Can't save report to different workspace - saveAsTriggered not firing in powerbi embedded - event-handling

I am trying to create a new report in power bi embedded and save the report to a workspace that is DIFFERENT from the dataset its using I am setting up the embed token correctly - using the V2 token requests for both the dataset and workspaces but click the SaveAs in the embedded UI returns an "unable to save report" failure.
I believe what's missing is that I need to set the targetWorkspace in the SaveAs parameter. To do that I need to watch the saveAsTriggered event and in there specify the targetWorkspaceId.
However the saveAsTriggered event is never firing! Even in power bi playground the event does not seem to be firing - see code example below.
I am assuming that the saveAsTriggered event should fire even when using the embedded "Save As" button and not only if I call saveAs via the API?
In any case the event is never firing and I have no way to set the target workspace for the report to save As.
If anyone can advise another way to specify the target workspace when setting up a custom saveAs OR a way to get the saveAsTriggered event to fire, it would be very much appreciated.
I used the code below in power bi playground:
// Embed a Power BI report in the given HTML element with the given configurations
// Read more about how to embed a Power BI report in your application here:
function embedPowerBIReport() {
| Don't change these values here: access token, embed URL and report ID. |
| To make changes to these values: |
| 1. Save any other code changes to a text editor, as these will be lost. |
| 2. Select 'Start over' from the ribbon. |
| 3. Select a report or use an embed token. |
// Read embed application token
let accessToken = EMBED_ACCESS_TOKEN;
// Read embed URL
let embedUrl = EMBED_URL;
// Read report Id
let embedReportId = REPORT_ID;
// Read embed type from radio
let tokenType = TOKEN_TYPE;
// We give All permissions to demonstrate switching between View and Edit mode and saving report.
let permissions = models.Permissions.All;
// Create the embed configuration object for the report
// For more information see
let config = {
type: 'report',
tokenType: tokenType == '0' ? models.TokenType.Aad : models.TokenType.Embed,
accessToken: accessToken,
embedUrl: embedUrl,
id: embedReportId,
permissions: permissions,
settings: {
panes: {
filters: {
visible: true
pageNavigation: {
visible: true
// Get a reference to the embedded report HTML element
let embedContainer = $('#embedContainer')[0];
// Embed the report and display it within the div container.
report = powerbi.embed(embedContainer, config);
// removes all event handlers for a specific event"loaded");
// report.on will add an event handler
report.on("loaded", function () {
// removes all event handlers for a specific event"error");
report.on("error", function (event) {
// removes all event handlers for a specific event"rendered");
// report.on will add an event handler
report.on("rendered", function () {
await reportLoaded;
// Insert here the code you want to run after the report is loaded
await reportRendered;
// Switch to edit mode.
// Insert here the code you want to run after the report is rendered
// removes all event handlers for a specific event"saveAsTriggered");
// report.on will add an event listener.
report.on("saveAsTriggered", function (event) {
// Select Run and then select SaveAs.
// You should see an entry in the Log window.
console.log("Select SaveAs to see events in Log window.");

Figured it out. I needed to modify the embed config to include
settings: {
useCustomSaveAsDialog: true
Then you do need to use your own Save As Modal but then at least the saveAsTriggered will fire!


How to access control from the popup fragment by ID

I want my text area to be empty after I press OK button.
I have try this line this.byId("id").setValue("")
onWorkInProgress: function (oEvent) {
if (!this._oOnWorkInProgressDialog) {
this._oOnWorkInProgressDialog = sap.ui.xmlfragment("WIPworklist", "", this);
//this.byId("WIP").value = "";
var bindingPath = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext().getPath();
//function when cancel button inside the fragments is triggered
onCancelApproval: function() {
//function when approval button inside the fragments is triggered
onWIPApproval: function() {
var message = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("wipSuccess");;
The text area will be in popup in the fragment. I am expecting the text area to be empty.
If you instantiate your fragment like this:
sap.ui.xmlfragment("WIPworklist", "", this);
You can access its controls like this:
Fragment.byId("WIPworklist", "WIP").setValue(""); // Fragment required from "sap/ui/core/Fragment"
Source: How to Access Elements from XML Fragment by ID
The better approach would be to use a view model. The model should have a property textAreaValue or something like that.
Then bind that property to your TextArea (<TextArea value="{view>/textAreaValue}" />). If you change the value using code (e.g. this.getView().getModel("view").setProperty("/textAreaValue", "")), it will automatically show the new value in your popup.
And it works both ways: if a user changes the text, it will be automatically updated in the view model, so you can access the new value using this.getView().getModel("view").getProperty("/textAreaValue");.
You almost have it, I think. Just put the
this.byId("WIP").setValue("") line after the if() block. Since you are adding the fragment as a dependent of your view, this.byId("WIP") will find the control with id "WIP" every time you open the WIP fragment and set its value to blank.
You are likely not achieving it now because A. it is not yet a dependent of your view and B. it is only getting fired on the first go-around.

