how-to-value-mapping-with-another-value in Grafana? - grafana

On Grafana i used Stat in Edit panel.
I can not do what I wanted, namely:
I have 2 query, value and quality, i want to show only value in green when quality is 0, and in gray when quality is 1.
To make it look like this:
Or here’s the second option:
Data from query:
Is it possible? if so, how to do it?
Thank you in advance.


Change Shape Fill based on Shape Data in Visio

Wondering if someone can help me with what I thought was a simple Shapesheet issue.
I'd like the fill colour of a shape to change based on one of the shape data values. I thought I could do this easily:
FillForeground: If(Prop.Colour="Blue",XXX,YYY)
But this doesn't work? (Visio 2021)
I've 5 list values for the data and would like a different fill colour for each? Weirdly, I can see that the value does change based on the data selection, but the actual colour seen in on the page doesn't.
Obviously, I'm not much of a coder, just an enthusiastic meddler.
I've stuck at:
(The shapes to colour are within a group)
Steve !
FillForeground: If(Prop.Colour="Blue",XXX,YYY)
But this doesn't work? (Visio 2021)
For compare strings in ShapeSheet you must use STRSAME function
Use syntax like this:

How to use a range instead of a single value for an axis tick in Tableau?

I don't want to mess with the graph itself, but I want to change the axis tick so that it reads a different value. Right now my axis looks like 0, 1, 2, 3....24. I want it to look like: 0-1,1-2,3-4...23-24.
Is it possible to just change the text without changing my graph?
Thanks in advance!
One way to implement this would be by converting your column in to a discrete value and changing the alias for value 0 to 0-1, 1 to 1-2... and so on.
Hope this helps.
Another option is to create a calculated field and return the range based on the values. This gives you more control if you would like customize your range in the future. There will be an issue with sorting which you will need to work out.

Which color-key to use in a heat-map with a small range of values?

My data covers a small range, but I still like to make the small differences between the data points visible in a heat-map. What color-key is best to maximize color intensity (and not generating a greyish map) and how to set the range in pheatmap?
You didn't give enough information to give you an exact code example for your sample data, but something like the below is a way to get at the problem. In terms of what actual colours you want to use, I recommend you play around with it to see what looks best, I have just subbed in red and blue as a proxy.
pheatmap(yourdata, color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(length(-12:12)),breaks=c(-12:12))
The length() is setting the range while the breaks=c(x:x) tells it where to make breaks. So let's say you wanted breaks every 0.2 from 0 to 1, you would modify it to be:
You can play around with the break gradients to get something that works for your dataset.
This is my first attempt at answering a question on here, please let me know if something above does't work for you, or if you are confused by what I've written.

Slider settings for GPUImage

I'm making an app which allows the user to apply GPUImage filters to still photos using a UISlider. I'd like for the slider to initially start at the zero point for each filter (i.e. the value at which none of the filter has been applied yet) and I'm wondering how this can be determined? I've used some of the values that are listed in the GPUImage documentation and for certain sliders they start at 0, but others it's hard to determine (and for some, the min and max values are way off for me). The values for something like GPUImagePosterizeFilter seem to be way off for me (set min to 1, max to 128 and initial to 1). I've also checked some of the values in the FilterShowcase test project which are different than the documentation, but still don't always start at 0. Am I just completely missing the point here? Or is there some setting I maybe have to turn on to be in line with the slider values?
Nope, no setting for this. All I can really recommend is that to make this as efficient as possible make a switch statement in a single method and determine what to do by index of the currently selected filter.
From there, I would leave the min/max values of the slider the same so that you don't have to animate from one calculated point to another if the filter changes and mathematically convert the slider's value into units that the current filter understands. i.e. 0-1 --> 1-128
I think I might have been approaching this the wrong way. Rather than looking for a "zero point" on a filter, I think I should focus on applying the filter only when the user applies it, and trying to find a good starting point that is close to how the image looks without the filter for the initial value on the slider.

Count number of grid boxes which cover an object in an image

I have displayed grid boxes over an image. I want to count number of grid boxes which cover an object in that image
for example In this image I have displayed grid on image but i need to count how many girds have been taken to cover that object completely.? Kindly help me regarding this
Slow, but easy to implement way:
1) Use this topic to add lines to image.
2) Make something like this:
Make a cycle to check every box. In each box check pixels. If you found first white pixel in box, add 1 to number of covering boxes and go for next one.
No code from you - no code from me, sorry :) Good luck!