How to generate mapping of ActorID to Peer in TicTacFish (Distributed Actors sample project) - swift

In Apple's TicTacFish sample project, Step 3 provides an example of a LocalNetworkActorSystem based on Bonjour. At various points in the implementation, reference is made to building up a mapping from actor IDs to Connections/Peers, such that we can identify the correct connections to send calls and replies on (the sample project just broadcasts to all connections.) I've tried various approaches but can't get past the simple hurdle that:
the methods required by DistributedActorSystem (e.g., SampleLocalNetworkActorSystem.remoteCall(on:target:invocation:throwing:returning:) do not allow for additional arguments, preventing me from passing along data about the originating connection that could be used to uniquely identify the peer
the peer initialization happens separately from the relevant ActorID methods (e.g., SampleLocalNetworkActorSystem.resolve(id:as:), SampleLocalNetworkActorSystem.assignID(_:), SampleLocalNetworkActorSystem.actorReady(_:)) which prevents me from knowing which connection this actor initialization corresponds to.
Has anyone figured out a way to get this to work?


How are AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration used on DistributedCacheEntryOptions?

I'm in charge of implementing a session state server with ASP.NET Core gRPC, and its corresponding client, to have session state management for a load-balanced group of ASP.NET Core applications. That means the client must implement IDistributedCache for that.
The methods Set and SetAsync have a parameter of type DistributedCacheEntryOptions and this class has the properties AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration. I presume these properties can be used to signal when a cache entry has expired, but how are they used and how am I to interpret them? Seeing that the 3 properties are nullables, is it that only one of the three is to be populated?
So, as far as I can tell, you're supposed to use only one of those properties (the one that matches your use case). In my case, all I had to do is to use SlidingExpiration and that covered my use case. Other contexts might require other strategies.

pg-promise: Recommended pattern for passing connections to different libraries

This question is for pg-promise, its recommended usage pattern & based on following assumption,
It does-not make sense to create more than a single pgp instance, if they are connecting to same DB(also enforced by the good warning message of "Creating a duplicate database object for the same connection.")
I have 2 individual packages which need DB connection, currently they take connection string in constructor from outside and create connection object inside them, which leads to the warning of duplicate connection object and is fair as they both talk to same DB and there is a possibility for optimisation here(since i am in control of those packages).
Then: To prevent this, i thought of implementing dependency injection, for which i pass a resolve function in libraries constructor which gives them the DB connection object.
Issue: There are some settings which are at top level like parsers and helpers and transaction modes which may be different for each of these packages what is the recommendation for such settings or is there a better patterns to address these issues.
const pg = require('pg-promise');
const instance = pg({"schema": "public"});, str => str);//UTC Date which one library requires other doesnt
const constring = "";
const resolveFunctionPackage1 = ()=>instance(constring);
const resolveFunctionPackage2 = ()=>instance(constring);
To sum up: What is the best way to implement dependency injection for pg-promise?
I have 2 individual packages which need DB connection, currently they take connection string in constructor from outside and create connection object inside them
That is a serious design flaw, and it's is never gonna work well. Any independent package that uses a database must be able to reuse an existing connection pool, which is the most valuable resource when it comes to connection usage. Head-on duplication of a connection pool inside an independent module will use up existing physical connections, and hinder performance of all other modules that need to use the same physical connection.
If a third-party library supports pg-promise, it should be able to accept instantiated db object for accessing the database.
And if the third-party library supports the base driver only, it should at least accept an instantiated Pool object. In pg-promise, db object exposes the underlying Pool object via db.$pool.
what happens when they want to set conflicting typeparsers?
There will be a conflict, because pg.types is a singleton from the underlying driver, so it can only be configured in one way. It is an unfortunate limitation.
The only way to avoid it, is for reusable modules to never re-configure the parsers. It should only be done within the actual client application.
Strictly speaking, one should avoid splitting a database-access layer of an application into multiple modules, there can be a number of problems to follow that.
But specifically for separation of type parsers, the library supports setting custom type parsers on the pool level. See example here. Note that the update is just for TypeScript, i.e. in JavaScript clients it has been working for awhile.
So you still can have your separate module create its own db object, but I would advise that you limit its connection pool size to the minimum then, like 1:
const moduleDb = pgp({
// ...connection details...
max: 1, // set pool size to just 1 connection
types: /* your custom type parsers */

How to keep state consistent across distributed systems

When building distributed systems, it must be ensured the client and the server eventually ends up with consistent view of the data they are operating on, i.e they never get out of sync. Extra care is needed, because network can not be considered reliable. In other words, in the case of network failure, client never knows if the operation was successful, and may decide to retry the call.
Consider a microservice, which exposes simple CRUD API, and unbounded set of clients, maintained in-house by the same team, by different teams and by different companies also.
In the example, client request a creation of new entity, which the microservice successfully creates and persists, but the network fails and client connection times out. The client will most probably retry, unknowingly persisting the same entity second time. Here is one possible solution to this I came up with:
Use client-generated identifier to prevent duplicate post
This could mean the primary key as it is, the half of the client and server -generated composite key, or the token issued by the service. A service would either persist the entity, or reply with OK message in the case the entity with that identifier is already present.
But there is more to this: What if the client gives up after network failure (but entity got persisted), mutates it's internal view of the entity, and later decides to persist it in the service with the same id. At this point and generally, would it be reasonable for the service just silently:
Update the existing entity with the state that client posted
Or should the service answer with some more specific status code about what happened? The point is, developer of the service couldn't really influence the client design solutions.
So, what are some sensible practices to keep the state consistent across distributed systems and avoid most common pitfalls in the case of network and system failure?
There are some things that you can do to minimize the impact of the client-server out-of-sync situation.
The first measure that you can take is to let the client generate the entity IDs, for example by using GUIDs. This prevents the server to generate a new entity every time the client retries a CreateEntityCommand.
In addition, you can make the command handing idempotent. This means that if the server receives a second CreateEntityCommand, it just silently ignores it (i.e. it does not throw an exception). This depends on every use case; some commands cannot be made idempotent (like updateEntity).
Another thing that you can do is to de-duplicate commands. This means that every command that you send to a server must be tagged with an unique ID. This can also be a GUID. When the server receives a command with an ID that it already had processed then it ignores it and gives a positive response (i.e. 200), maybe including some meta-information about the fact that the command was already processed. The command de-duplication can be placed on top of the stack, as a separate layer, independent of the domain (i.e. in front of the Application layer).

