How to retrieve current color from a Cario Context in Vala? - cairo

I need to retrieve the current color before applying a new color so that later on I can replace it back.
var old_color = ctx.something ()?
ctx.set_source_rgb (new_color.r, new_color.g, new_color.b);// Apply new color
// Do some drawing
ctx.set_source_rgb (old_color.r, old_color,g, old_color.b);// Restore old color
// Do some more drawing
I cannot see anything closely related to something like get_source_rgb () in the valadoc manual.

I cannot see anything closely related to something like get_source_rgb () in the valadoc manual.
The function you are looking for is get_source(). set_source_rgb() is a shorthand for cairo_set_source(cr, cairo_pattern_create_rgba(r, g, b, 0)). That's why there is no get_source_rgb.
(This example uses the C syntax since I do not know how this is mapped to Vala; the API docs should be able to answer this question. Also, I am not entirely sure about the memory management in my example above, but that shouldn't be a concern for Vala)
If you really want to get the current source RGB color, you need something like (again C, sorry):
double r, g, b, a;
// This assert fails if the pattern is not an RGBA pattern
assert(cairo_pattern_get_rgba(cairo_get_source(cr), &r, &g, &b, &a) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
Edit: Beware, the above is bad code. Never do something with side effects in assert since it would fail if assert is disabled. I'll keep the example like this for simplicity.
so that later on I can replace it back.
So, what you are actually looking for is cairo_save(cr) and cairo_restore(cr). Those are the C functions, so I guess you want and ctx.restore().
What they do: All of the drawing state (except the current path) is saved. Restoring then undoes any changes that were done.


Trying Make Own Shape By Manim

I try to make convex lense. But not using SVGimages or other things. I want to define it in a class But ı'll get a black screen image. What should ı do? Ok, ı can fix it like following: a=ArcBetweenPoints(ORIGIN, UP, self.rad) and b=ArcBetweenPoints(UP, ORIGIN, self.rad) then add self.add(a,b). Ok, there is no problem. But why the self.add() wasn't used in Circle(Arc) class that was defined in manim packages. How can it work?
Here is the code:
class YaşamÇiçeği(Mobject):
"rad" : TAU / 6,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ArcBetweenPoints(ORIGIN, UP, self.rad)
ArcBetweenPoints(UP, ORIGIN, self.rad)
All geometric figures are VMobjects, that is, Bezier curves. These VMobjects have a special method called generate_points, in the case of Arc is this.
The Circle class is a subclass of Arc (a particular case where Arc=360º), so you don't need to use the "add" method, both VMobjects and VGroups can also be containers, but the advantage of VMobjects is that you can explicitly define the shape of the paths. I recommend that you watch this video that I have already done so you can give yourself a better idea.
Recommendations: Do not use non-English symbols, it can bring you problems in the compilation. Also give a correct format to your code, learn the basics of Markdown in 5 minutes here.

Is it possible to run something in Eff in a halogen ComponentHTML funcion?

There are a couple of bindings to moment.js I'd like to use for rendering time spans in my Halogen UI which have types something like
diffMins :: forall eff. Moment -> Moment -> Eff (now :: NOW | eff) Number
If I want to use this function in my UI like this:
H.span_ [H.text $ diffMins (fromEpoch_ 0) (fromEpoch_ myTimeStamp)]
But this is in Eff so I can't.
What I can do is call into moment with this function:
exports.duration_ = function (millis) {
return moment.duration(millis).humanize();
foreign import duration_ :: Number -> String
humanizeMilliseconds :: Milliseconds -> String
humanizeMilliseconds (Milliseconds n) = duration_ n
My question (or several) then:
Is it "cheating" to call into javascript without saying it's an Eff. If not when is it considered ok and when not? I could squit either way and see these functions as side effecting or not.
If I couldn't have changed the way I'm calling moment, or indeed it is a bad idea, is there a way to do this in HTML?
It is indeed not possible to perform anything effectful during renders in Halogen, as HTML is only data and render is state -> HTML.
As Phil says in the comment, you don't have to use Eff in the signature of FFI functions though, if you're sure they perform no effects. In this case, it's probably safe, since it's basically arithmetic on dates - but there may be some locale-specific stuff going on? If so it's only a little bit dodgy, as at least it will always give the same result on the same machine, unless the OS clock is messed with. I'd be a little hesitant to accept that as being effect free, but if it was really a problem and I needed to do it I'd at least ensure the function is not exported so it can't be used anywhere else except in the exceptional circumstance.
You could just do this in the component eval somewhere though and store the value in the component state - myTimeStamp must already be in there, so you could compute this value at the same time? That way you're not recomputing a static value with each render too.

