Intellij unable to resolve references to a specific jar file - scala

In a given project that is driven by sbt there is some kind of corruption in the project libraries specifically for a MavenLocal repository used for kafka-spark-9.7.2.jar in which:
references to the classes provided by that jar are marked as "symbol not found" by the editor parser
however the editor (strangely) does offer to import the classes
but after accepting the import, the symbols are still marked in red as unresolved.
The following attempts to "clean things up" have already been performed:
Build | Make Project
Build | Rebuild Project
In addition I have verified that the project does build from
sbt package
on the command line
UPDATE After re-running sbt gen-idea the librraries are still not found by the Parser. yet the libraries exist -even IJ knows about them as shown in the following screenshot. Why is it that IJ can find the library
However IJ is unable to resolve any classes from that library in the Parser?

You have to build the project for Intellij, try to do this in your project root:
sbt idea with-sources=yes
This should build the project structure from scratch and add the right dependencies, usually I refresh the project after adding a dependency or a jar.
To use the command you need this plugin, otherwise you can use gen-idea but I used it only a few times and I'm not sure how it will work out.
There was some confusion, first, for the IDEA SBT console you don't need to prepend the sbt command since you already are inside sbt:
If you have the sbt plugin for idea you can use gen-idea with-source=yes (without prepending sbt)
From the terminal, either you go to your project root and type sbt to enter the sbt console and use gen-idea or idea with-sources=yes (without prepending sbt)
or directly sbt gen-idea or if you have the plugin sbt idea with-sources=yes (prepending sbt)
To reach the sbt console inside idea you need to install the sbt plugin on preferences -> plugin and search for sbt and then View -> Tool Windows -> SBT Console:
To start the console click on the play button, to kill the console on the skull.

I had the same problem. I fixed it by directly writing the CLASSES and SOURCES of the problematic library. This can be found in .idea/libraries/SBT__<problematic library>_jar.xml


Inside IDE(IntelliJ), could not find sbt dependies from External Libraries

I am starting a Scala project and I'm using SBT and Intellij 2020.2.3 as my IDE.
I have the following build.sbt file from the project, but I can't seem to get the dependencies in the Idea IDE "External Libraries" section to show up in "libraryDependencies" of SBT after running "sbt update".
The Idea version is that:
The Idea External Libraies are that:
The Sbt libraryDependencies are that:
In my experience , Intellij is very slow to pickup on dependencies and display them.
Bare in mind this is not a reflection on sbt , and asides for the annoyance, you should still be able to sbt compile from the console.
That is the first thing I suggest you test. If you can compile , that means the dependencies were downloaded, are available on the classpath, and its just a matter of getting Intellij to recognize that
You can try one of 2 things, hover over the dependencies in your build.sbt file and you might see a refresh project option , or you can go to module section in project settings and reimport

How to synchronize Intellij and sbt builds for a scala project

I have an sbt project that I have imported into Intellij. Sometimes I build the project at the command line using sbt, and then when I need to debug I build it from within Intellij. However, each time I alternate it requires a full rebuild when there is no need. Both build procedures output to the same class folder, namely .../target/scala-2.11/classes, so I don't understand why a full rebuild keeps happening?
As stated by CrazyCoder, intellij and sbt build have each their own tracking of changed files for incremental build. Thus each time one re-compile a file, the other treats it as a changed file and recompile it too.
While CrazyCoder's answer describes how to make them work on separated directory, by changing the sbt compiled classes dir. This answer explain how you can configure Intellij to use sbt for all build, thus only sbt does the compilation. This is a relatively new feature.
Just check the option:
> Settings
> Build, Execution, Deployment
> Build Tools
> Use SBT shell for build and import
It works at least since intellij version 2017.2.3, and most probably it is an option from the SBT plugin.
For details about this feature, see jetbrains ticket:
IntelliJ IDEA cannot reuse the classes produced by the other build systems because it has its own incremental compiler which tracks the dependencies and builds the caches during the compilation so that it can compile only modified and dependent files when you make a change in the code. When you built with SBT/Maven/Gradle or command line javac, IntelliJ IDEA compiler cache doesn't know about what has changed and which files it should compile, therefore it performs the full rebuild.
A solution would be to use different output directories for IDE and SBT, this way IntelliJ IDEA will rebuild only files modified since the last build in the IDE and your command line SBT build will not trigger a rebuild in the IDE.
This configuration is performed using the sbt-ide-settings plug-in.
Add the following into plugins.sbt (or whatever files you configure the plugins in):
resolvers += Resolver.url("jetbrains-bintray",url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("org.jetbrains" % "sbt-ide-settings" % "0.1.2")
And here is how to customize the IDE output directory in build.sbt:
ideOutputDirectory in Compile := Some(new File("target/idea/classes"))
ideOutputDirectory in Test := Some(new File("target/idea/test-classes"))
Feel free to change the paths according to your needs.