Model parametrized API Call in Activity Diagram

I have an an activity diagram with two swimlanes (Client and Server). I want to model a request call from Client to Server.
Is it correct to use Signals Notation for Calls between systems? Are there alternatives?
The call is parametrized, Client wants to send something which was created before. How to model this?
Thankful for any hint! Here's my example:
My answer has to be improved, but here is a first step.
The norm/spec says: "A SendSignalAction is an InvocationAction that creates a Signal instance and transmits the instance to the object given on its target InputPin. A SendSignalAction must have argument InputPins corresponding, in order, to each of the (owned and inherited) Properties of the Signal being sent, with the same type, ordering and multiplicity as the corresponding attribute.
And a SendSignalAction has an association to a target objet which is an input pin.
So for your question about Request:item I would use input pin, one for the object from which the Signal is created and one to define the Target. (in the schema the target comes from an output pin but a data store may be use). Then after sending the request, the client is waiting the answer. The AcceptEvent is linked to a trigger (not shown on the schema) which a signal, the one created by the server. But you can not link SendRequest of Client to ReceiveRequest of Server because this is not how it runs.
For the server, you can do similar reasoning.
Concerning the parametrization of the call I would use InputPin to model the arguments of the Call i.e. the Object sent by the Call as shown below.
Signal and Call Notations are correct for me but I am not used to have the sending and receive action in the same diagram so will suggest two alternatives.
1) First remove them...
2) Separate Client and Server Modelling
Let me know what you think about that and what seems to be clear for you...
I also recognize the tool you used so please find my project at:
As I see it, it should be modeled like this:
The server runs in an independent loop and starts with waiting for a request. There's a object flow between Create request and Query result set. This symbolizes data placed in a queue (or what ever is appropriate). The receipt of the result set would be done below in a similar way, I just left that out for brevity.
You can also draw an object for the query set
instead of the ActionPins.

Move resource in RESTful architecture

I have a RESTful web service which represent processes and activities. Each activity is inside one and only one process.
I would like to represent a "move" operation of activity between the process it is currently in and another process.
I've look at forums and found people suggest to use MOVE operation which is not very standard and other suggest to use PUT but then I'm not sure how to tell the difference between PUT that update and PUT that moves which looks semantically wrong.
Any ideas?
One way might be to represent the move itself as, say, a "transfer" resource (transfer as a noun), and POST a new one:
POST /transfer
With an entity containing:
activity: /activities/4
toProcess: /processes/13
This way, clients are creating new "transfers" which, on the server, handle validating and transferring the activity.
This gives you the ability to add information about the transfer, too. If you wanted to keep a history for auditing, you could add a transferredBy property to the resource, or a transferredOn date.
If using PUTs, you can tell the difference by whether the process of the existing entity matches the new one.
PUT /process1/activity2
process: 2
some_data: and_stuff
To which the logical response (if successful) is
303 See Other
Location: /process2/activity2
Given the available answers I'm not really satisfied with the proposals.
POST is an all purpose method that should be used if none of the other operations fit the bill. The semantics of a payload received are defined by the service/API only and may therefore a solution for one API but not for most ones. It further lacks the property of idempotency which in case of a network issue will leave the client in an uncertainty whether the request received the server and only the response got lost mid way or if the request failed to reach the server at all. A consecutive request might therefore lead to unexpected results or further actions required.
PUT has the semantics of replace the current representation obtainable from the resource (may be empty) with the representation provided in the payload. Servers are free to modify the received representation to a more fitting one or to append or remove further data. PUT may even have side effects on other resources as well, i.e. if a versioning mechanism for a document update is provided. While providing the above-mentioned idempotency property, PUT actually does not fit the semantics of the requested action. This might have serious implications on the interoperability as standard HTTP servers wont be able to server you correctly.
One might use a combination of POST to create the new representation on the new endpoint first and afterwards remove the old one via DELETE. However, this are two separate operations where the first one might fail and if not handled correctly lead to an immediate deletion of the original resource in worst case. There is no real transactional behavior in these set of operations unfortunately.
Instead of using the above mentioned operations I'd suggest to use PATCH. PATCH is a serious of changes calculated by the client necessary to transform a current representation to a desiered one. A server supporting PATCH will have to apply these instructions atomically. Either all of them are applied or none of them at all. PATCH can have side effects and is thus the most suitable fit to perform a move in HTTP currently. To properly use this method, however, a certain media-types should be used. One might orientate on JSON Patch (more reader-friendly) i.e., though this only defines the semantics of operations to modify state of JSON based representations and does not deal with multiple resources AFAIK.