen.
As for infinite lists, Flutter generates the rest of the DOM objects of your page while you scroll.
After scrolling, I can search and find all the words I'm reading, I see them highlighted.
The browser in not able to center on it when hitting Return or UP and DOWN arrows.

Sliding Tab/menu within ionic template

I am trying to insert 'sliding tabs' within a tabs starter. Basically I'm wanting to use the 'starter' tabs at the bottom, but within one of those tabs (template pages) I want to have a sliding menu ( I've tried what I know and can't seem to figure out how to make it work. Any tips would be helpful.
For simple Ionic slider you can refer from this link and for other your sample INstallation is already showing .You can use that directive and can work. I am also using this in my Project.

Alignment issue with IE6

I was building a module in gwt. One of the functionality is that I will get multiple records in GridPanel from database. When I hover over on a particular record it should display some information like "click on the row to provide feedback". I have implemented it and it is working fine. But for IE when I hover over, it is displaying the message at top-left corner. Getting alignment problem.
Used this line in my code.
grid.setToolTip("Click on the row to provide feedback");

How to add text and picture in expandable list

I am trying to learn Android by developing an app based on web site (, using the same database and photos embedded in the app. For this, I am using the android expandable listview example at the site modified to be compatible with the database and it works well. I have 2 questions :
How to add a textview at the top of the main activity ? A textview in activity_main.xml or group.xml or row.xml is either a mistake or is not visible.
Is it possible to put text an image in the child list ?
Thanks for help

Liferay: How have chat-portlet disabled it's borders?

Chat portlet is displayed as a long bar at the bottom of the screen. I want to write a similiar portlet.
I can draw my bar anyway on the screen with CSS styles and also I have learned how to make static portlet visible always for all users with portal-ext.propeties.
But along with my bar, Liferay draws standard portlet frame with a title and controls on it. I found that it is named "topper" in HTML code.
So how to disable topper and border for one specific portlet in the way chat-portlet did it? I failed to figure this out from chat-portlet sources.
I found two options which can be relevant to this
but they weren't work.
First one causes ClassNotFoundException and second one causes portlet content not reaching page source.
I was to use
correctly. It does not work if placed in incorrect order.