Capturing changes to model using angular-google-places-autocomplete

I'm using angular-google-places-autocomplete ( with Ionic but having problems capturing the selected option when using this directive.
I have the directive set up like this:
<!-- template -->
<input type="text" placeholder="Place search" g-places-autocomplete ng-model="locationSearchResult"/>
<pre ng-bind="locationSearchResult | json"></pre>
My controller code is set up to watch for changes to the locationSearchResult model, and if it does change to save the new location to local storage:
// Controller
$scope.locationSearchResult = {};
$scope.$watch('locationSearchResult', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (angular.equals(newVal, oldVal)) { return; }
$scope.$storage.loc = newVal;
When using the autocomplete it seems to work as expected - I get a list of predictions, and selecting a prediction from the list of predictions updates the text input with the name of the selected place, and the JSON data for the selected place displays under the result heading. But, the change doesn't seem to be picked up by the $scope.$watch in the controller.
As a result, I can't seem to be able to capture the search result data and do anything with it - like add it to the user session.
Maybe I'm just going about it the wrong way (though I used the same approach with ngAutocomplete and it worked ok).
Use the event that gets emitted in your controller.
$scope.$on('g-places-autocomplete:select', function (event, param) {

How to have an Apps Script Gadget display results directly in the UI

On my Google Site I've inserted an Apps Script Gadget (by pasting the URL of an Apps Script that I published as a service). This Apps Script allows the user to enter a value (their 'Blow Number') and view the corresponding data (based on API calls to my Google Fusion tables).
Right now, the script returns 3 hyperlinks:
Click here for a table of Blow Number 1
Click here for a chart of Blow Number 1
Click here for a map of Blow Number 1
This is because my script function getblowdetails has 3 app.createAnchor variables. Instead of having the script return 3 hyperlinks (that the user has to click on and view the resulting URL in a new window), I would like for the script to automatically invoke the 3 URLs and display the table, chart, and map in panels on the same page.
So the user would enter their Blow Number and press enter. They would then view the table, chart, and map directly below the text box on the same web page.
Please see the Code that I've included below and advise...Thanks for the help- I'm an apps-script novice so a thorough and understand-able response is greatly appreciated!
Note: I've removed the URLs from the createAnchor variables because I'm only allowed to include 2 links in the post, but you can see them by going to and entering Blow Number = 1...then click on the hyperlinks.
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
// Create input boxes, buttons, labels, and links
var textBoxA = app.createTextBox().setId('textBoxA').setName('textBoxA').setFocus(true);
var buttonA = app.createButton('Get Blow Details').setEnabled(false);
var label = app.createLabel('Please enter your Blow Number here');
var link = app.createAnchor('where can I find my Blow Number?', '');
// Create a handler to call the getblowdetails function.
// A validation is added to this handler so that it will only invoke 'getblowdetails' if textBoxA contains a number
var handler = app.createServerClickHandler('getblowdetails').validateNumber(textBoxA).addCallbackElement(textBoxA);
// Create a handler to enable the button if all input is legal
var onValidInput = app.createClientHandler().validateNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(buttonA).setEnabled(true).forTargets(label, link).setVisible(false);
// Create a handler to mark invalid input in textBoxA and disable the button
var onInvalidInput1 = app.createClientHandler().validateNotNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(buttonA).setEnabled(false).forTargets(textBoxA).setStyleAttribute("color", "red").forTargets(label, link).setVisible(true);
// Create a handler to mark the input in textBoxA as valid
var onValidInput1 = app.createClientHandler().validateNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(textBoxA).setStyleAttribute("color", "black");
// only fire ServerHandler for onKeyUp if it passes validation
var textBoxHandler = app.createServerHandler('textBoxHandlerFunction');
// Add all the handlers to be called when the user types in the text boxes
return app;
function textBoxHandlerFunction(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
if (e.parameter.keyCode == 13)
app = getblowdetails(e);
return app;
function getblowdetails(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var panel2 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link2 = app.createAnchor ().setStyleAttribute("color", "green");
var panel3 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link3 = app.createAnchor ();
var panel4 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link4 = app.createAnchor ();
return app;
I don't think you'll be able to actually download the result and show it. So, there's no easy solution.
But you can build that table and chart on Apps Script easily (assuming you can already fetch the info from tables using its API).
The last issue is the map. On Apps Script you can only create static maps, meaning, an image. You can add custom markers and polygons, set the zoom, etc. But in the end it's a photo. The user will not be able to drag it around or use the map as an embedded google map as one would expect.