Editing Build.scala in Intellij

I want to migrate our build from maven to SBT, so now I work separatedly on Build.scala file. However I don't benefit from any syntax highlighting (that is quite obvious, I don't have SBT in my classpath). What is the correct way to get SBT to my classpath, adding sbt-launch.jar does not seem to help.
IntelliJ 13 has built-in SBT support; if you're running a lower version, then you can have a look at their sbt plugin.
There's also an sbt plugin on github for generating idea project files. I've had success with running the gen-idea task it provides.
Run sbt gen-idea. It will create a "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME - build" project within your main project (for whatever your YOUR_PROJECT_NAME happens to be). Under the project folder of the build project, I was able to write a Build.scala with the following code:
import sbt._
object Build extends Build {
The SBT Build trait is recognized just fine. I'm running IntelliJ 13 build #IU-133-696, Scala plugin 0.30.378.
Eventually what I did is finished to write my build.sbt stub, and opened a project with it. Now everything seem to work.

Unable to make IntelliJ Idea 12 work with Scala compiler

I have installed Scala, sbt, eclipse and IntelliJ Idea 12. And also jdk, jre, etc. I'm able to run scala in Eclipse (Scala eclipse IDE) but I can't do it in Idea, even though I downloaded and installed scala plugin though Idea. Here is what I'm having at File -> Setting
and at a new project creation page
How do I solve these issues?
whereis scala
scala: /usr/bin/scala /usr/bin/X11/scala /usr/share/scala
which scala
I know I'm repeating this at any possible occasion—but your life will be much easier if you have sbt generate your IDEA project instead of trying to set it up manually. That will take care of configuring the modules correctly, so you are instantly ready to compile and run.
Here is a blog entry that might help. The section "How can I integrate libraries installed by SBT to IDEA?" tells you how to generate the project files.
Basically you need to create—starting from the root directory of your project—the file project/plugins.sbt with the following content:
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.4.0")
(you can also do that in the file ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt instead, that way you have the plugin available for any of your projects)
Then you run sbt gen-idea, and afterwards you can open the project directly from IDEA through File -> Open Project (and pointing to the project's root directory).
You could also generate your IDEA project with Gradle, which handles Scala+IDEA combination very well. Here's a minimal build.gradle script to do this:
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'idea'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.1'
Just create a directory for your project, put build.gradle inside it, create src/main/scala subdirectory, then install Gradle and run gradle idea inside your project's directory. That should generate nicely configured IDEA project. With this method you don't even need to install Scala.
What exactly your problem is? I don't see anything on your screens which prevents you from using Scala in IDEA. Just select "Set Scala Home" radiobutton in "New project" dialog and then select your Scala installation path (I guess it will be /usr/share/scala). IDEA then will automatically create library and compiler libraries and add Scala facet to your project.

Getting IntelliJ IDEA understand SBT dependencies

I have SBT and Scala installed and things work well.
Now I have an IntellIJ IDEA project, which works otherwise OK except that dependencies which are downloaded into /Users/MyName/.ivy2/cache/ are not understood.
I tried setting the cache path as a source folder:
but still things don't work out:
As you can see, org.eclipse is in red color meaning it can't find it. It must be inside that .jar file I showed on the left.
I just want to update/download dependencies using SBT, and then get the compilation to work in IntelliJ IDEA with those dependencies.
Use the sbt-idea plugin for SBT. Then you can run "gen-idea" from the sbt command line and it will generate the metadata files used by IDEA. These files contain the locations of jars as SBT uses them so that IDEA will know where the dependencies are, just like SBT.