pub get error : Expected a key while parsing a block mapping - flutter

I don't know what the problem is.
I tried to write multiple spaces, and all of them had errors.

Just add a Backspace at flutter_lints:^2.0.0 line 67
follow the # sign in the 66 no line you need to align down to #


Neovim remap for vscode for commenting doesn't work

This is my current code
map z, <Cmd>call VSCodeNotifyRange('editor.action.commentLine', getline('.'), getline('.') + v:count1, 1)<CR>
Usage of VSCodeNotifyRange used as explained in the Neovim extension's readme:
What I'm trying to do: I pass a number to the remap, for example 5z,
The current line and four next lines are selected in vscode, and then commented out
What's happening: nothing gets commented out, and I get jumped to the line I specified the number to
So when I use 5z, I end up on line 5 (absolute). When I use 10z, I end up on line 10, and so on
I imagine this is a syntax issue, any help would be appreciated

ESLint indentation issue with commented lines

There is an indentation issue with comment lines. To give an clear idea please take look on the following screenshot with descriptions.
In my VS code I have configured to Auto saved with ESLint formatting.
In here I have two commented lines of code. (line 49 and 50) with proper indentation.
And then when I save the page, starting from line 47 to 57 (the code block which contains the commented code) indentation become like the below screenshot.
Even after the fixing these issue, it continuously happens.
With comment lines
Without comment lines

How to go to a specific character offset

I'm on MacOS 10.15.7, using BBedit 13.5.5. Under "Go ->" There is only Go to Line Number. I want to go to character 145 of the file.
Here's a crib from page 103 of the user manual (you'll find it on the Help menu):
Alternatively, you can jump to an absolute character offset, by using the ‘line:column’ syntax but leaving the ‘line’ blank or specifying it as zero. For example, entering “0:1500” or “:1500” will cause BBEdit to place the insertion point before the 1500th character in the document. (The range syntax works too; so you could use “0:12-0:56” to select characters 12 through 56.)
Correct - if you select Go from the menu, it says, after selecting Line Number:
:C character offset C in document
So, :20 goes to position 20. But, I have found it is off a few characters, perhaps it is not counting line feed.

Hotstrings to create spaces, em dashes, and bullet points for Google Sheets

I am a new to using AutoHotKey, and really I am trying to use it for one specific purpose. Right now I use Google Sheets to take notes, but the problem with it is that to create em dashes, bullet points, and space I have to use multiple keys. To create spacing between lines in a cell requires the combination CTRL+Enter, em dashes require Alt+0151, and bullet points require Alt+7.
So far, I have tried the following:
To create spaces I have tried both Home::^+Enter, Home::<^+Enter, and Home::<LCtrl+Enter. On the first combo (Home::^+Enter), the script runs but when I hit the Home key, nothing happens. On the second combo (Home::<^+Enter), the script runs but instead of creating a space in the cell like I want it to, it instead inputs <. On the third combo (Home::<^LCtrl+Enter) I get the following error message: "Error: This line does not contain a recognized action."
To create bullet points, I have tried PgUp::!+0151 and PgUp::Alt+0151. In both cases, they give me the "This line does not contain a recognized action" error.
To create em dashes I have tried PgDn::!+7as well as PgDn::Alt+7 but with the same "line does not contain a recognized action" error.
I realize these are very simple errors, but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Can anyone help me get these working?
The code for this is as follows:
Home::Send , ^{enter} for space
PgUp::Send , {U+2022} for bullet point
PgDn::Send , {U+2014} for em dash
Using ASCII characters works fine for me:
Send, {alt down}{Numpad2}{Numpad5}{Numpad0}{alt up}
For space and dash, change the combination to 32 and 45, respectively.
Here I'm using a hotkey (ctrl+2), not a hotstring, though.

Atom / Github removing end-of-file newline

Using Atom 1.14.3, I have whitespace package that handles auto-inserting newlines at the end of files.
Even if I delete the end newline and hit save, it re-adds the newline. This is good.
Whitespace package configuration seems to be okay:
The problem is, when I commit to Github, it says the newline has been removed:
Why is this? Is it an Atom issue, or a potential local github setting issue?
EDIT: somehow, I needed to disable whitespace package, manually add two CRLF at the end of the file, and then commit for Github to pick up the single CRLF at the end of the file.
I think you might be misunderstanding where the newlines are.
Let's look at your two screenshots, and where the newlines are in each.
233 return router;\n
234 };\n
Here we have 234 as the last line in the file. We have a line 235 displayed, but that is because the newline on 234 creates the next line for your editor cursor to be on. If you started typing on 235, you'd be creating more content. But right now, 235 is an empty line (including having no terminating newline).
233 return router;\n
234 };\n
235 \n
This is similar except it also has an empty line 235 that ends with a newline. Now the newline-less empty input line has moved to 236.
When you saved with the whitespace package active, it removed extraneous newlines at the end of the file, leaving only one. As in the first screenshot. However, when you look at the Github diff, things are little different. Github is showing you the file contents, not in an editor. So there is no reason to have the phantom last line for your cursor. Instead, it shows you the simple truth of the matter: line 234 is the last line in the file. Line 235 is now gone.
Let's take a look at the settings for the whitespace package. Specifically the first setting:
Ensure Single Trailing Newline
If the buffer doesn't end with a newline character when it's saved, then append one. If it ends with more than one newline, remove all but one. To disable/enable for a certain language, use syntax-scoped properties in your config.cson.
Here are the first two sentences of the description again, with some emphasis added:
If the buffer doesn't end with a newline character when it's saved, then append one. If it ends with more than one newline, remove all but one.