Tell IPython to use an object's `__str__` instead of `__repr__` for output

By default, when IPython displays an object, it seems to use __repr__.
__repr__ is supposed to produce a unique string which could be used to reconstruct an object, given the right environment.
This is distinct from __str__, which supposed to produce human-readable output.
Now suppose we've written a particular class and we'd like IPython to produce human readable output by default (i.e. without explicitly calling print or __str__).
We don't want to fudge it by making our class's __repr__ do __str__'s job.
That would be breaking the rules.
Is there a way to tell IPython to invoke __str__ by default for a particular class?
This is certainly possible; you just need implement the instance method _repr_pretty_(self). This is described in the documentation for IPython.lib.pretty. Its implementation could look something like this:
class MyObject:
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
p.text(str(self) if not cycle else '...')
The p parameter is an instance of IPython.lib.pretty.PrettyPrinter, whose methods you should use to output the text representation of the object you're formatting. Usually you will use p.text(text) which just adds the given text verbatim to the formatted representation, but you can do things like starting and ending groups if your class represents a collection.
The cycle parameter is a boolean that indicates whether a reference cycle is detected - that is, whether you're trying to format the object twice in the same call stack (which leads to an infinite loop). It may or may not be necessary to consider it depending on what kind of object you're using, but it doesn't hurt.
As a bonus, if you want to do this for a class whose code you don't have access to (or, more accurately, don't want to) modify, or if you just want to make a temporary change for testing, you can use the IPython display formatter's for_type method, as shown in this example of customizing int display. In your case, you would use
lambda obj, p, cycle: p.text(str(obj) if not cycle else '...')
with MyObject of course representing the type you want to customize the printing of. Note that the lambda function carries the same signature as _repr_pretty_, and works the same way.

comparing strings by lexicographical order in e/specman

Does specman have something like lex_lt(s1,s2) methods? (i.e. compare strings by lexicographical order). If not, is there a recommended way to achieve the same?
It seems that there isn't. You can do 2 things here. You can either implement your own strcmp() style function in e and use that directly, or you can integrate Specman with a C file that wraps strcmp() in function that can be called from your e code. Have a look at the Specman Integrator's Guide section in the product manual for details on how to do this.
As far as I know, we don’t have something pre-defined for this.
But it can be done, for example, in the following ugly way:
if {s1;s2}.sort(it)[0] == s1 …. // if it’s TRUE, then s1 is less that s2, otherwise not
Of course, as Tudor suggested, the best way will be to define C routine to wrap strcmp().

