How users and group settings of files are stored in Yocto - yocto

When i create a user and group in yocto and chown in recipe, it properly reflects in target
But on the host machine in tmp/work/<>/rootfs folder , i don't see the files/folders with the user and group assigned in recipe.
How it works?


Azure data factory - SftpPermissionDeniedException

Using a copy data activity I want to upload files to an SFTP service, but receive the following error message:
I can upload files via a simple linux sftp client to the target folder with the same user, and also able to create files and folders within the target folder(but not in its parent folder, which is the root folder).
"Upload with temp file" option is set to false.
Any idea?
To confirm which user your build runs as you can run the whoami command as a part of your build process.
Store things inside of a folder that the user running the build has permissions to.
Change the ownership of the directory with the chown command before trying to write to it.
Refer -

Creating symbolic links resulting in 500 error

Currently running a WHM / Cpanel server running Centos. Server seems to be running fine no issues there. However I'm using a deployment process to put files outside of the document root. e.g.
instead of:
Obviously I need to point public_html to this folder so my site will run. So, I'm removing the public_html and creating a symlink and pointing it to the new deployment folder. This results in a 500 error.
So looking at the logs I've discovered that it produces the following error:
Directory "/home/xyz/deployment" is writeable by group
Checking the file permissions looks as though the symlink is 777 where i need it to be 755 for the server to allow viewing.
Is there a setting in WHM ? Is there a setting in Centos? I have another box running that doesn't have this issue so I'm assuming that this is related to the current setup of this machine.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
when you create a hard link from a file or folder, This file/folder inherits the accesses and permissions of the original file/folder, and in soft link it will be 777 permission, so i think you can use rsync options for both purpose :
1- have a folder with all files in source
2- have your own permissions in folder

PostgreSQL in Openshift won't execute the entrypoint and can not start the database

We have a read-only Postgresql database that should run in Openshift cluster.
We are using RHEL as the undrlying operating system.
Our Dockerfile will install postgres software, create the database instance, loads the data to it than shuts the database down and save the image.
We are using only bash and sql scripts and deploy the database using flyway.
When starting the container the entrypoint script will simply startup the database instance using "pg_ctl" command then perform an endless loop to keep the container running.
The Dockerfile has as the last command USER 26, where 26 is the id of the postgres user. The entrypoint script can be started as the postgres user or by a sudo user.
Everything is working well in Docker.
In Openshift the container is started by a different user belonging to the root group, but not the root user nor the user 26. Actually Openshift ignores the USER 26 clause in the Dockerfile.
The user starting the container (we'll call it containeruser) has anyhow no rights to start the postgres instance , so when running the entrypoint it will get permission denied on the postgresql data folder.
I have tried different options, adding the containeruser user to the wheel group and modify the sudoers file to allow it using sudo and start the entrypoint as postgres user but with no success.
So I have my database image ready but can not start it in Openshift.
On the openshift configuration side we are not allowed to make changes like allowing sudo usage, or starting the container as root or postgres user.
Any idea or help to this problem?
I am not an Openshift expert.
Thank you!
Best regards,
You have two choices.
The preferred choice is to fix your image so that it can run as any user. For this, do not use the existing postgres user. Create a new user, where that user has group root. Then ensure that all directories/files that PostgreSQL needs to write to are owned by that user, but also have group root and writable by group. When the container is then started up, it will run as an assigned user ID, not in /etc/passwd, and so will fallback to using group root still. Because the directories/file are writable to group root, everything will still work. For more information see:
Specifically, section 'Support Arbitrary User IDs'.
The second option if you have admin control of the cluster, and your security team do not object that you are overriding the default security model, is to allow your image to be run as user ID it wants to.
First create a new service account:
oc create serviceaccount runasnonroot
Next grant that service account the ability to run as non root user ID of its choosing.
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z runasnonroot --as system:admin
Then patch the deployment config to use that service account.
oc patch dc/mydatabase --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccountName": "runasnonroot"}}}}'
Note that this still requires you use USER in the image with an integer user ID and not postgres. Otherwise it can't verify it will run as non root user. That is because if you use a user name instead of user ID, you could be maliciously mapping that to root.
I spent days figuring this out and found one good solution.
OpenShift Origin runs an image as a user created by it, as explained in this OpenShift blog post. This prevents programs from being able to access needed files and directories. To successfully run a program on OpenShift Origin, the blog post provides two solutions, however, the first will not work for PostgreSQL and the second has two disadvantages (explained in the notes):
Grant group write access to the directories used by the main program.
This will not solve the problem because, although the PostgreSQL files will be accessible by any program, they must be owned by the owner of the PostgreSQL process.
Ensure that when operating system libraries are used to look up a system user, one is returned for the ID of the user OpenShift Origin runs the image as. The following are two methods for doing this:
Use a package called nss_wrapper, "which intercepts any calls which look up details of a user and returns a valid entry."
Make the UNIX password database file (/etc/passwd) have global write permissions in the image build so that the OpenShift user can be added to it in the S2I run script.
Each option has a disadvantage: 1. install an extra package and 2. make user accounts insecure.
The best solution is to build the docker image to run as the user OpenShift Origin will run the image as. I built this instructional image with it.
One additional problem to note is that, as the owner of the PostgreSQL process must be the owner of the files and directories accessed by PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL must be set up (i.e. initdb, roles, databases, etc.) during the image build. This is because file ownership can only be changed during the image build and the ownership of the files must be changed after PostgreSQL has been set up for the reason explained in #2 below.
Here are the complete steps with notes for setting up PostgreSQL in the image build:
Manually create the PostgreSQL data directory and change its ownership to a non-root user that will be used to initialze PostgreSQL and set up the components (e.g. roles and databases) required to run the server on OpenShift Origin.
This is required because the "initdb" executable must be executed by a user other than root and will need access to the data directory. Additionally, this user cannot be the user OpenShift Origin will run the image as because it is not in the system.
Switch to the non-root user.
This is required because the initdb executable must be executed "as the user that will own the server process, because the server needs to have access to the files and directories that initdb creates" (PostgreSQL documentation) and because the PostgreSQL server will be started to set up components (e.g. roles and databases) required to run the server on OpenShift Origin.
Run the "initdb" executable.
Start the PostgreSQL server, set up the required components (roles, databases, etc.) and stop the PostgreSQL server.
Switch back to the root user.
Change the ownership of the PostgreSQL files and directories to the user OpenShift Origin will run the image as.
Edit (06/20/18): I have found that there is a solution to set up PostgreSQL after the image is built. The user OpenShift Origin will run the image as can be added to the system at the start of the build. This will allow PostgreSQL to be set up and the ownership of its files and directories to be changed after the image build.
After gathering the comments from all contributors I can asnwer my question as follows:
Option 1
When you create the postgres database during image build, you must configure openshift policies to allow starting your container as the user that created the database during image build. Use this option when the database must be filled with data and this operation takes much time making it inappropriate for a container start. the entrypoint will only start the already prepared database.
Option 2
Create your database when starting the container using the entrypoint script. Use this option when the database creation is fast enough to be done at container start.
Option 3
See the last comment from Adrian which seems to answer all the problems anyhow I didn't got the time to test it.
Thank you all for your contributions.

