Empty Netbeans 13 palette? (only shows Beans) - netbeans

I've tried the solutions listed in previous posts but none of them work
I'm having trouble with the palette in Netbeans13. I've tried everything I can think of but nothing is working, I've looked at the. This is my last option to finding a solution.
I've used Netbeans13 on a previous pc of mine and this time when I installed Netbeans13 it did not show the palet. I'm busy working on a program and the palette would greatly simplify it for me.
As seen above even of I have a project open that I worked on using a previous pc it stil showed an empty palette.
Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
Tried the solutions to a similar probleme on Netbeans7.
I've googled the issue for a few days and came up with nothing that works.
I've tried using a solution from Apache and it did not work.
I've easily tried almost 15 to 20 solutions and none of them have worked.


Variables panel not showing when debugging any language in VSCode

I used Python with VSCode for the first time in a while. When I went to debug the script I'd written, I couldn't see any variables in the debug panel. It's not just that none are showing up - there's not even a section where they would be appearing - please see the screenshots below.
When I right click on the three dots at the top of the debug panel, I can see "Watch", "Call Stack", and "Breakpoints", with ticks next to them, but no "Variables" option.
I swear I used to be able to see variables, and everything I'm seeing online is saying that I should be able to, but they just don't seem to be there. At first I thought it was just Python, but I've just tried to debug a simple C program and the same thing happens.
Besides this issue, the debugger seems to work just fine.
What I'm seeing:
What I'm supposed to be seeing, and what I used to be able to see:
Any information would be really helpful, it must be something daft I'm missing.
To clarify, I've tried a fresh VSCode install, which did not fix the issue.
Solution moved from #DCoxshall's question post.
Just did [a reinstall] and the issue disappeared. If anyone knows what caused it I'd still be interested in information, although the problem is now gone.

VS Code Debug Console Double Spacing

As the title says, the debug console in VS Code is double-spacing for me. I'm using the OSX edition. Seems to work fine for others from what I've seen. Have tried it with multiple programs and it always double spaces.
I can't seem to find any setting to change this behaviour. Anyone able to help?
After searching and testing I came to github where I filed a bug for this. It seems that it was known already under a different issue ID already, see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/17526 for details.

Can't find any log file explaining why Eclipse closes/crashes

After last Ubuntu 14.04 kernel update (current one: 4.4.0-36-generic) when I open Eclipse (Luna) in a matter of few seconds it closes or freezes and then closes (I can be simply editing a comment, or even stop typing for some seconds and then it happens, so I think it can't be related to the code itself).
I personally prefer when it freezes first, so it gives you some seconds to mentally prepare of what is about to happen with your last-hour work.
No clue on system.log or /.../my_workspace/.metadata/.log of what is happening.
Where could I look to try to understand what is happening?
Is it possible that Eclipse closes without leaving any clue/crash-report of why is it doing that?
After trying a lot of possible solutions because Eclipse was crashing every 10 minutes I've found this:
According to this bug report it is not an Eclipse problem but an Eclipse-JRE relationship problem.
Since I've modified several lines in eclipse.ini I cannot be sure about the solution, but it seems it was adding this line on it:
I've been without crashes for more than 1 hour so far. However I'll wait at least one or two days before assuming this solution really works.
EDIT/UPDATE: Confirmed; it works like a charm.
Whenever eclipse crashes you will get hs_err_pid4612.log this kind of file
inside eclipse folder.
For fixing this issue :
Add this to eclipse.ini file:

working with workspaces and Pydev in Eclipse

im not sure what i did.. but i am working through some tutorials to get up to speed on python, and i started getting this error message... any ideas on how to fix this? from the error, i looked up the message, and it looks like wham i press the run button it is looking for a file that is no longer there.... but I'm not even working on that file anymore... I'm trying to run something different that does not refer to the previous file.
what does work is if i do run as.. but id rather not do that every time. I'm sure there is a setting I'm just not aware of that i messed up.
Well, not sure how exactly you're getting to that point from your explanation, but please take a look at: http://pydev.org/manual_101_run.html to see how to properly run a module inside PyDev.

MATLAB help/documentation not displaying correctly

I'm having a problem with the built-in help/documentation within MATLAB 2013a (issue also present in 2012b).
Upon opening the help files the pages appear with no formatting, only plain text. Search results do appear correctly though.
I have found only one instance of someone else with this issue, on MATLAB central here. However, there are no responses to the author's question. The issue I'm having is exactly the same as described there.
I have tried removing the preference folder and relaunching MATLAB but this doesn't help.
I'm using Windows 8.1 and MATLAB 2013a.
Any help or suggestions on how to fix this would be very much appreciated.
Thank you everyone for the feedback so far. I don't believe java to be the issue, I have the latest version installed (1.7.0_45) while MATLAB uses it's own version (1.6.0_17). Both of which co-exist on my machine.
Following horchler's thread led me to another semi-related bug report here. The following code is listed at the bottom of the workaround (the script attached to the workaround didn't fix anything unfortunately).
This results in a degraded appearance of documentation pages and loss of some functionality but is still an improvement over the plain text and scrambled pages.
Hopefully from this new information we can work towards a solution!
One solution is to go back to IE-10, or to use the patch on http://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/989850
Which basically replaces the localnav.js at <MATLAB>/help/includes/product/scripts
The link to download!
This is an old post, but I had the same issue and have a fix (not downloading R2013b or java related). Just downgrade from IE 11 to 10: Go to System (or System & Security)->Windows Update->View Update History->Installed Updates -> Find IE11 and uninstall it. Your system should revert back to the prior installed version. This fixed the help issues.
The problem is related to Internet Explorer 11, which MATLAB uses to render its help files. I was experiencing this problem in Windows 7 and rolling back to IE 10 fixed it right up. Unfortunately, that's not an option with Windows 8.