dnt see theme-resources partials htmls in a containered keycloak after deploy 'social' jar - keycloak

Created bio-identity-provider-keycloak.jar - its mine plugin, based on social plugin source examples (details and link on bottom)
there are attached 2 html files
Files packed in a jar, as it asked on docs.
its similar as on 'social stackoverflow' plugin from main keycloak repository
jar works pretty fine, but without mine htmls.... this is a problem
My deploy scenario.
i use keycloak docker container 19.0.2 version,
i do uploading jar into /opt/keycloak/providers
i do start container, also i used kc.sh build command, ... but noway doesnt help me
on indentity providers page, i saw mine plugin but without htmls...
same problem if i do uploading jar from 'apple social','discord social' from a 'official' git,
i saw 'htmls from stacoverflow social plugin', there are https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/tree/main/themes/src/main/resources/theme/base/admin/resources/partials a sources
my guess its because need to 'build' themes after jar uploading into providers, currently keycloak doesnt see 'html' resources in my case
https://www.keycloak.org/extensions.html -- a link for 'apple' and 'discord' examples
please help :)


Plugin-helpers not found in wazuh-kibana-app

I have cloned the Wazuh-Kibana-app source code from https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app
I have made some changes in the styling. So, i am making build of the app by running npm run build but i am getting this error
Command "plugin-helpers" not found
I think it is because in package.json file, it gets like that "plugin-helpers": "node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers" as it is getting out of the directory. So how to resolve this issue?
The Wazuh Kibana plugin uses the Kibana plugin_helpers to build a distributable archive of the plugin, information on how to create a Kibana development installation which is capable of building the Wazuh plugin can be found here: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/wiki/Develop-new-features
There is also the option of building the Kibana plugin using the wazuh-packages tools as explained here: https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/development/packaging/generate-wazuh-kibana-app.html , however as of right now this only accepts branches from the official Wazuh plugin.
Let me know if you have any more questions!

The absolute uri cannot be resolved : Custom Tag Issue

I am facing one problem when my code goes to publish. I have page in which i used a component with custom tag. It work fine in author, but when i replicate my code from author to publish it gives error like : The absolute uri: http:||www.mysite.com/taglibs cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application . I have correctly replicated the my /apps/mysite folder on publish. But it gives error on publish but not on author.Any troubleshooting steps that can help me?
Make sure that bundle with your custom tag library was installed correctly on publish enviroment (via /system/console/bundles).
And, could you describe how you deploy your project on publish enviroment?

Jenkins - Plugins not installing and jobs and features are missing after upgrade.

