How to properly build Nmap solution on windows? - perl

I am trying to build Nmap from source code, and I think I am incorrectly installing/compiling/using OpenSSL, but I'm not sure it is the first time using many of the tools found in the instructions for nmap compilation.
I follow the instructions here:
I follow everything, including the instructions found at; which is required since the OpenSSL folder that comes with the nmap source distribution does not include some header files from configuring OpenSSL.
I can build every project within the solution up until nsock, in total I get about 3700 errors. For nsock its 435 errors, things like:
"sslctx is not a member of npool"
"ssl_session is not a member of niod"
but also things like "syntex error: missing ; before *"
My directory looks like nmap -> [nmap-7.93, nmap-mswin32-aux]
Pretty sure it has something to do with how I'm installing or building or using OpenSSL, but I follow the instructions closely and multiple times now.
I'm using MSVC 2022, I have 2019 installed (I'm really not sure which to use, or how to stop perl from using 2022 and use 2019 tools), or if I'm missing something else that is basic.
I did notice perl uses nmake from MSVC2022, and it's mentioned on the nmap site to use 2019. Could this be the problem? How would I get pearl to use MSVC2019 to test it out?
I followed the instructions multiple times, with both openssl sources 1.1.1s and 3.0.7 in MS VS 2019 and 2022. The result is all up 3700 errors about syntax errors and being unable to identify ssl names.
Happy to provide any additional info like perl dump files if anyone can aid me, or the complete list of errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Paraview Build in VS

I´m trying to build paraview from source, therefore using:
Windows 7
Visual Studio 2010
Qt 4.8.7
Python 2.7.8
msmpi 7
paraview source, version 5.1.0
In CMake I can choose different options to specify what functionality to include into the build process. I tried different combinations, like setting BUILD_EXAMPLES or PARAVIEW_USE_MPI, respectively. Now I have got following questions:
When I set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON as well (besides others), configuring and generating the project with CMake is successful, but compiling in VS fails; it keeps freezing right after starting the compilation. Did anybody experience the same problem and how did you solve it? (By the way, if I unset BUILD_SHARED_LIBS it works, but I don´t want a static build of Paraview).
By using the combination BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_TESTING, PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI, PARAVIEW_ENABLE_CATALYST, PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON and PARAVIEW_USE_MPI the same problem as described in 1.) occurs, but that is more or less what I need to use Catalyst to perform in-situ analysis of my FEM simulation. (Incidentally, if I unset BUILD_TESTING in the above combination it works, but I need CTest to test the Catalyst examples as described here. Does anybody now how to fix that problem?
As shown at GitHub, some examples have been updated to work properly in Paraview 4.4. Is my version of Paraview (5.1.0) unsuitable for the Catalyst examples? Is that the reason why VS is always hanging up for particular variable settings in CMake and which version of Paraview is most suitable to get the Catalyst examples going?
I'd appreciate any help!
That's odd! There's no known reason for this. Although I haven't used VS2010 explicitly, we do have dashboards testing with 2013 and I build with VS2015 with no issue.
I'd recommend using the Ninja as the builder rather than the IDE, however. Just run cmake-gui.exe from appropriate VS studio command prompt and pick Ninja as the build generator. Then, to build, just run ninja in the build directory.

PHP5 - pgsql Module not loaded

I am trying to get work PostgresSQL with PHP, but i stuck on that apache error:
Call to undefined function pg_connect().
When i run phpinfo() i cannot see that my module is loaded, but i do not know why. The pgsql.ini files were loaded. And when i open them, i can see, that the extension is enabled Under /usr/lib64/php5/extensions there is the .so file. Even the permission are same like the other modules.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
It would help if you could describe what operating system you are using. I'm assume Linux, but which distribution? One package that is often forgotten when installing postgresql and php is php5-pgsql. This is the connection between the two. For some reason I cannot explain, it is best if all three are installed together. So I suggest uninstalling postgresql and php and then installing postgresql, php5 and php5-pgsql. I hope this works for you!
I found it out. Some libraries where not found.
1.) First of all run php -version
2.) If there is an error where it described that some libraries are missing, you can solve it like me
3.) Search for the files on your system find / -name {LIBRARY NAME}
3a.) If you found them, just create a symlink to /usr/lib64
3b.) If not, find a way to get them and 3 3a

