Maven dependencies are downloaded but eclipse won't resolve them - eclipse

A multi-module maven project will be buit successfully from the command line using mvn clean install and is loaded successfully in vscode without any compilation errors.
When the same project is opened in Eclipse (version Version: 2022-09 (4.25.0), Build id: 20220908-1902), I see compilation errors for dependencies not resolved for example:
The import cannot be resolved
I tried everything to resolve this error, nothing worked, for example:
Update maven project
Project / Clean
Remove maven feature, delete the project, reimport, and convert back to maven
The strange thing is that if I delete the repository folder from <user-home>\m2.\repository and make a simple change to any pom.xml file, the entire repository folder is downloaded. Also, I located the JAR file using VSCode (ctrl-click) and I can see the related JAR logEnglish-1.0.jar in the local .m2 repository folder <user-home>\.m2\repository\logEnglish\logEnglish\1.0\logEnglish-1.0.jar.
The problem is that only Eclipse is reporting compilation errors and a lot or maybe all of the maven dependencies are not resolved. This is also affecting the debugging option and it breaks due to such compilation errors.
Another thing I noticed is that the Maven Dependencies folder is not showing on the Project Explorer no in Package Explorer, but I can see Maven Dependencies entry in Project Properties -> Configure Build Path -> Libraries.
Please help resolve this issue so that I can clear the compilation errors in Eclipse.
Update 1:
I created a simple parent/child pom with one inner module. I was able to reproduce the problem right away.
See attached snapshots for details.
The compile errors will show only when you open the parent project. If you open the inner module directly as a separate project, no compile errors will show and I can run and debug the project. However, if I try to debug the parent project, I will get a warning due to compile errors, and I can run the project only and only after I added the jar of the inner module to the classpath of the debug configuration. If I don't add the jar file, I will get this error Error: Could not find or load main class training.FirstProjectClass. The project is being built successfully using mvn clean install and that's why I can run the project. If I run mvn clean then I cannot run the parent project.
Also, notice how the maven dependencies folder will show if you open the inner project directly, but, it won't show if you open the parent project.
In addition, I noticed if I add the inner project to the classpath of the debug config then it works also without building the project and without generating the jar file using mvn clean install.
Based on the above, the problem boils down to:
How we can resolve the dependencies of the inner modules when you open the project using the parent maven project?
If we can resolve the errors, then we can run without seeing the warning, and we have the assurance that the project is clear before running the mvn clean install command.


Errors in eclipse pom.xml but maven clean install is successful

It seems that the property ${user.dir} is recognized by Maven but not recognized by Eclipse. I am seeing the errors below in the pom.xml file in eclipse everywhere then there is a reference to this section:
The errors are:
Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath.segmentCount()" because "outputDir" is null (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar:bpcstudioToats:package)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath.segmentCount()" because "outputDir" is null
The good thing is that the command mvn clean install is working fine. I run this command from eclipse right-click run/build and from the command line, and all is working fine.
This is causing eclipse not to recognize the maven dependencies correctly, and reporting compilation errors in various places, and the compilation in maven is successful.
Any idea how to resolve this issue?
I replaced all references to user.dir with project.basedir in all pom.xml, did a project clean, and updated maven, then all errors disappeared. But, I could see a new folder was created under each project base directory. I will check what was the intent of using user.dir and then will provide an update.

Gradle other project as dependency in eclipse

I have a web application which depends on another standalone project. Simply the web project requires a standalone project jar to be in classpath. I have built the standalone project jar with gradle and included that in web application's WEB-INF/lib folder. The project is running as expected. Now i want to make it automatic by adding that project as dependency. This is also achieved using the following code.
include 'job-invoker'
project(':job-invoker').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../job-invoker')
dependencies {
compile project(':job-invoker')
I'm able to build the war file from command line using gradle and run it in tomcat. But i'm getting errors in eclipse. I'm not able to run the project in eclipse due to the compilation errors. Can some one please help me. Thanks in advance.
Finally i found a solution for this by installing the other project in maven local repository and adding this as a regular dependency in project. Reference code is given below.
Other project Gradle file
apply plugin: 'maven'
group = ''
version = '1.0'
Run gradle install command on this project. Then add mavenLocal() to your repositories in another project and add the dependency
compile ''

Eclipse can't find a class on my classpath

The project is a maven project.
run as maven install works
mvn install works
I have tried mvn eclipse:eclipse to update project, I can see the jar file in my properties order and export
I have closed and reopened the project
I have deleted and re added the project
I have done a refresh
I have done a maven update project
I have cleaned the project
maven disable maven nature and then configure convert to maven project
It builds just fine from:
The command line:
mvn install
In eclipse run as maven install
It works in intellij idea
For the love of all that is holy...
There was a class of the same name in this project with all lines commented out.
Deleting that source file fixed the problem.

Install child modules' 3rd party dependencies to local maven repo

I have a big maven project which has smaller child modules. I imported the project using m2e eclipse plugin and i got lots of compilation errors in eclipse.
After i built the whole project using mvn clean install some of the errors are gone(because maven plugin is able to find those dependencies in local repository and reference them from there), but the child modules still show lots of compilation error because the child modules' dependencies are missing from local repo. The dependencies are getting copied in a /lib folder inside target folder of child module.

Intellij unable to resolve references to a specific jar file

In a given project that is driven by sbt there is some kind of corruption in the project libraries specifically for a MavenLocal repository used for kafka-spark-9.7.2.jar in which:
references to the classes provided by that jar are marked as "symbol not found" by the editor parser
however the editor (strangely) does offer to import the classes
but after accepting the import, the symbols are still marked in red as unresolved.
The following attempts to "clean things up" have already been performed:
Build | Make Project
Build | Rebuild Project
In addition I have verified that the project does build from
sbt package
on the command line
UPDATE After re-running sbt gen-idea the librraries are still not found by the Parser. yet the libraries exist -even IJ knows about them as shown in the following screenshot. Why is it that IJ can find the library
However IJ is unable to resolve any classes from that library in the Parser?
You have to build the project for Intellij, try to do this in your project root:
sbt idea with-sources=yes
This should build the project structure from scratch and add the right dependencies, usually I refresh the project after adding a dependency or a jar.
To use the command you need this plugin, otherwise you can use gen-idea but I used it only a few times and I'm not sure how it will work out.
There was some confusion, first, for the IDEA SBT console you don't need to prepend the sbt command since you already are inside sbt:
If you have the sbt plugin for idea you can use gen-idea with-source=yes (without prepending sbt)
From the terminal, either you go to your project root and type sbt to enter the sbt console and use gen-idea or idea with-sources=yes (without prepending sbt)
or directly sbt gen-idea or if you have the plugin sbt idea with-sources=yes (prepending sbt)
To reach the sbt console inside idea you need to install the sbt plugin on preferences -> plugin and search for sbt and then View -> Tool Windows -> SBT Console:
To start the console click on the play button, to kill the console on the skull.
I had the same problem. I fixed it by directly writing the CLASSES and SOURCES of the problematic library. This can be found in .idea/libraries/SBT__<problematic library>_jar.xml