Customize or change default message boxes issued by workflow dialogs on errors in Alfresco

Presently, a messagebox appears with the failing class name:
Is it possible to override the default behavior in Alfresco? Could we use forms service to present a different message ?
Additional to zladuric answer,
you can use failureCallback method to show message what you want.
But it is difficult to search failureCallback method of workflow forms for a new one because workflow forms such as "Start Workflow", "Task Edit", "Task Detail" are used form engine.
For example, in "Start Workflow" form, you can add our own successCallBack and failureCallBack by writing onBeforeFormRuntimeInit event handler in start-workflow.js like this.
onBeforeFormRuntimeInit: function StartWorkflow_onBeforeFormRuntimeInit(layer, args)
var startWorkflowForm = Dom.get(this.generateId + "-form");
Event.addListener(startWorkflowForm, "submit", this._submitInvoked, this);
fn: this.onFormSubmitSuccess,
scope: this
fn: this.onFormSubmitFailure,
scope: this
onFormSubmitSuccess: function StartWorkflow_onFormSubmitSuccess(response)
// Show your success message or do something.
onFormSubmitFailure: function StartWorkflow_onFormSubmitFailure(response)
var msgTitle = this.msg(this.options.failureMessageKey);
var msgBody = this.msg(this.options.failureMessageKey);
// example of showing processing response message
// you can write your own logic
if (response.json && response.json.message)
if(response.json.message.indexOf("ConcurrencyFailureException") != -1)
msgTitle = this.msg("message.concurrencyFailure");
msgBody = this.msg("message.startedAgain");
msgBody = response.json.message;
title: msgTitle,
text: msgBody
Since Alfresco.component.StartWorkflow(in start-workflow.js) extends Alfresco.component.ShareFormManager(in alfresco.js). You can override onBeforeFormRuntimeInit event in start-workflow.js. I hope this your help you.
I'm not looking at the code right now, but this looks like a regular YUI dialog. So it's fired by YUI. So this YUI is client side, probably in My-tasks dashlet or my tasks page.
Furthermore, the error message looks like it is a status.message from the failed backend message/service.
You could probably locate that client-side javascript file, find the method that starts the task and see what its' failureCallback handler is. Then edit that failureCallback method and make it show something different then the response.status.message or whatever it is. Perhaps something like this.msg(""); which you then customize on your own.
Modifying YUI dialog scripts will might affect the other functionalities as well.
If we customize start-workflow. js, its only going to be achieved in start workflow form.
So as generic solution, below is the suggestion.
When alfresco is rendering the workflow form , it is rendering the transition button using the activiti-transition.js file.Basically this buttons are doing nothing more but submitting the workflow form.
So the best way would be , customizing this activiti-transition.ftl and activiti-transition.js file , to make an ajax call and handle the response as we want.
I just had a look on full flow of how this front end error is shown.
activiti-transition is submiting the workflow form.
Using a function named as submitForm which resides inside alfresco.js, it is invoking an submit event of form
Inside the forms-runtime.js file there is one function named as _submitInvoked(handles the submit event of form), which is responsible for making an ajax call and submitting the workflow form.If there is error while submitting , it will display the error which is from backend.

Ajax Auto Suggest v.2 suggestion depends on radio button?

I am using auto suggest v.2.1.3 from brandspankingnew.
I have a form with two radio button and a text field and would like to know how to make the auto suggest script pointing to a different php file if one of the radio button is checked.
I tried this but it doesnt work, its always point to the same php file even if second button is checked
Could you please assist?
Many thanks in advance.
My code is as follows:
function targetvalue()
for (i=0;i
/>Business Street
var options = {
callback: function (obj) { document.getElementById('name').value =; }
var as_json = new bsn.AutoSuggest('business', options);
var options_xml = {
script: function (input) { return "autosuggest.php?input="+input+"&testid="+document.getElementById('testid').value; },
var as_xml = new bsn.AutoSuggest('business', options_xml);
As for me, the easiest solution is to pass the the button state to the one script eg only one script but can return different results depending on button state. Otherwise you need to rewrite options each time someone clicks on the radio button. The second solution an lead to unpredictable behavior of auto suggest component.
Sample script:
var selectedValue = getRadioSelectedValue("radioGroupName");
var options_xml = { script: function (input) { return "autosuggest.php?input="+input+"&testid="+document.getElementById('testid').value+"&mode="+selectedValue; },
Write getRadioSelectedValue by yourself to get selected radio button value or set some flag on click. Mode param in GET request will indicates the state of the button, so you can return proper response.