I'm using latest Jenkins (v 1.590) LOL, but Jenkins official site say: 1.588. I'm 200% sure that I did see 1.589 and 1.590 few days back on Jenkins official download site(when I wanted to upgrade Jenkins to newer version).
This is what I see at the bottom of my Jenkins instance page.
Page generated: Nov 19, 2014 12:07:51 PMREST APIJenkins ver. 1.590
Now, the issue I'm facing is: Since I upgraded few of the plugins and Jenkins itself recently, some of the jobs are missing (I see this can happen during upgrades but upgrading to latest Jenkins should fix it and I'm two steps ahead of what Jenkins has on their official site, right):
I go to Manage Jenkins, Manage Plugins, Go to Available tab, check mark bunch of plugins to install (Artifactory, Maven project plugin etc ) and restart Jenkins using Jenkins GUI interface (which happens automatically once plugins are downloaded/installed in Jenkins GUI). After the restart, I do the same to see whether the plugin is now showing under "Installed" tab or not, but to my luck, it's still showing under "Available tab" and is NOT listed under "Installed" tab. If I open an existing job's configuration OR create a new job, the features available due to installed plugins are NOT visible i.e. if I installed Maven Project Plugin, I don't see an option to create a Maven style(2/3) project job while creating a new job.
I see valid .jpi files for respective plugins in plugins folder in JENKINS_HOME and there are some .pinned files as well. I have tried this a couple of times but the plugins are not visible once installed. Installation doesn't give any error during the whole operation.
Jenkins system log file (upon Jenkins restart) is attached (NOTE: Use slow download button to see/download this log file).
Download at SpeedyShare
Issue was with the plugins permissions and expanded folders.
If you see under the plugins folder, you'll see .jpi or .hpi files (Jenkins jpi and Hudson hpi).
If I have awesomeplugin.jpi then there will be a folder called awesomeplugin.
Using Slav's hint, I ran bunch of checks and found out of 70+ plugins that I had installed, few of them somehow got "root" and "root" as their owner and group for their .jpi files and corresponding folder.
Now, The best solution one can try (the safest approach) is to chown -R yourvalidjenkinsuser:yourvalidgroup * and chmod -R 755 * as root. Before doing this, stop/shutdown jenkins.
I went even a step further, I first took backup of config files / whole jenkins JENKINS_HOME folder. Then I went to plugins folder and remove all .jpi corresponding folders using root account or as the owner of those folders (NOTE, I didn't delete the .jpi files). Then, I ran the above two commands (chown/chmod) and started Jenkins.
when I'm going to Jenkins > New item (to create a new job), Shenzi, all different types of jobs options are showing up (which included the Maven2/3 type job which I found got missing and few others like "Multi-configuration project" and Multijob Project job type.. all were missing and now they are showing up.
OK, I also checked one of the old job, went to its job's configuration and Shenzi!! I now see all the features there i.e. (Promoted Job plugin feature "Promtoe builds when.." check box. This feature which I configured sometime back, got missing but now it's showing up again.
Few of the Maven jobs that I created in past with Maven Release Plugin and Release Plugin POC work had bunch of steps in it. I found there was nothing in the Build step (after this whole mess), but after the above solution, I now see everything is back. I can see the configurations and build steps populated as they were set.
I hope this can help someone facing similar issue.
Still, I don't know why my Jenkins version is 1.590 (which Jenkins updated recently in automatic fashion) and Jenkins site today says, their latest Jenkins artifact is version 1.588 (seems like a mystery).
When you say "valid .hpi files", did you actually test that they are valid? You should be able to rename them to .zip and extract as a valid archive. An issue I face a lot is the network layer filtering system that we have in the office. It intercepts Jenkins's calls sometimes with the filtering system's login page, instead of whatever internet resource was being loaded.
If your .hpi files are not valid zip archives, open them in a text editor, and see if they are in the form of an html page/response of some kind.

How to get a stable release of Spring Batch Admin

Here is what I've tried from their getting started page...
The SpringSource Community Download links to a page that has no mention of Spring Batch Admin. Looks like the original link is either dead or now redirects to something else.
I get connection timeouts for the S3Browse App link
The source building process just fails and every fix leads to a new failure. Started with missing artifacts/repositories and now looks to be related to Maven 3 vs Maven 2?
The maven build process seems to pull down a jar instead of a war
Google searches for download links keep referring me back to this page. What am I missing? There has to be some publicly available download page with prebuilts .war somewhere.
If you're looking to just test drive the app as I was, you can follow these steps:
Check out the source from github at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch-admin. Next step is to go to the spring-batch-admin-sample directory and use maven/jetty to run it.
mvn jetty:run
Now in your browser, go to:
My guess is documentation wasn't all updated (sigh).
SNAPSHOT builds aren't something that should be used somewhere serious, apart from no-other-way-out situations. Try either 1.2.2.RELEASE (not on github somewhy) or 1.2.1.RELEASE.
Disclaimer - too lazy to try it out myself.

Custom Plugin Not Showing Up In The List (works fine while debugging - not when deployed through deploy.bat)

I am currently having an issue with my plugin not being displayed in the plugin list within admin.
When I run this straight from VS2010 is works perfectly. I have checked and the description file appears to be OK and the plugin is present in the plugins folder once deployed (using the deploy.bat).
I have noticed there is a massive list of DLLs being deployed with the plugin but don't think that is the issue (although it would be nice to tidy that up to - all references are set to do not copy)
Are there any other things I could be missing? I am fairly new to development and have checked al the things that seem to be obvious to me.
I have already read and checked the following:
Any assistance will be massively appreciated!
Have you properly documented yor plugin code?
Plugin Name: Name Of The Plugin<br>
Plugin URI: h ttp://URI_Of_Page_Describing_Plugin_and_Updates<br>
Description: A brief description of the Plugin.<br>
Version: The Plugin's Version Number, e.g.: 1.0<br>
Author: Name Of The Plugin Author<br>
Author URI: h ttp://URI_Of_The_Plugin_Author<br>
License: A "Slug" license name e.g. GPL2<br>
(from wpcodex)
This ended up being the publishing to different IIS site without realising so it was updating the DLL in the wrong folder...