Relations between different functional programming notions

I understand different notions of functional programming by itself: side effects, immutability, pure functions, referential transparency. But I can't connect them together in my head. For example, I have the following questions:
What is the relation between ref. transparency and immutability. Does one implies the other?
Sometimes side effects and immutability is used interchangeably. Is it correct?
This question requires some especially nit-picky answers, since it's about defining common vocabulary.
First, a function is a kind of mathematical relation between a "domain" of inputs and a "range" (or codomain) of outputs. Every input produces an unambiguous output. For example, the integer addition function + accepts input in the domain Int x Int and produces outputs in the range Int.
object Ex0 {
def +(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
Given any values for x and y, clearly + will always produce the same result. This is a function. If the compiler were extra clever, it could insert code to cache the results of this function for each pair of inputs, and perform a cache lookup as an optimization. That's clearly safe here.
The problem is that in software, the term "function" has been somewhat abused: although functions accept arguments and return values as declared in their signature, they can also read and write to some external context. For example:
class Ex1 {
def +(x: Int): Int = x + Random.nextInt
We can't think of this as a mathematical function anymore, because for a given value of x, + can produce different results (depending on a random value, which doesn't appear anywhere in +'s signature). The result of + can not be safely cached as described above. So now we have a vocabulary problem, which we solve by saying that Ex0.+ is pure, and Ex1.+ isn't.
Okay, since we've now accepted some degree of impurity, we need to define what kind of impurity we're talking about! In this case, we've said the difference is that we can cache Ex0.+'s results associated with its inputs x and y, and that we can't cache Ex1.+'s results associated with its input x. The term we use to describe cacheability (or, more properly, substitutability of a function call with its output) is referential transparency.
All pure functions are referentially transparent, but some referentially transparent functions aren't pure. For example:
object Ex2 {
var lastResult: Int
def +(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
lastResult = x + y
Here we're not reading from any external context, and the value produced by Ex2.+ for any inputs x and y will always be cacheable, as in Ex0. This is referentially transparent, but it does have a side effect, which is to store the last value computed by the function. Somebody else can come along later and grab lastResult, which will give them some sneaky insight into what's been happening with Ex2.+!
A side note: you can also argue that Ex2.+ is not referentially transparent, because although caching is safe with respect to the function's result, the side effect is silently ignored in the case of a cache "hit." In other words, introducing a cache changes the program's meaning, if the side effect is important (hence Norman Ramsey's comment)! If you prefer this definition, then a function must be pure in order to be referentially transparent.
Now, one thing to observe here is that if we call Ex2.+ twice or more in a row with the same inputs, lastResult will not change. The side effect of invoking the method n times is equivalent to the side effect of invoking the method only once, and so we say that Ex2.+ is idempotent. We could change it:
object Ex3 {
var history: Seq[Int]
def +(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
result = x + y
history = history :+ result
Now, each time we call Ex3.+, the history changes, so the function is no longer idempotent.
Okay, a recap so far: a pure function is one that neither reads from nor writes to any external context. It is both referentially transparent and side effect free. A function that reads from some external context is no longer referentially transparent, whereas a function that writes to some external context is no longer free of side effects. And finally, a function which when called multiple times with the same input has the same side effect as calling it only once, is called idempotent. Note that a function with no side effects, such as a pure function, is also idempotent!
So how does mutability and immutability play into all this? Well, look back at Ex2 and Ex3. They introduce mutable vars. The side effects of Ex2.+ and Ex3.+ is to mutate their respective vars! So mutability and side effects go hand-in-hand; a function that operates only on immutable data must be side effect free. It might still not be pure (that is, it might not be referentially transparent), but at least it will not produce side effects.
A logical follow-up question to this might be: "what are the benefits of a pure functional style?" The answer to that question is more involved ;)
"No" to the first - one implies the other, but not the converse, and a qualified "Yes" to the second.
"An expression is said to be referentially transparent if it can be replaced with its value without changing the behavior of a program".
Immutable input suggests that an expression (function) will always evaluate to the same value, and therefore be referentially transparent.
However, (mergeconflict has kindly correct me on this point) being referentially transparent does not necessarily require immutability.
By definition, a side-effect is an aspect of a function; meaning that when you call a function, it changes something.
Immutability is an aspect of data; it cannot be changed.
Calling a function on such does imply that there can be no side-effects. (in Scala, that's limited to "no changes to the immutable object(s)" - the developer has responsibilities and decisions).
While side-effect and immutability don't mean the same thing, they are closely related aspects of a function and the data the function is applied to.
Since Scala is not a pure functional programming language, one must be careful when considering the meaning of such statements as "immutable input" - the scope of the input to a function may include elements other than those passed as parameters. Similarly for considering side-effects.
It rather depends on the specific definitions you use (there can be disagreement, see for example Purity vs Referential transparency), but I think this is a reasonable interpretation:
Referential transparency and 'purity' are properties of functions/expressions. A function/expression may or may not have side-effects. Immutability, on the other hand, is a property of objects, not functions/expressions.
Referential transparency, side-effects and purity are closely related: 'pure' and 'referentially transparent' are equivalent, and those notions are equivalent to the absence of side-effects.
An immutable object may have methods which are not referentially transparent: those methods will not change the object itself (as that would make the object mutable), but may have other side-effects such as performing I/O or manipulating their (mutable) parameters.