cross-compile postgresql for ARM Sitara AM335x

I'm having trouble cross compiling PostgreSQL for my TI Sitara AM335x EVM SK. My host system is an i386 machine running Ubuntu 12.04.
My application is written in C++ using Qt. When I try and compile, I get the error that is incompatible. I believe this is because the cross compiler is trying to use the host instead of one for the target system (which as I have found out, doesn't exist).
I've downloaded the source for PostgreSQL with the intention of cross compiling that in order to give me the library that will be compatible with my target system, however there is virtually no information on how to do this.
I have tried using the CC argument with the configure file to change my compiler to the following: CC=/home/tim/ti-sdk-am335x-evm- but the configure script gives me this error: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs. If you meant to cross compile, use --host.
The configure file makes a small reference to the --host option, but the only information in the file that I could find is in reference to mingw and windows, which isn't what I want.
I've done some quick searching through the configure file, and it references the --host option, but with no explanation of what is a valid host. I'm assuming that with --host option there will be an associated --target.
What arguments can I give the configure script so that it will cross compile with the correct compiler to generate a library that my target device can use? Are there any resources out there that I haven't found in regards to how the --host/--target works or how to use them?
OK, so after fiddling around for a little while, I think I was actually able to cross compile PostgreSQL and answer my own question.
Before I went any further, I had realized I had forgotten to add the path to my cross compiler to the PATH environment variable. I used the command export PATH=/path/to/cross/compiler:$PATH to insert the compiler path to the PATH environment variable.
Next, I did some experimenting with the --host option. To start off with I tried using ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf and running the configure script. The configure script seemed to accept this as the host argument. I then went to the next step of running the makefile. Running this makefile resulted in errors being generated. The errors were selected processor does not support Thumb mode. I did a quick search to see what information I could find about this error and came to this webpage:
This webpage gave me a bit more information since it seemed like the person was trying to do something very similar to me. One of the responders to the post mentioned that --disable-spinlocks is intended for processors that aren't supported by default by PostgreSQL. I emulated the arguments that were used in the website listed above and used the command: ./configure --host=arm-linux CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc AR=arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar CPP=arm-linux-gnueabihf-cpp --without-readline --without-zlib --disable-spinlocks to generate my makefile. This makefile actually generated all of the files, including the library file I was needing.
Hope this helps somebody else in the future!

What to do after make test fails?

On VirtualBox VM OpenBSD:
I was trying to build apr 1.5.1 in my attempt to build an apache 2.4 server WITHOUT packages( ie. from source ) and when I ran make test, testlock failed with:
testlock : -Line 300: Timer returned too late FAILED 1 of 4
*** Error 1 in test (Makefile:186 'check')
*** Error 1 in /a/b/c/d/e/f (Makefile:127 'check')
I have no idea what to do with it. What is the course of action for something like this?
You may want to try using a slightly older version of apr; perhaps one from an OpenBSD packages site (somewhere like this OpenBSD Packages site?)
Note: any downloads and installations that you choose to make from sites like these are your decision. Please make sure to read related documentation for compatibility information, too, before making a decision about installing software in your environment!
Also, your version of OpenBSD may make a difference for what package site would be best to use... the OpenBSD packages site above is just an example of what these sites may look like.
For future reference, you can find more information about these sort of packages in the OpenBSD packages and ports documentation.

Compiling WWW::Curl on ActivePerl

I'm trying (desperately) to build / install the newest version of WWW::Curl onto my activeperl box (I'll explain in a moment why I don't use the PPM)
I had to make some modifications as per the instructions found here:
I also had to change the following line:
open(H_IN, "-|" "gcc", "$curl_h") and $has_cpp++;
open(H_IN, "gcc $curl_h") and $has_cpp++;
I finally got perl Makefile.PL to work but now, when I run nmake, I get the following:
Missing right curly or square bracket at -e line 1, at end of line
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
NMAKE: fatal error U1077: 'C;|windows\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0xff'
Now, the reason I'm trying to compile this rather than using the PPM supplied by u.winnipeg is because the that PPM doesn't seem to support SSL transaction (I get "libcurl: ssl disabled") Now, if anyone can show me how to get ssl to run on this PPM, I'm more than happy to use it.
Thank you very much in advance
I presume the original was
open(H_IN, "-|", "gcc", "$curl_h")
The reason you have to change that in because noone got around to implementing feature in Windows. Change it to
open(H_IN, qq{gcc "$curl_h" |})
Use the right name and syntax for your compiler.
Well, I finally figured it out, thanks to everyone who responded. There were a bunch of things I had to change.
Using as a guide:
The open cmd as I did above worked fine. However, I did use the advice returned by ikegami, reinierpost, and mob.
Using nmake /n (as advised by socket puppet), it printed out all of the perl statements which were being executed. I took this output and placed it into a .bat file and corrected the perl syntax.
I changed all instances of
(it is disturbing these were returned)
Then, I had to link the libcurl libraries to each line instantiating g++, which were not linked correctly. After I added these references, everything else went smoothly.
These were added:
C:\lc\curl\lib\libcurl.a C:\lc\curl\lib\libcurldll.a
Now, WWW::Curl is happily running on my system.
As for using the PPM version, it is exactly because of SSL I had to upgrade. The newest version of WWW::Curl is 4.15 the ppm version is (I believe) 3.02.
First, many people don't know that you can use ppm to install MinGW to use cpan to install modules.
Second, if the libcurl provided by your module doesn't do SSL, you can try and replace it with a suitable SSL version from the download page. This might well fail, but you might also be lucky.