Postgresql: cannot create tablespace due to permissions

I know there has been a dozen times a similar question, but I could not find an answer that worked for me.
I have a Debian 9 machine, fresh from install on which I have installed a Postgresql 9.6 server.
I am trying to create a new tablespace but it fails. The command :
Returns the following error :
ERROR: could not set permissions on directory "/DATA/PostgreSQL": Permission denied
SQL state: 42501
So, after a few basis searches, I have already checked the following points :
The directory /DATA/PostgreSQL exists
Its owner/group is postgres:postgres
The rights on the directory are 770
SELinux is apparently not installed (in Synaptic, libselinux1 is installed, but all selinux commands that I have tried returned me "command not found". Examples : selinuxenabled, setenforce 0).
I am running out of ideas.
Anybody has a suggestion ?
And I just found the solution !
The problem was the permissions of the user postgres not on directory /DATA/PostgreSQL/ but on the directory /DATA, on which it had no permission at all (it belonged to the current user with rights 770).
I have changed the permissions on this folder to 775. I guess another way would be to make the user postgres belong to the group that owns the DATA folder.
Hey I just found a possible solution, the thing is that you´ll have to give everyone access to the directory you to write in.
Right click in the directory ".../targetDirectory".
Properties> Security> In Group /usernames click on "edit"
Add another group or username, type "Everyone" and click "OK"
If you need to add more permisson to this group you check the permissions and press Ok.
You could see it in this video:
This worked for me creating tablespaces and copy files from one directory to another one.
Hope this helps.

Moving postgres data folder on Ubuntu

I have a web application querying a Postgresql database (successfully) and I'm looking to move the data folder from location /var/lib/postgres/9.3/main to a customisable location.
Right now I'm prevented from even copying the folder due to permission errors, but I can't assign myself the permissions because that breaks the postgres server.
(I broke the server by running sudo chown <username> -R /var/lib/postgres/9.3/main - which worked as a command but stopped the postgres server from working)
I would simply create a new folder and change the location there, but I'll lose the current instance of my database if that was done.
How can I move the current folder to a new location, so that I can point to it in the .conf file? I need to explicitly move the folder, I can't create a new DB.
You can just copy or move the directory, including all subdirs and files
cp -rp or mv should be enough for this.
Postgres must not be running while you are messing with the files
The base of the data-drectory (PG_DATA) must be owned by postgres and have file mode 0700 . (when not: pg will refuse to start)
[the rest of the files must at least be readable/writeble by postgres]
the new location must also be known to the startup process (in /etc/init.d/ and (possibly) in the postgres.conf file within the data directory. (for the log file location)