I'm on MacOS 10.15.7, using BBedit 13.5.5. Under "Go ->" There is only Go to Line Number. I want to go to character 145 of the file.
Here's a crib from page 103 of the user manual (you'll find it on the Help menu):
Alternatively, you can jump to an absolute character offset, by using the ‘line:column’ syntax but leaving the ‘line’ blank or specifying it as zero. For example, entering “0:1500” or “:1500” will cause BBEdit to place the insertion point before the 1500th character in the document. (The range syntax works too; so you could use “0:12-0:56” to select characters 12 through 56.)
Correct - if you select Go from the menu, it says, after selecting Line Number:
:C character offset C in document
So, :20 goes to position 20. But, I have found it is off a few characters, perhaps it is not counting line feed.
So I got a body of space separated text and I'm trying to mine names. These names are the first :
Tsuru Stork greeting for a long last life. Unisex
Yama Mountain; Restrainer; Unisex
Yuka A bright Star Unisex
Yumi A beautiful archery bow Unisex
Yuna The archer Unisex
How can I select everything right of the first string in each row?
I figured out how to select the names themselves with this:
But there doesn't seem to be an easy way in word to highlight, copy then paste the selection.
In summary, how do I select elements after the first string in a new line?
If this is done in Microsoft Word then try the following:
This stands for:
- A space character.
* - Match any sequence of characters.
^13 - Match a newline character (ASCII 13).
If I understood your question correctly, this will highlight all text to the right of the first word in each line. See the below screenshot (don't mind the Dutch pls.):
If you actually need to make sure you select everything after the first multiple space seperation, then maybe use {3,4}*^13:
Again, don't mind the Dutch along with the locale parameter delimiter (semi-colon) in the occurence indicator. This will be a comma if your locale is English.
You can use regex like : (^\w+)
^ start of line
\w+ matches world char one or many times
What's an easy way to convert a multi-line comment (e.g. JSDoc with each line separated by line breaks) into a paragraph without any line breaks that I can copy into an email or another document?
I know I can use search & replace with regular expressions, but is there a more ergonomic way to do it?
You probably knew that you can use multiple cursors to change multiple lines at once, but did you know you can also use them to remove line breaks? Assume you start with this comment:
* Returns a new `Temporal.LocalDateTime` instance representing the first
* valid time during the current calendar day and time zone of `this`.
* The local time of the result is almost always `00:00`, but in rare cases it
* could be a later time e.g. if DST starts at midnight in a time zone. For
* example:
* ```
* const ldt = Temporal.LocalDateTime.from('2015-10-18T12:00-02:00[America/Sao_Paulo]');
* ldt.startOfDay; // => 2015-10-18T01:00-02:00[America/Sao_Paulo]
* ```
First part: use multiple cursors to remove the prefix characters on each line.
Click on the upper-left corner of the comment (the /**).
Now hold down Cmd+Shift (Alt+Shift on PC) and click after the */ on the last line of the comment section.
This will create a columnar, multi-line selection that includes the non-text prefix characters on each line. If the selection doesn't include all the prefix characters, you can hold down the Shift key and use the left or right arrow keys to adjust the width of the selection.
Press the Delete key to remove prefix characters on all lines.
Second part: it's time to delete the line breaks and replace them with spaces. I discovered today that you can use multiple cursors for this part too!
After you've deleted the prefix text above, but before you've pressed any other keys, press the backspace key. It will delete the line breaks but leave each cursor in the same place!
Type the spacebar once to insert one space to replace each line break.
Press ESC to clear multiple selections, and delete the extra space at the start of the line. You may have an extra space(s) at the end of the line too that may need trimming.
Copy the resulting one-line text.
Use Cmd+Z (Ctrl+Z on Windows) to undo the last few changes so your code comment will be back to normal.
Now you can paste the copied text into an email!
The same solution works to replace line breaks with spaces in any multi-line text, not only code comments.
I'm sure that many of you already knew how to do this trick, but I found it so easy and so cool that I thought it was worth sharing as a Q&A here so others can learn about this trick too.
Here's what the steps look like in the VSCode IDE:
Before deleting, you should see something like this:
After deleting prefix characters:
After deleting line breaks (note the multiple cursors are still there):
After inserting spaces in place of the deleted line breaks:
I usually select the first line break, then hit/hold command+D repeatedly to add cursors at all line endings I want to edit. Then, just hit space once.
I'm writing a text on C++. But often the line breaks after the first "+", so I get C+
This is just an example. How can I prevent line breaking of arbitrary parts in my odt doc?
There is no formatting option at the moment
Use the Unicode Character U+2060. Insert it an every point the line breaks, but it shouldn't. It glues two parts together.
Example for "C++" ( | represents the text cursor )
Press Ctrl+Shift+U
u will appear on the screen
Type in 2060
Press Enter
Now the line won't break between C and +.
Move cursor: C+|+
repeat process
If I copy and paste the four symbols from the character selection panel (I'm on macOS) they change to the following: ♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️, whereas I'd like the heart and diamond to be red.
EDIT: Interestingly, i've noticed that if I type the sequence 👁🗨♥️, and then I hit backspace when the cursor is between those two characters, they both transform into 👁♥️! (the same happens with the other three)
Can someone explain what is happening?
I guess this is because your browser doesn't know about these special characters. But I think you can check this page https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_symbols.asp
and replace special characters with unicode codes from page
or from this page http://graphemica.com/%E2%9D%A4
I want to view a word document along with the unicode representation of the special characters.
For example, I want to a word doc containing :
How are you ?
As ,
Hi \r\n How are you ?
Is there any way to do this?
Not programatically. Any software or software mode would suffice.
In Word, select the character and press "alt-x".
This appears to be unavailable in Word for Mac version 2016 (according to Microsoft Answers), or in Office 365's version 16.
If you want to see format control characters as visible symbols, which is what your example is about, then there does not seem to be any direct way. But if you click on the “¶” button (in the Start pane, Paragraph group in new versions of Word), Word adds symbols at ends of visible lines to indicate presence of such controls, e.g.
Here “¶” indicates the presence of CR (U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN, “\r”), whereas a symbol resembling “⤶” would indicate LF (U+000A LINE FEED, “\n”), which indicates a forced line break without paragraph break in Word. And “·” indicates a normal space (U+0020 SPACE), whereas “°” would indicate a no-break space (U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE).
For visible characters, the AltX method described by #JasonPlutext works well. You don’t even need to select the character. You can just click between it and the next character, to place the cursor there, and then press AltX.